Aiyana was a single mom... just living her life. She and her daughter were happy. They had everything they needed and most of all... they had each other. They didn't need more. She thought... till she met him
Bright sunlight shines through the white curtains. A soft fall wind blows through the open window.
While the colorful leaves fall on the wooden deck and almost hide the Jacuzzi from sight, a squirrel walks over the dark fence, searching for nuts on the, with leaves covered, grass.
Alo his tail starts to wiggle as soon as Aiyana opens her eyes.
The baby phone cracks every time Enola talks. She is talking with her unicorn bear, which she got from Jonathan almost a week ago.
Aiyana smiles and kisses Alo his head. Groaning she gets up and starts her daily morning ritual. While Enola is in the bath, Aiyana showers and puts her long hair in a sideways braid. She doesn't need to do makeup thank heavens. Permanent eye-browns and eyeliner. The best money she ever spends.
She hastily puts a long-sleeved white dress on, a pair of dark brown high boots, and a red scarf.
When Enola is ready she dresses the child in a sunflower dress with a jeans jacket. Happy Enola makes a spin like she is wearing a princess dress. Aiyana smiles and kisses Alo his head.
While she finishes her morning routine she looks up her phone. A text from Jonathan.
-Goodmorning Aiyana, hope you slept well.
Whenever you have time please check my new video. It has a special message at the end.
Love, John-
Aiyana smirks and opens her laptop. What special message? Sneaky bastard she thinks. She takes her cup of black coffee and starts the video; Shut up and dance by Jonathan Young.
It has a catchy sound that's for sure. A smile curls on her lips when she sees Jonathan dancing. Again her heart flutters. Why? Why it does do that...
"Thank you so so much for watching. If you liked this video please comment, like, and subscribe. Also, you can download this song on Spotify, and please support me on Patreon. Come say hi on all your social media websites.
I made this video for a girl. And not such any girl. She is the most amazing kind and sweet girl I ever met. I know that sounds cliche. But it really is and I just want her to shut up and dance with me. Okay, that came off wrong. Aiyana... I know you will be seeing this cause you never disappoint but please come with me today on a real date. Take Enola and take a walk with me through the park. After we can still grab a picnic."
Aiyana smiles. He used his youtube account for a date huh. He just keeps amazing her. Grinning she takes up her phone. Now she'll amaze him.
-What about I pick you up in ten minutes? I can take Alo if you want? Xx-
It doesn't take long before she gets a reaction.
Aiyana laughs and puts a pair of white shoes on Dakota her little feet. She takes Alo his blue paracord leash and opens the door. Happy Alo runs towards the car. Enola walks like a good girl in front of Aiyana while she holds the folded-up stroller. "Wait next to the car Enola," says Aiyana and closes the door. Her stroller was pretty easy. But heavy.
She sighs and closes the trunk. "Hop" she orders Alo who jumps on the backseat. Enola laughs and pets the dog while Aiyana drives off slowly. She had that feeling in her stomach again. Was it because of Jonathan his words? Perhaps. He liked her too that's for sure now. Don't get ahead Aiyana you only get hurt she thinks angry.
She nervously smiles when Jonathan gets in the car. He is wearing his red beanie, fitting with his red lumberjack blouse and dark jeans. "Hey Enola " he greets after kissing Aiyana on the jaw.
Aiyana smiles when Enola laughs. Alo sneakily licks his ear. "Hey" Jonathan says and pets his head. Aiyana just laughs and drives peacefully to the park. "I just hope it won't rain this time" he blinks. Aiyana smiles. "If you want we can have dinner at my place when it rains." "Now I hope it rains" he groans. Aiyana laughs.
While Jonathan takes the stroller out of the car, Aiyana gets Kovu out. "If you want I'll walk him?" "Thanks" says Aiyana and hands him the leash.
While they chat about anything they can think of she slowly walks towards the playground. While Enola plays with the white soft sand and a little toy shovel Jonathan and Aiyana sit down on a bench, Alo lays peacefully next to them. Enjoying the rest for a moment.
"So do you have any hobbies?" Aiyana sighs softly. Jonathan laughs. "Well sorry haha. I used to ride a horse. I used to have a horse. But everything kinda changed when I well you know became pregnant and alone. I still love drawing. Photography of course and I can and love to do some medieval fighting sports." "Woah, that is badass. I seem lame now with just music." "No, not at all. Music is addicting. It's magic. It can say so much about a person and still hold so much secret." Jonathan nods. "That's probably the most beautiful way to describe anything at all. Aiaya smiles softly. "Sorry, I'm also a writer" she jokes. Jonathan laughs. "No I love it. I really do." "Okay and if I get too personal just say it but do you have any family?" "I do but I do not have contact with them. After my father died and not shortly after my mother... well let's just say that they aren't really a great family to hang out with anymore." "I'm sorry for that. "I really am." Aiyana smiles softly. "You know. I can't really explain it but with you.. I can really be myself. I can say what I want whenever I want. I never had that before." "I feel the same" Aiyana says and looks into his bright eyes." A soft smile appears on his lips as he comes closer and kisses her gently.
Again... Aiyana her heart flutters. She must admit. She is in love with the YouTuber.