
Chapter 3 - Meet in two Months

Seeing Reynard's hollow expression the woman felt really sorry for him. “You must miss them a lot? Right?

Reynard gave Dennis a sharp glare at his lame excuse. “Hmm

I am so Sorry for your loss. The woman Looked pitifully at Reynard. “I understand how you must feel because I don't know what i would do if I suddenly lose her. The woman gestured at her belly with a smile and patted her belly lovingly. “She is my Life.”

Looking at the woman caress her belly with so much love, Reynard let out a low growl.

And She is my mate!

Was he jealous? Of his Mate's mother?

Where do you stay So I could drop you off? Reynard asked the woman. He wanted to know where she stays so he could keep an eye on her. He has waited too long to allow anything happen to her.

 Reynard knew It's only matter of time before his enemies discovers her existence and plan on using her against him. She was Afterall the only one born on earth that could summon a weapon strong enough to kill him.

Oh No, No! Nevermind that, I live just around the corner, my house is really close, I don't need a ride. “Thank You”

He signaled Dennis who immediately strode forward and took the bags the woman was holding.

"Then Let me walk you home.

The woman didn't want to seem like she was rejecting him because seeing Reynard and the Aura that surrounded him, she could tell that he was someone from a high status. “Okay"

When the arrived at the neighborhood, Reynard grimaced. “Is this where you live?

The woman seemed proud of her neighborhood. “Yes, she nodded proudly.

”Let's go”. Reynard quickly changed the topic. He knew if They dwelled on the topic longer, she might feel offended and he wouldn't want to offend his Mate's mother whom he just met.

“How can someone feel proud to live in the Slums?

Going farther into the neighborhood was already a great compromise on Reynard's side. He was a clean freak and wouldn't step into a place like this even on his deathbed. However, he came and even went inside her house!  He even sat down! 

Wow! "Love really does make people do strange things”.

The woman was really grateful for their help. What kind gentlemen. “Thank You So much Mr..."  She raised her brow in askance.

Making it as brief as ever.  Reynard.” 

She glanced towards Dennis as if asking for his name too. Dennis is usually very smug. he loved his name so much that he had once said that he would name every male child his entire generation after himself. ”Dennis”

Mr Reynard, Mr Dennis. It was nice meeting you, I am Freya” and Thanks for your help.

“It's okay Freya, You are welcome”.

Yes, Dennis supported. It was an honor to serve you”

Feeling curious about something Dennis gaze looked around the very small house. “I don't see your husband around? 

Ah ...My husband is...um not around.

Oh! I see”. Reynard caught on her reluctance and gave Dennis another look of Stop being Nosy! Before giving him a light signal.

No one understands Reynard better than him. Dennis felt proud. “Ah...ah.. Dennis laughed inwardly. “Reynard was actually asking for his help!

 “Reynard wants to be able to come back to see his Mate. He wanted to be close to her. “He wants to be able to visit her frequently. Now that he has finally found her, He wants to give her all of his love and attention. “He wanted to give her all of life's goodies.

 However, he only just met her today! And if he suddenly brings up the talk of gifting a new house to them, He knew the woman would refuse and that might hinder his visits. And he couldn't take her against her will so the baby doesn't get affected. He couldn't insist on taking her away either because that would sound Preposterous. Afterall they only just met today. He knew she wouldn't agree to his demands just yet as they just got acquainted. And he wouldn't want to scare her away by being too domineering. 

He was giving Dennis the signal so he could ask if they could come by more often.

It's not like he needed her permission to come back,  He only needs to pass the order and she would be brought to him. Afterall he was Reynard CEO and President of Ray Internationals. But Reynard cared too much about his unborn mate and wouldn't want to cause unnecessary trouble that could affect her.

Ahem... Dennis cleared his throat. Freya, Mr Reynard seemed to have taken a likeness to your unborn child and I also....."

He heard Reynard growl faintly. And Dennis frowned. “I only said that to buy us some entry into the house. 


I also would love it if we could always come by to say hi whenever we are around. ”Is it okay with you?

Sure, You are welcome to visit anytime.

Reynard got up reluctantly, He straightened himself and his gaze unconsciously went to look at Freya's belly. "How far along are you?"

Freya smiled. Whenever the subject is about her baby she is always delighted to talk. “She's due in two months.

"Reynard was elated.

“I get to meet her in two months!