

"I can't believe we failed some thing so simple". Martha said not looking happy. she was on her pyjamas, lying flat on her bed facing her laptop video calling Mariana.

"oh good Lord Martha. for the eleventh time. It's not our fault. I mean we tried but not everyone gets to be a winner, right?!". Mariana said not really asking a question

"I mean you are right but you know we could have done more better". Martha said not really feeling encouraged by Mariana

"true. but now we learnt it, we can do much better now". Mariana said

Martha phone vibrated as she looked at the screen. she picked it up and open it and she scrolled through.

"what is it?". Mariana asked

"It's nothing. I just received a notification from Instagram. Angela is live". Martha said still looking at her phone

"you mean the girl from lesson?". Mariana asked

"Yeah. OH MY GOSH..." Martha exclaimed looking surprised

"What?!". Mariana asked looking concerned

"do you know that she's lesbian? she's going live with her girlfriend". Martha asked still looking down at her phone

"that's not surprising. I mean with the way she looks at you and talk about her gender so sexually. you did know without a guess". Mariana said

"Yeah you're right". Martha said

"Mariana time for dinner". Mrs. Thomson Deja called out.

"I've to go. Ma is calling". Mariana said and ended the call. she climed down from her bed. she wore her slippers and walked out of the room.

Mariana walked up to the dinning table and sat opposite her mom as they ate silently.

"Mrs. Aliyah told me what happened when you went over to her place today". Mrs. deja said to her daughter

"What did she say?". Mariana asked not really looking at her mom.

"that Lucas made you cry again.." Mrs. Deja said staring straight at her daughter

"she wasn't home. how did she know?". Mariana asked again with her eyes still on her food.

"so it's true. why do you keep going there just for you to get hurt by that boy?" Mrs. Deja said looking angry but still calm.

"Ma...." Mariana try to speak but was cut off

"I understand that Mr. Steven and your father were childhood friends and that's why the both family turned out to be family friends but I won't tolerate seeing tears in your eyes because of them". Mrs. Deja said now sounding angry

"Ma.... not them. and it's just teens disagreement that I can sought out my self okay. it's been like this for the past seventeen years". Mariana said looking annoyed.

"I want you to stop going there. at least minimise the way you always go there". Mrs. deja said

"and you think dad will be happy that you broke the Relation ship between two families. besides Martha is my Best friend mom, I can't stop going there neither will I minimise going there. and Martha will always come here too. I'm done with dinner. good night ma". Mariana said angrily as she got up

"maria". Mrs. deja called out but Mariana already slammed the door shut.

Mariana sat on her bed. she did know what to feel or how she's feeling but she knows that being reminded of her father was heart breaking and tears flooded her eyes threatening to flow down.

her eyes fell on her dad's photo frame beside her bed and picked it up.

"I miss you dad, so much. I know it's over three years now but I can't get use to you not being around". the tears flow freely not wanting to stop anytime soon.

she sobbed silently for a long while. soon only sniffing was heard. she wiped the tears off her cheeks and eyes with the back of her palm and laid flat on her bed with her blanket covering her. she was still hugging the photo frame tightly. not long she was already sleeping like a baby.