
Chapter 54 Not my wife

“Paul what is wrong with you? I asked you if you don’t want to marry her so I can withdraw everything but you said I should go ahead, why are you making it look like is all my fault?” His mom ask him when Sharon left their two alone.

“ Haven’t you got want you want?” Paul asking his mom. “I am now married to Sharon, what else do you want Mom?”

“Please stop all this act and be reasonable.”

“Am not stupid mom, am been reasonable, and by the way I want to resume work tomorrow, is there anything you want me to know about the company that I don’t already know?” Paul ask as if he doesn’t care.

“When you are in a right frame of mind then I will tell you.”

“Fine, where is dad?”

“He is outside preparing to go for his tennis game.”

“Ok, see you later mom”, he hug his mom and left while Sharon just stood there looking at him walked away without speaking to her.

“My dear everything is going to be fine, just a little more time he will come around.”

“Yea, I know he will come around, but when? Sharon don’t know, she only knows that it wouldn’t be long before she looses her mind.

“Dad are you ready? Am coming with you”

“Really? You are not suppose to go anywhere Paul, you are still on your honeymoon. You are supposed to be with your wife.”

“I don’t think so dad, is that how you went on your honeymoon with mom?, he enters the car waiting for his dad to come in.

 “I know you are angry, but you just have to do this, there are lots of things you won’t understand now, but as you grow older you will get to understand this things”

“Hmmmm, I see” was all Paul could say.

“So how are you doing with your new wife?” Mr. Brown ask trying to make Paul talk.

“That is mom’s wife, I will marry my own wife when I found her.”

“Are we still talking about the same girl?” I understand you love her but there is no way you will marry her”

“Why not? Anyways forget her she is with someone else.”

“What! How?” Mr. Brown ask surprised.

“She is pregnant for someone else?”

“No… how? Who told you that?”

“Bridget and mother.”

“And you believe them?, When did she got pregnant, I mean which month?

“Dad how am I supposed to know that?”

“You were with her before you left for school” he cleared his throat looking at Paul to indicate that Paul should understand.

“What are you driving at dad,?”

“Am only saying that if it is true that the girl is pregnant then the baby could be yours”

Paul wanted to jump out of his sit, James has already said that but he didn’t take it seriously, now he started thinking of the possibility of it happening, he started recalling the last time he and Christy has seen each other.

“Dad what do I do? Because Christy ran out of the house, that is what Bridget told me”

“You need to find out the truth, but I doubt if there is much you can do right now because you are already married”

“Not if she is pregnant with my child,” Paul said foaming with anger at Bridget.

Sharon resumed work and everything has changed when she got to work, people start running around greeting her with respect and there was great murmuring within the hospital.

“What is going on? I hope they’ve not sacked me? Why do I always feel like something is not right in this hospital and yet I feel comfortable working here?” she went to look for fineface, because he is the only one she trust to tell her what is really going on.

“Heyyyy… you are back Mrs.”

Sharon smile at him, she has missed him a lot, she was still wondering  why she didn’t go for him, maybe because she was trying to get Paul by all means, now it felt like is all a huge mistake.

“Yea, how is work? Did you miss me?” She ask still smiling.

“Yes, I missed you a lot, I even went to your office every now and then just to check up on you.”

“Hmmm, that was so sweet of you, you didn’t come to my wedding why?”

“Says who? I was there all the time” fineface was so happy to see her again.

“Really, thanks for coming, but I didn’t see you I guess I was busy with everything.”


“So tell me what is going on, why is everyone behaving like they have seen a ghost when I walked in?”

“Where?, I didn’t notice that”

fineface pretending not to know that Sharon is about to assume her rightful position as the new owner of the hospital, her mother has been waiting for this day to reveal to her that she has built this hospital to gift it to her after her wedding, she has always been afraid that Sharon would not get married.

“I don’t like the way people looked at him in this hospital, maybe I will just look for another hospital and apply.”

“There will be no need for that Sharon, and besides I got your back.”

“Yea, thanks for that, am so grateful to have you here if not I would have left a long time ago.”

Hahaha they both laugh.

A nurse walked in to inform them that they have a new patient and they both rushed out to see what the case may be.

“You can handle it”, fineface tells Sharon.

“No, am not in a right frame of mind to do that, let’s handle it together.”


“So why do you sound as if you are not happy, and why are you at work when you are supposed to be in your honeymoon with your husband.” Fineface ask when they are done with the patient.

“Can I tell you something?” Sharon ask fineface seeing that she can always tell him anything without been judge.

“Yes, anything”

“I don’t think am married” her face dropped as she say the word.

Hahaha, fineface laugh.

“Please don’t make me laugh, I saw you got married Sharon”, hahaha.

“You wouldn’t understand and is ok if you want to laugh at me, but am saying the truth.”

”Ok..ok, joke apart, what are you saying?”

“It was arranged, the marriage”


“I don’t know, my mom was in a hurry to marry me off, so she found Paul for me but Paul loves someone else.”

“What! And you fall for that?” Fineface find himself yelling.

“Shhhh… bring down your voice someone might hear you.”

“Am sorry, but this is making me shout, at your level and you still fall for that?”

“What do you want me to do when am trying to please my mother?”

“Look I thought we have gone pass that era, I don’t know we still have people who believe in arrange marriage” fineface was still angry for Sharon’s sake.

“That is easy for you to say when you don’t have Parents who will bring down hell on earth because they feel like you own them your life.”

“Am really sorry to hear that, I thought you were happy with him”

“It wouldn’t be that hard if only Paul loves me”

“But do you love this guy? Fineface asking hoping to hear no.”

“Well, I do a little,”

“A little means you don’t love him”

“No, I do, I love him a lot, but he is making it hard for me to show him how much I love him.”

“Hmmm, that is a serious one” fineface didn’t know what else to say.

      Paul and dad came back from playing tennis and he felt light for the first time in months, at least he has hope for Christy even though he is still having his reservations about her and she been pregnant for him.

He needs to see things for himself before deciding on what to do.

    “Welcome Paul”, Sharon greeted Paul as he walks into the room, but it felt odd.

Paul didn’t like the feeling, for a second he forgot that he is now sharing his room with Sharon, when he came back from playing tennis and didn’t meet Sharon at home he has forgotten about everything not until now that he has to hear this odd voice greeting him.

He didn’t answer, he just thought of moving out of that room.

    “Why are you doing this Paul? Ok can you tell me what I’ve done wrong that you can’t forgive me?”

    “You didn’t do anything wrong to me and I didn’t do anything wrong to you, just ask your mom that question.”

Sharon just kept quiet.

“I guess you know the answer,” Paul said and went to look for were to sleep.

“I don’t know how long I can take this” tears stood on Sharon’s eyes.

   “If you can’t take it anymore, you know what to do. As for me, wait until I find Christy”.

“Is this all about Christy again, after our marriage?”

“Not our marriage, your marriage, because I made it clear from the beginning, all you should have done was help me tell your mom that is not going to work but instead you kept quiet, just enjoy your marriage all by yourself.”

Sharon break down and cry bitterly.