
In love with a two faced bastard CEO

As the Demon queen, falling in love with a spirit is the last thing she could think of doing, but when that happens along with her being summoned back to the Nether world, coming to earth to meet her beloved more different than ever was the new last thing she could think of But then again, she has always stood to be corrected

Prudi_Bae · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


Beila walked out of the women's rest room after cleaning herself up only to spot two guys at her table fighting for Adelaide, Or more like the one with green hair wad taking her from the other. From the angle she was looking, one would barely be able to notice the strands of hair sticking out from an assumed bun under the face cap but for Beila, seeing it was just fine

'Wait, green hair....Mr Hades?' she thought in alarm when she finally recalled the only person in Tokyo who seemed to rock the hair colour green no matter how many people copied him by dying theirs. A guard came in front of her blocking the path she was about to take

"What the f*** do you think you're doing?" Beila cussed glaring up at the man despite his huge size

"ma'am, please follow me" the guard, obvious from his black suit attire and ear piece, said. Beila gasped

"Did you just call me ma'am? oh no you didn't, I am a sophisticated modern lady and you will address me as one now by getting the hell out of my f***ing way!" she exclaimed pointing a finger at the man. A wide calloused hand wrapped around hers putting her finger down

"didn't your parents tell you it's rude to point?" Kris muttered teasingly before turning to the guard "thank you Gerald, I'll handle this" he said. Gerald nodded walking away quickly, he didn't want to have to handle such a problematic woman.

"What do you mean by stopping me?" Bee questioned as Kris coerced her into sitting with him

"Nothing I just want you to leave my friend alone" Kris said, Beila raised a brow

"You mean Mr Hades?" she asked pointing back at her table with her thumb, Kris was surprised she realised who it was under all that cover

"wow, you've got eyes lady, anyway yes Mr Hades" he replied leaning back while folding his arms. He felt like drinking and considering the fact the lady in front of him already guessed who Khalid was even under his disguise figured she'd have done the same with him but was playing along so he took off his nose mask and took a shot

'Oh my f***ing goodness, THE Kris Gale son of Kaito Gale is sitting right in front of me' Beila blushed a bit out of embarrassment for her behaviour

'No! Adelaide should be my number one priority, even this big gorgeously handsome big shot should not influence my stand' she scolded herself while glaring at said big shot

"What business has your acclaimed friend with mine?" she asked

"An unforseen romance" Kris said smiling

"What?" Beila muttered feeling irked by the smile on his face

"Haha, just joking, your friend is just of his interest" Kris said laughing at her priceless expression which kind of turned him on but he'd never admit that even in a thousand years.....Probably

"Hey! watch your tone, Adelaide is not a thing someone can just take because he's got interest in her, she is her own person and not the object of some big shot's self entertainment" Beila scolded then angrily stood up.

'Woah, is she sexually tense or what? she's like a bitch in heat with all the fuss she makes' Kris thought standing up too as he adjusted his cufflinks

"I understand your point, best friend of the century but I feel like I should ask, are you the one night stand type?" he asked trying to figure a reason she'd be so sexually tense, according to his hypothesis. The poor guy just hadn't seen an overprotective best friend ridden with fear of her friend's non human status getting exposed.

*Pah* Kris was stunned by the stinging pain in his cheek that brought him out of his thoughts. He stared at the short strawberry woman in front of him that was barely reaching his chest with wide eyes as he held his cheek

"I'm not interested"she said walking away angrily flipping her hair in his face in the process

'what the hell? I don't even understand, she's not interested in what?' Kris thought gradually getting angry. He took a deep breath trying to calm himself

"Gerald" he called sharply causing the body guard to cease laughing silently where he stood watching. His eyes med the cold ones of his boss and he felt shivers run down his spine

"H-hai!" he answered

"Get me a lot of chinese fireworks and fill them up with money, I need to burn some steam" Kris said loosening his tie as he walked away

"Hai" Gerald replied quickly following after


"Thanks Josh" Khalid said once they arrived at the 1m dollars suite still carrying Adelaide but now over his shoulders. Josh bowed

"I was simply doing my job young master" he replied

"You may leave" Khalid instructed and he obeyed. Khalid let out a breath as he threw Adelaide onto the bed making her stir, he stared at her to ensure she was still asleep then went into the bathroom.

Adelaide slowly blinked trying to will away the massive head ache she was feeling. She rubbed her eyes to clear away the blurriness but it persisted, she groaned trying to ignore her heavy head and the ringing in her ear

'Where on earth am I?' she thought rolling on the bed so she came near the edge 'this bed's huge' she thought snuggling into the soft mattress. At that moment, Khalid walked out of the bathroom wearing a pair of white joggers and palm slippers. The upper half of his body remained bare and shone as water droplets slid down his hair onto his chest and downward highlighting his muscular arms and six packs.

"Woah" Adelaide muttered silently as she literarily drooled 'when did my spirit boy become such a drop dead gorgeous man' she thought 'well, not like he wasn't gorgeous in the first place' she added looking away guiltily while blushing but her eyes were drawn back to him

'But damnnn, check out those abs' she thought drooling once again. Khalid noticed and smirked snapping his fingers

"What are you staring at?" he teased putting the towel he was previously using to dry his hair round his neck

Adelaide blushed looking away extremely embarrassed for being caught

"N-nothing!" she denied. "Hmmm" Khalid feigned a thinking expression as he walked over and sat on the bed beside her. He pulled her face to kook at him and their eyes met

"Well, my mind tells me you were staring at me" he wiped her lower lip with his thumb sensually

"And look, you're even drooling" he muttered with an amused expression still staring into her hazel eyes

"Well, since you denied it I'll take it you drool in your sleep" he said suddenly cutting off the sensual atmosphere "*oyasumi" he said about to stand but Adelaide held his hand and pulled him back down holding him in place with a tight grip. The alcohol in her blood gave her the courage to ask him the question that had been on her mind since she left laide corporation

"Why did you claim to not know me?" tears came to her eyes upon remembering the event. Khalid raised a brow

"Do I? you left wondering why I wasn't good enough without even a note on your destination" he answered indifferently and Adelaide flinched

"That was- I left for a good reason" she said. Khalid scoffed

"Even now you won't explain. What hurts the most is that you can but you just don't want to, I'm not about to lower myself to the level of a dog begging for love and love comes with honesty but you're too uncaring of that" he scolded letting out a bit of his emotions. The tears in Ad's eyes flowed down as she pulled him down and kissed him slowly. They parted panting and staring at each other, Khalid could see her desire painted clearly in her eyes and gritted his teeth feeling annoyed with himself

'F*** this' he thought kissing her back deeply and longingly. The towel round his neck slipped down along with his slippers as he got atop Adelaide on the bed kissing her more eagerly, he trailed kisses all over her giving her love bites nearly every where while she moaned to his touch also feeling him up.....

And so was the eventful night of the two, knowing Khalid I'm sure you all will figure that nothing EXTRAORDINARY happened😜 Well for the two, what happened was magical enough and for Adelaide, it was them bonding


Sorry for the late updates. A friend of mine recently pointed out some typos in my previous chapters shocking me because i relied on auto correct but now that i've discovered how unreliable it can be, like putting words I don't intend in place of the ones I do, I've started editing my chapters. Not that it won't have typos at all, I've got an exam to prepare for so I'll probably just rush through but either way, please pardon my incompetence🙇

*Oyasumi means good night

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