
Yuki Tsukumo

3 months later, September 15th, 2006. Jujutsu High, Tokyo.

Within a beautiful and serene garden next to a waterfall, a young blonde haired youth sat on a white bench with his eyes closed.

He looked relatively handsome in his long necked black shirt and pants.

" It's been 3 months, the most hellish period of my life." Madara spoke with his eyes still closed as he sighed.

Over the past three months, apart from eating, sleeping, training and attending class, he had been killing curses on all sorts of missions. During this period of time, he had experienced a lot. From the death of his teammates to a few nigh death experiences.

" My cursed technique hasn't improved nor have I gained any new abilities. Having a time related cursed technique is really a pain in the ass." He opened his eyes and sighed.

He had lots of difficulty in mustering his cursed techniques since unlike most cursed techniques which only required intense training, his required immense meditations and enlightenments. And from what he knew, enlightenments weren't something that could be experienced everyday.

All of his free time consisted of visualizing the hour glass within his inner domain and observing the workings of the sands of time.

However apart from his mind getting cleared, and his temperament getting relatively calm every time, he hasn't really gotten stronger.

" Cursed Technique: Halt" Closing his eyes once more, he visualized the sands of time. The intricacies in their movement and the flawlessness in their workings. Immediately time around a 6km radius came to a complete standstill, as he opened his eyes and observed.

He could see every object had come to a complete halt. From the raging waterfall, to every blade of grass. Everything had stopped.

Immediately realization struck him, as everything returned back to normal. From the time he had gotten the cursed technique up until now, he hadn't really thought on what the concept of Time itself really was.

All of this time, the Great Divination Technique was just a way for him to prove himself and become stronger, but he hadn't really thought on what the concept he controlled really was.

" What is Time? " He asked himself in deep thought. Time was the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in an apparently irreversible succession.

Immediately his eyes widened in disbelief. Time itself was existence.

He then remembered Satoru talking one time about his cursed technique being related to Space, and allowing him to manipulate infinity.

" I'm such a fool. No wonder the gap between us is so wide. Satoru understands the very basis and progression of Space, the concept he manipulates, which is Infinity. ." Madara though as he facepalmed.

" Since I can manipulate Time which is existence itself, then the basis of my understanding should be based on Eternity." Madara smiled.

Eternity represented endless age, and age was the metaphysical representation of Time.

" If I can increase the rate of time parallel to my own body, then perhaps I could also decrease or completely stop the time parallel to my body. In that case, I could achieve some sort of pseudo immortality through agelessness?!!" Madara contemplated and spoke after realization.

" Fuck!!! How could I have been such an idiot!! The probabilities of time manipulation are endless!! " He cursed as he almost slapped himself in anger.

" Cursed Technique :Halt." He performed a hand seal, and murmured in a low tone. Manipulating his cursed energy precisely, he pulled the confines of the ability and pulled it onto his body. Immediately he felt his body enter a state where he saw everything around him moving extremely fast, not because they were in actually reality, but because he was basically freezing time around himself.

" No. This isn't going to work. I'm achieving the opposite of what I want." He thought. Instead of achieving a state where the time acting on his age was basically reduced to zero, he was rather freezing time around himself and moving slower.

" I'm missing a crucial step!! Age!!!" He thought as his widened. If anyone was to pass by him, they would notice that his body was in a state of slow motion movements. The metaphysical representation of time which defined the entirety of existence. He needed to be able to touch on those laws if he wanted to achieve his goal.

Immediately he began manipulating his cursed energy, it backfired, causing him to be blasted into the lake while he spat out blood.

" Hehehe! If it were so easy then Satoru would be a God right now" He chuckled and walked out of the water.

" Need a towel?" A sultry voice rang out a few meters behind him as he turned around to see a very beautiful blonde haired lady in a black tank top and brown pants which by the way did nothing to hide her wonderful curves.

" And who are you?" Madara asked as he dried his hair with his palms and walked out without even sparing a second glance at her.

" Aren't you a cutie. " She said as she took a seat beside Madara who was drying himself up with cursed energy and kept staring at him, well more like examining him.

" Who are you?" He asked again, his tone turning rather stern.

" Have I been gone so long that you guys don't even recognize me anymore? Sigh. " The beautiful blonde lady sighed and spoke.

" I'm Yuki Tsukumo. Special Grade." She said with a grin, as Madara turned his head to look at her. After being inducted into the so called hall of special grade by Satoru and Suguru, he had found out that they weren't the only Special Grades around. In fact, there was one more Special Grade, a female who was 'carefree and unfettered' as described by Satoru and Suguru.

" So what do you want?" Madara asked going straight to the point. " What kind of girl is your type?" She asked with a playful grin.

Madara's eyebrow twitched as a vein appeared on his forehead.

" Come on don't be shy, I won't tell anyone." She giggled.

" I'd rather not answer the question." Madara spoke as he rekindled his stoicism.

" Quite the edgy one, aren't you. " She smiled and looked at Madara who did not comment.

" When I heard a new Special Grade with Satoru level potential had awakened, I had to come and see who it was. " She smiled.

" Honestly, I thought you would be the cocky type, so I brought Garuda in case I needed to beat some sense into you." She smiled ferociously which gave Madara chills down his spine.

" However, although you're a bit edgy, you're good. Besides I can tell your type is a tall girl with a big ass, just like myself." She laughed and spoke as Madara turned his head away.

" Besides it's cool to have someone who could beat some sense into that silver haired brat, Satoru, if he ever chose a wrong path." She added as she looked at Madara.

" Sigh. I'd rather not fight someone like Satoru. It'll be too troublesome." Madara spoke with a frown.

" More like scary." Yuki corrected. " Honestly, both of you don't deserve to be called Special Grades. If I were to classify both of your potentials, it'll probably be God level, especially you." She smiled and spoke.

" I don't think so. No matter how strong you are, time and age will catch up to you one way or the other. Death looms over everyone's head. No one is an exception, not even Satoru." Madara added.

" I think one person is an exception." Yuki smiled and looked at Madara who immediately understood what she was trying to say.

" Having the power to control time makes you the exception doesn't it?" She spoke and looked at him.

" I think you're confusing immortality with invincibility miss. I might be able to pull of some kind of pseudo immortality where I don't get affected by age, but I can be killed just like any other person." Madara spoke as he looked at the waterfall.

" You're hot when you talk like that, you know." She laughed and teased Madara who immediately got up and left in large strides.

" What an interesting fellow." She watched his back as he walked there and smiled.

A/N: Romance or not? Vote in the comments. Peace.