
Scary Basement

It was an underground basement where a normal person can't even stand with. 

There was many enclosed cell with single small window.

It was very dark and scary place. Only few yellow lights were on so that one can find a way. It gives a chilled goosebumps because there was squeal and yelp of those who where behind that bars. Everyone can hear the erie sound of shackles of chain which was echoing there.

Whole area was under the servillance of 24*7.

There's a room which was painted with balck and grey. Nothing can be seen there because only one a lamp as a source of light which emits red lights. Anyone can get horrified with such view. 

There a lady with black outfit was sitting on the king chair like a Queen 👑 and she was having a glass of wine there motionlessly.

Her face can't be seen but her aura was very dark and cold over there. Her eyes were blue but distinct and cold. None of the expression can be count on her.

Taking a sip of wine she said, "Hows it David?"

"As you planned Queen." A man who was standing behind her in attention seems to be like her answered.

She gave him a look and David move out of the room.

After sometime he returned with a girl whom he was holding like he is holding a garbage. Her condition was worse. 

He throws her at Queen's feet. That girl was brutally beaten and was bleeding. Her face was swelled up, can't she even open her eyes. Don't even she had a energy to get up.

"Please don't do this to me. I.. I was helpless my child is kidnapped.. please spare me." It took her a lot of courage to say and she fainted there.

The lady in Black glup a glass of wine in one go and stood up. 

"Handle it Daisy." She said. Her voice were deep but cold. And after that without looking at anyone she left.

When she left A woman enter the room and picked up that girl and moved out.

After that David also closed the door and left the room.

After few minutes Daisy came to David and asked, "Now what..???"

"Take her to the hospital and investigate about her child." David replied.

"Got it." Daisy answered.


Daisy asked, "David can I ask you a thing?"

David raised his eyebrows, "And what's that?" He said.

Daisy being little coward but said, "First you you answer me.."

David seems to be guessed his hesitation. He replied to her, "Okay you can but remember not to cross your limits."

Daisy nodded and she asked, " I don't understand why Queen becomes so ruthless when she had to give her medical assistance? As if she doesn't have heart but her step always surprised me. I never get it what she always does?"

After listening her David smirks. He rubbed his tample and said, "Not only you even god is unable to understand her I think. No one can Understand Black Devil. Even if I can read her sign but her blank face and expressionless eyes always gave me a goosebumps like hell.Now go back to you work before time up."

After listening to David's explanation Daisy nodded and went away. But she didn't get it what David said but she understood that Her Queen is moddy and very cold blooded person in this world. Atleast according to her.

When she disappeared from David's eyes he have a cunning smile on his face. He said to himself, "No one understand My Queen Sweetheart because She is living Hell. And can't be understood by anyone." He said and left the Basement.