
In Jujutsu Kaisen with Gamer System

A middle-aged office worker returns home after, a tiering day and falls asleep cursing life the next day when he wakes his life turns upside down with the Gamer system welcoming him for his new day. Warning: English is not my first language, so there will be several problems to be aware of.

jay_Godara · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

A Mob fight


"You go the 'Sugisawa high' right, never seen you before," Yuji asked me while in front of me.

"Well, usually I go late for school but for someday now I am going early so that's why you have never seen me before," replied to his question, while the school gate was already in view.

"Is that so, I usually go early because of my club activity anyways later," he moved fast toward the school building.



Name: Yuji Itadori

Title: Student






'New observation is showing basic state and damn this motherfucker states are off the chart but nothing that I can't reach if given time,' I also headed to my class.

[you have completed a whole day of school INT and Wis 1+]

Finally, I can go home and I picked up my bag and walked outside of the classroom don't know why Inouska didn't come to pick me up he always come even before my class fully over but it was not like I need him.

Inside an alley near 'Sugisawa high', several people can be seen gathered and they were cornering a lone student who was wearing the uniform of the said school.

"You are the pipsqueak that beat up my little brother in front of his girlfriend," one of the other students spoke.

"I did warn him that he should stay away from that girl because my boss liked her but now, he can go and do whatever he wants my boss lost his interested in her," the person who was cornered spoke, yes, he was Inouska.

"Let me see how you run your mouth after this," a big guy rushed at Inouska with a wooden bat, Inouska moved sideways and punched him in the guts Making him fall back then another one ruched on him this time Inouska got a shot on his arm but he didn't fall and replied with a kick in the face making another one faint.

"You got some balls kid, but let's see how big are they," this time four rushed at the same time, this was bad for Inouska but he barely held on taking four down, while taking down this many he was brushed all over his body taking so many hits from these guys his legs became shaky he was barely standing with them.

"ha-ha still going, some big balls there but now times up boy, you are going to get a big payback for what you pulled on my brother," the left 5 people moved at the same time at Inouska having weapons in their hands.

"Fuck," Inouska murmured seeing that his legs were not moving at all.

"You guys are grinning with smiles while beating a kid who is half your age," a voice interpreted everyone.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, seeing another student from the same school but Inouska quickly recognized this student.

"Bos... hey you what are you doing here get out it is dangerous here," Inouska shouted.

"Kids these days talk too much, lets us give you a lesson on manners today, hey you two go and give him a lesson on manners," the big one of all of them ordered the other two.

"Hey you son of a bitch leave him alone," Inouska shouted to the other's surprise.

While the two people rushed at the newly arrived student, the other three moved in front of Inouska about to hit him but then,

Clang!! Clang!!

Two skull-crushing sounds were heard by everyone," hey I told you, just teach him a lesson not to kill him—

Everyone turned to see the condition of the student but they were surprised to see, the student holding crossbar covered with blood and the other guys down on the ground.

"don't worry they didn't die, both have 10 HP left so no need to worry, but now it's your turn," Kenzo said with a smile moving forward.

"You, dumbasses what are you doing, take him on," the big guy ordered the remaining two guys, they rushed at Kenzo but were again down in two shots.

"Now let us see, how much you take," Kenzo swung the crossbar at the big guy using his skill, and with one shot he lost conciseness.

"Boss you should have told me that you can kick asses, then I wouldn't have to come alone here and brought you with me," Inouska said before losing conciseness and falling on the ground.

"Yes, good rewards come to papa," Kenzo said, ignoring his friend who is injured.

Five minutes earlier:

'Should I start training at some dojo or at least take a kendo class to help me get stronger,' Kenzo thought while walking outside of the school gate.


[ !!! Quest Info

Goals- help a friend in need and punish those who are trying to hurt your friend with 0/10 enemies.

Time limit-10 min


Failure- being friendly with anyone will be hard, friends will trust you less]

"What is that idiot doing, how do I find him now," Kenzo voiced his problem but a map with a red dot appeared in front of him and he understand the meaning of this and ran in the direction of the red dot.

'The reward for the Quest is a mystery so I can't miss it got to hurry or maybe the time limit will be up over,' Kenzo thought while moving in the direction of the red dot.

Kenzo home (present time):

"Getting that guy to the hospital was a pain, those staff members asked so many questions but at least now I can see my reward," Kenzo said while laying on his bed.

[!! Quest completed

Goal- 10/10 enemies]

[2000 exp obtained]

[Level up]

[Item obtained C-rank {Ring of Sage}]

[Ring of sage: an item worn by a renowned sage who was known for his wisdom, when wearing this item, you will receive part of his Wis and powers.

Effect: 10+ WIS and INT, 100+ MP]

"So this is a C-rank item its effect are amazing, I also have D rank weapon token let's see what that gives us,".

[D-rank weapon token, would you like to use it]

[yes] [no]


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