
Chapter 23 Night Queens

"I told you I don’t like this dress, and why is everyone clapping for us? Christy whispers to Sharon as they take their sit.

"Just keep quiet, will you, don’t disgrace me here." Sharon warns.

Christy decide to be quiet and watch what they are doing.

Paul push through the crowd to get  a better view, because he thought that he saw someone that looks like Christy.

"What!, Is Christy", he yell, "what is she doing here? And who is the other one? Sharon!, OMG, what is she up to this time?" He try to push his way to get to Christy but the guards stopped him.

"You can't go in there", they said.

"Why? She is my girlfriend" he yell.

"And so?, you are not allow to go up there or we will throw you out".

Paul left that point and turn round.

"Heyy… I've been looking for you" Patrick told Paul, "Did  you see Christy? She is with Sharon, what’s up with them?" Patrick ask Paul.

"I don’t know, ask James he is the one who know about this party."

"Where is James?" Paul ask.

"He is somewhere with Bridget, I left them to look for you as soon as I saw Christy, is she a hawker?"  Patrick ask.

"No, no..no..no..no..no." Paul said remembering their first  time. "She was still a virgin when I meet her not long ago, she cannot be a hawker."

"What are you thinking?" Patrick ask.

"I was the one who des-virgined her," Paul told Patrick.

"What? So you guys have gone that far?"

"Is not like that, it just happen, we didn’t mean to do it." Paul defend themselves before Patrick as if he is going to get mad at them.

"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up to the best artist in town, he has won the Grammy award in the UK and is here to show us what he’s got."

"Yeaaa…" they all clap and shout as the  artiest made his way to the  stage.

After the performance, the queens of the night where call upon to come on sage and showcase what they’ve got. 

They all got up except Christy.

"What are you doing?" Sharon held her hand and push her up.

They went on stage and perform the snake dance, to  the surprise of everyone and to Christy herself she could dance without struggles.

"Wow, I love this", she smile.

"I told you. Come  on let’s show them what we’ve got" Sharon said, and they took the stage to another level.

"That was unbelievable" Sharon said to Christy when they got off the stage and went to the restroom.

"You are so incredible, look at you, so beautiful", she said trying to touch her breast.

"Stop it will you?" Christy  said, "why do you always do that?"

"Do what?, You don’t like it?" She ask smiling at her. " I don’t like is one bit."

"I'm sorry…" she  said trying to hug her.

"I said stop!" Christy yell at her.

"I'm not doing anything, am only trying to hug you."

"Don’t hug me, I want to go home".

"But the party just started we can’t go home now."

"Then can I at least go and change this?"

"You didn’t have another dress remember?, This is the only dress you have. And don’t tell me you are going to put  on that dress  you  were  putting on when I saw  you."

"Yes, that is the only one I have for now."

"Ok, just wait let the party finish, I will get you  another dress  tomorrow."

"Really"? Christy jump up and down, she wanted  to hug her and to say thank you but she remembered  that Sharon might tough her breast again so she just keep jumping up and down thanking her.

"Is ok, you are too happy for my liking now."

"Oh.. I'm sorry" she stop jumping.

"Let’s go and see what is going on."


Just as they open the door, Paul, Patrick, James and Bridget are standing there staring at them without saying a word.

"What?" Sharon close the door, and then open it again in a few seconds.

"What are you guys doing here?" She ask.

"No, is like this, what are you girls doing here dressing half naked?" Paul said looking at Christy up and down as if to say “you are a bag of shitt”

"I.. I.. I told her I don’t want to wear it, but she insisted I wear it" Christy said bowing a little.

"Is he your father?" Sharon ask Christy, "why do you have to explain anything to him?"

"You stay away from this," Paul told Sharon, " I will deal with you when the time comes."

"Deal with me? you can’t even stand me not to talk of dealing with me", Sharon face Paul.

"Get out of my way," he took Christy’s hand and start dragging her out of the place but Sharon stopped him.

"What do you think you are doing? I brought her here, I will take her home myself."

"Stay out of this, or you wouldn’t  like what I will do to you", Paul told Sharon.

Sharon left Paul and went to call one off the body guard.

"They were here just now, maybe he took her" Sharon told the guard, they rush towards the entrance  and Paul was taking Christy into his car.

"Hey.. stop there, what are you doing?" The guard ask Paul. 

"I'm taking her home, her mom is looking for her."

"She is not a kid, she can speak for herself."

"Your mom is looking for you and am taking you home" Paul turn and said to Christy.

"No..no..no.. don’t take me home, I don’t want to go home, they will kill me". Christy start begging and crying.

"You heard the girl, leave her alone," the guard said and order Christy to come out of the car.

Christy hurried out of Paul's car and beg Paul not to take her home to her stepmom.

But Paul wasn’t taking her home, he was just trying to take Christy out of there but they all misunderstood him.

Paul left her alone and Sharon took her back to the club.

"What were you thinking following him like that,?" She query Christy.

"Nothing, I though he wants to ask me something."

"Do you want to go with him?" Sharon ask Christy.

"No..no.. he will take me back home, I don’t want  to go home."

"Ok, so don’t follow him again."

Christy just nod, not wanting to start another argument with Sharon.

After a few minute, a guy came looking for Sharon.

"Where is she?"

"Who?" Sharon ask.

"The girl with you, someone wants her."

"Who is the person" Sharon ask very angry.

"Is a big shot, he wants her and you know you can’t say no."


"Because he can buy you."

"Go and tell that big shot of yours that he cannot have her,  he should try getting her if he can."

Sharon took Christy and they went home.

"Where is Christy?" Paul ask Sharon a week after that day.

"She is none of your business, she is my responsibility now."

"What the hell are you saying? How can she be your responsibility?"

"Do you now that she ran away from home? No, of course you don’t know."

"I know." Paul reply.

"Then what have you done since then?" Sharon ask.

"I haven’t seen her since then, so where are you keeping her?"

"I won’t tell you that."

"Why not?"

"Because I don’t "want to." Sharon said.

"Good, then am going to tell your mother and my mother the truth."

"What truth?"

"That you do drugs."

"But you promise not to tell?"

"Yes, but as it stance now I have no choice but to tell, but if you show be where Christy is I might still keep your secret."

"Fine, follow me," Sharon took Paul to where Christy is.

"Paul…" Christy ran to Paul and hugged him.

"Is this really you?" Paul ask. Instead of shouting at her as he originally planned to do, he found himself hugging and petty her.

"How long have you been here?"

"Two weeks."

"Have you been eating well?"

" Thanks to Sharon, she has been really good to me."

"Why will Sharon do that?" Paul Wonder, "I don’t trust that girl, she might be up to something."

"You are coming with me", Paul told Christy, "I don’t want you staying with Sharon."

"But why? Christy ask, she has been so good to me."

"How do I tell her that Sharon is not good for her? She is a bad influence.

"You don’t really know who Sharon is ok, so just follow me now that you still have your sanity."

"What? Is it that bad?" Christy ask.

"Yes is that bad."

Christy remembered how Sharon use to look at her and licking her lips. "I know something is wrong with her but I don’t know what it is." She said to herself.

"Yes, I will follow you, but please don’t take me to my house, they will kill me."

"Don’t worry, am not taking you to your house."