
In love with a two faced bastard CEO

As the Demon queen, falling in love with a spirit is the last thing she could think of doing, but when that happens along with her being summoned back to the Nether world, coming to earth to meet her beloved more different than ever was the new last thing she could think of But then again, she has always stood to be corrected

Prudi_Bae · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


As the two friends sank themselves in alcohol, a tall man walked past bumping Beila's yup out of her hand and spilling its contents all over her in the process. Tje guy turned to apologize

"I'm sorry" he muttered

"Sorry? who do you think-" Beila's drunken come back remained unsaid when she noticed the guy's handsome face. Despite wearing a nose mask, it was quite obvious from the guy's sharp jawline and slim brows that his beauty ranking was elite level. Beila caught herself drooling over him and flicked her wrist dismissively still under the influence of alcohol

"Oh it's okay sugar, I'm sure your beautiful self did not mean to, you can run along now" she said in a doting tone with a dreamy expression on her face

"Huh?"Kris was confused 'is that some new method of grabbing attention women use nowadays' he wondered staring at her staring at her weirdly. Beila realised what she said and blushed out of embarrassment

"I'm sorry too, please excuse me I'll go clean myself up" she muttered in embarrassment as she stood up and scurried away ignoring Adelaide's stretching hand

"Bee! where are you going? don't dump me here. It's gals before guys" Adelaide complained drunkenly much to the hearing of Kris who just walked away wondering what horrible parents would name their child Bee if they weren't obsessed with transformers to begin with.

Kris sat down in a booth in a secluded part of the bar and took the shot it the hand of the suspicious man in front of him

"Stalking a drunk lady I see, does it give you so much pleasure 'cause it's honestly weird" he said gulping the sizzling liquid down

"Not funny Kris" Khalid said sternly

"Woah, you truly are a monster. So much of such a strong drink and yet you appear unaffected" Kris commented placing the glass in his hand along side the other numerous empty glasses on the table

"Why didn't you just get a bottle?" he asked

"The glasses cost more" Khalid replied getting up.

"What's got you interested in that girl?" Kris asked leaning back in the cushioned seat

"*Ja ne" Khalid said as he walked away.He was dressed in black joggers, black hoodie, black sneakers, black face cap and wore a black nose mask all to avoid getting noticed. His shoulder length green hair was tied in a bun behind his head to seem less conspicuous since that was his signature feature.

He walked over to Adelaide's table and pulled her away from the grubby hands of a drunk man who was obviously leering at her

"She's taken" he said as he held her close to himself guarding her from the geezer he stood towering over

the man sneered "since when? I've been watching her and she did not appear to have any male company" he accused getting a good view of Adelaide's exposed thighs and ass in nothing but undersized shorts and a loose sweater. Khalid cursed at Adelaide's inability to wear decent clothes in his mind and lifted her up to carry her bridal style hiding her body from the man

"You've done a good job being a watch dog"

"Hey, are you sure you're her boyfriend or you just want to score with the pretty lady, you're quite suspicious" the man said accusing Khalid of his own intentions. Khalid said nothing only turning around to go but the man pounced forward wanting to grab him. Two big men, out of no where, intercepted him with one grabbing him like a sack of potato and throwing him over his shoulders

"Hey! let me go!" the man screamed but got hit

"Shut up"one of the bulky men said silencing the poor bottom feeder


"Which hotel do you want to lodge at young master?" a middle aged man with grey hair asked as he started the engine

"Laide 2" Khalid answered still staring at Adelaide's face. Josh nodded with a smile

"Hai" he said driving into the high way from where he set out to the second out of ten hotels personally founded and owned by his young master

'Hmmm, the young master has found his lover already after his years of waiting and calling....' Josh hummed

'Things will surely get exciting' he thought with excitement flashing through his black eyes.


*Ja ne means see ya, or more formally, see you later as you've heard me say.

Anyway, with lots of love and expectation, this little one hopes to get your approval of this little one's hard made and thought of texts☺☺

Arigato soshte Ja ne😘