
The truth reveals.

Mark Phillip.

"I swear I didn't want to do it Mark, it was him, I'm so sorry" I stared at the girl who was crying bitterly on the floor

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling more confused, what was she talking about?. All of a second I was hit by something on my head and I fell down and slowly lose consciousness.

"Mark, Mark" I snapped into reality and the first thing I saw was Percy's worried face, why was I on a bed?, I quickly sat up, I was in an hospital room. I looked from Percy to Diana and to the doctor, worried look on their faces

"What happened?" Percy asked me

"I can't tell, I just know I had a dream" I said and Percy looked at the doctor

"Thanks doc, I'll handle it from here" she said and the doctor exited out of the room

"What was the dream about?" Percy asked and Diana came to sit next to me

"She was siting on the floor crying-"

"Who?" Percy asked

"The girl we came to see, she told me she didn't want to do it and that it was him"