
Love You Too

They continued working on their sand tower and it slipped more than once. They had to adjust the wetness of the sand so it wouldn't collapse in on them again. It had to be wet enough to stick but dry enough not to slide off what they were trying to make. 

Every so often, their sandy hands brushed each other and Penelope had to stop herself from giggling. She felt about six years old again but this was fun. 

Roman smiled at her fondly. "You're really cute when you're having fun."

She flushed and couldn't meet his eyes. "Oh please."

"I mean it. I love the way your eyes light up when you're enjoying something. I've always loved that about you."

Someone was feeling sentimental today, wasn't he? Penelope wouldn't mind if not for the fact that he kept bringing up things she hadn't actually been present for. Not only was she worried about slipping up, she didn't like how it made her feel like the outsider she actually was.