
In love with a two faced bastard CEO

As the Demon queen, falling in love with a spirit is the last thing she could think of doing, but when that happens along with her being summoned back to the Nether world, coming to earth to meet her beloved more different than ever was the new last thing she could think of But then again, she has always stood to be corrected

Prudi_Bae · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


Adelaide woke up feeling refreshed and unusually happy but extremely uncomfortable. She blinked sleepily before down at her body. Her eyes widened in shock upon seeing the shakespearean era dress she was wearing. You know, all those dresses tight at the torso and flared with baskets underneath from the waist downward that make their butts appear shot out or something...

"Ahhh!" she screamed in horror, she'd never worn so much clothing before!. Beila rushed into the room

"Don't you dare tear it, I'll help you take it off" she said quickly walking over to her quicker before the demon lady tore the dress off her body with her bare hands.

Thirty minutes later, Beila managed to get the dress off Adelaide without it suffering so much as a tiny rip and was welcomed with the sight of Adelaide's marked body. Despite her lineage she had quite fair skin so much so that the love bites all over her body stood out magnificently. She scowled

"I see your night was very eventful" she said scornfully making Adelaide blush

"Forget about that, rather can you explain to me why my room is filled with shopping bags that carry brands from obviously very expensive shops. I thought we agreed you wouldn't be making contracts with ANY demon" she said quickly changing the subject. Beila stared at her friend with slight mockery not even feeling the least bit embarrassed from the recollection of her earlier goals when she first found out demons were real

"Hah?? I'm supposed to be asking you that, you're the one who went off with a handsome and bastardly rich bachelor to go have a fun night without even the slightest thought about your best friend" she said quickly and expressionlessly making Ad flinched

"Come on Bee, don't be unreasonable. You know I was drunk out of this world last night" she said with a sigh. As a matter of fact, Beila knew that she was being unreasonable but the thought of what her friend might have had the privilege of enjoying the previous night was so enviable compared to her annoying experience

She pinched the bridge of her nose lightly

"I understand, however, don't you remember if anything transversed between you and the guy you spent the night with? I woke up this morning to find people heaving bags and you into the house" she said. She purposely didn't mention Khalid's name because she was well aware of her friend's obsession and insanity. Assuming Adelaide didn't know, Beila didn't want to be the cause of a demon queen going crazy on poor earth. Adelaide eyed Bee noting the dark circles under her eyes that weren't there before

"Woke up? you don't appear to have slept at all" she muttered. Beila glared making her smile sheepishly

"Nothing transversed according to my memory, we weren't that comptible" she muttered

"Well your memory is f***ing faulty because while you two weren't compatible, you stull went ahead to have a colourful night while I spent mine ruined by a question challenging my integrity!" Beila nearly yelled irked by the fact that Adelaide was lying


Ad stared out her door towards the living room

"Are you expecting someone?" she asked

"No, you?" Bee asked

"Wouldn't ask you same question if I was. I'll go check who's there" Adelaide muttered

"oh so now you receive visitors naked" Bee said feigning a sweet voice. Ad realised she was just in her underwear and walked back to wear proper clothes without even an ounce of shame, after all, she'd be much more comfortable moving around in them if not for Bee and well in this case, the numerous conspicuous hickeys on her body.

"Yes" Beila said opening the door with Adelaide standing behind her. They were both met with the sight of a tall man, not that tall to Bee since her bestie was not that shorter, standing all high and formal in his black suit and shades

"Good afternoon how may we help you?" Bee asked

"Good afternoon ma'am, I am here to pick up miss Hades, she is four hours kate for work" the man said. Bee gasped, the fact that he called her ma'am clouded her judgement and she didn't realise what he said about Adelaide

"For your information, I am a lady and-"

"Yeah, we know Bee. What the hell do you mean by late though, I have no business with Laide corporations" Adelaide said cutting Bee off. Beila huffed folding her arms with a pout.

"I thought you said you didn't get the job?" she questioned raising a brow

"I was told I didn't!" Adelaide exclaimed

"Doesn't say so on the contract though" the man said bringing out a stamped bundle of paper from God know where and displaying the front page to the two. It clearly stated contract of industriousness and Ad's signature was on the bottom page. Beila furrowed her brows

"The hell Ad, this is totes legit why didn't you tell m you signed a contract?" she questioned transferring her scrutinizing gaze from the contract to Ad's face

"I didn't sign a f***ing contract Bee" she said "at least not soberly" she added. Beila sighed

"Whatever, there's one now so you gotta go" she said making the man who had been standing at the door sigh internally relieved

"Master Hades said to wear only outfits he purchased by himself" he added and Beika nodded pushing Adelaide inti the house

"So it was him who bought the clothes" she said snapping her fingers

"No shit sherlock, just go get ready" Beila commented rolling het eyes.

A few minutes later, more like two, Ad was out and ready dressed in a blue short two piece suit with white short sleeved inner and blue heels. She tied her hair in a pony tail as she walked out holding a white purse

"Hey Bee I'm out" she called as she passed by Beila in the living room

"took you long enough" Beila muttered "anyway, have a nice day at work and be polite!" she lectured. Adelaide flicked her wrist dismissively

"sure" she muttered as she got into the black Rolls Royce.


Getting stressed Out a lot lately😩😩 anyway, this little one hopes y'all are excited as I m for Adelaide's first day of work😜😜 how's it gonna be? romantic😍 or chaotic🔥 Hope to see y'all support next chapter😁

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