
in marvel with infinite points

the first book if you don't like it you can leave please these fanfin I made it for sacrifices so please don't hate and I'm not sure how many times I will post maybe once a week

appdi_TG · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

chapter 1 a light ball EDITED

in an empty space full of endless darkness known as eternal emptiness is a ball

white very quiet but suddenly the ball vibrated

Why he vibrated is simply the ball without his will

the ball itself absorbed the energy of the goal and the seconds passed then minutes and then hours

and therefore years all this time the ball slept peacefully he did not know that someone was looking at him very interested

billions of years passed and absorbing the energy of the void he came to have more energy than, vidu himself but it all ended when a ray of bright light passed through the void like a lighthouse on the sea with fog not long after the ray went out and an old man with a white beard appeared

White hair with an aura of a king and has a dominating authority and in his eyes a penetrating look and looked at the ball with a very playful and amused smile then waved his hand, and appeared a full gold throne with many runes that gave him an air of royalty and supremacy and the old man sat on the throne quietly waiting for the ball to say something

Bila: Good old gentleman, can I ask you a question? what am I looking for in this void? and how can I help you and who are you?

The old man looked at the ball and knew that the ball was far beyond his power and even seemed to be stronger than the vacuum, the old man thought about what to do with his soul. the soul did not give a bad aura and could not erase the soul of the ball itself would die from the hand of the goal so it is

He had an idea if the soul wanted to go into those stories of mortals and would give him 10 desire using his authority and his energy could want anything even without help or he could do it but many billions would remain empty. that he tells her

God: good boy you are empty! because you are part of the void I am god I am here to give you 10 wish! You can want anything and be able to be reborn in those fans.

[N / A damn old man wants to get rid of mc ho wait like you see hahahaha nobody messes with my boy]

God suddenly felt cold in that column and thought: what the hell was that.

After hearing it he had stars in his eyes and asked: even anything like those op systems or genealogical lines can and I have 10 desire,

in fancfin that I read many times to give them a wish and there are even those worlds like naruto one piece etc

said the soul and then the god he laughed at: hahahahaha yes you can have and yes there are those worlds but you can't buy genealogical lines from another world until you go for it or a strong one if your body can't take it you will die but m- first in what world do you want to be reborn and with what in appearance.

to which mc has been concerned: and the world is placed as a desire. God told him no

Mc: I want to go to the marvel world as tony stark's brother and regain consciousness 5 months before tony goes to afghanistan, i want a height of 185cm, with 70 kilograms, an abdomen 8 packs, a black hair with red strands, white red eyes, and a face that any woman even married and if she were a goddess would get wet and dream of me whenever she was aroused,

god agreed but said "when you wake up your face will be 9/10"

I would have agreed

1) I want an anime system and have all the functions, map, inventory, status, store,

lottery. and many more

God has confirmed

2) really an inner world and grow with me and have the energy of emptiness and all the energies in any world go and be able to evolve and put plant creatures and have space and time and name affect age ie a second out can be a 1 billion years inside

god confirmed but said (when you wake up you can only do an hour 100 years to increase the rate you have to become me strong)

3) I want an ability that can

(1 any person who puts a green sign will never betray but you would not change your personality

2 or any person I put a pink sign on

they will fall in love indefinitely and will do anything for me but it will not change their personality

3 any person who puts a black sign means an enemy and to show me where I am and to be able to telepote them and the same with the pink and green one)

God has confirmed

4) I want true immortality so that no one can kill me even if they want to from mega dragon balls and it can't be stolen copied by anyone and at the age of 26 I can only grow old and give it to other people and take it back

God has confirmed

5) I want my powers not to be able to be copied off or cloned

god has confirmed

6) I want to be born with the talent to any ability to have the intermediate level

God has confirmed

7) I want a sense of the superior spider that feels negative emotions and abdates at the level of the opponent

God has confirmed

8) I want infinite points at the store I want tickets from the weakest degree to the strongest and be infinite at the gacha lottery

god confirmed but put a condition (you can use up to the gold ticket for the biggest you have to win them and you can use the lottery once a month)

God has confirmed

9) The protagonist has an aura that increases the chances of well-being and attracts girls

God has confirmed

10) Infinitely intelligent charm and its can control

god confirmed confirmed mc said

Mc: leave the rest for me and thank you. to which God laughed out loud and amused

God: hahahaha gladly well now go baby go

and so I was sucked into a black hole