

We reached home at around 9 pm. I put all the luggage to a side and drift off to sleep.

Everything was dark all around and slowly the fog was getting cleared I was standing in the middle of a crowd everyone was staring at me and I find people I know standing around me. The next moment I was behind the bars.

I scream and wake up from my sleep and rub my eyes using the back of my palm. Krish woke up because of my scream. I said him about the dream and he gave me a glass of water, then I cuddle close to him and fall asleep again.

The next day morning, Krish drops me at the hospital. Firstly I go for rounds and then went through a few files. One of the nurses informed me that there was a casualty last week when I was on leave and Riya was the one who was attending to that patient. I pull out the phone from my pocket and called Riya,

"Hello", she said as she answered the call

"Hi, dude heard that some patient died last week"


"What was the cause of death?"

"Do you remember the patient Geetha?"

"Of course I do"

"This case was very similar to that"

"Oh I see"

"Megha, Racheal is calling I need to hurry up", she said and hung up.

At around 2 pm Krish brought me lunch. We ate together and visited the hospital for a regular checkup. After some ultrasound scanning, we were sitting in the cabin waiting for my doctor, Mrs. Shreya.

"The mother and the babies are absolutely fine", she said

"Babies?" I questioned confused

"Yes you are pregnant with twins"

"Wow", I squeezed Krish's hand in excitement

"Megha you are hurting me. By the way doctor she eats a lot of junk food nowadays", Krish said gaining a death glare from me

"It is just cravings nothing to worry about", Dr. Shreya said.

After the check-up, Krish took me to a mall nearby for shopping. After the tiring job, we both had a long drive. A few minutes later, Krish got a call and it was from Mathew.

"Hello bro... What's wrong why do you sound worried... Yeah, she is with me... Which hospital... What happened... Okay first calm down we will be there in a few minutes... Bye", he said and hangs up the call.

We rush to the hospital, and Krish informed me that Sahana is admitted to the hospital and it seems that Mathew really needs us by his side now. I saw Mathew standing at the entrance of the hospital, as soon as he saw us, he pulled Krish into a tight hug and started to cry, while a woman followed him and gave pleasant smile to us and she informed me that he is just overreacting Sahana is completely alright it is just a food poison. The woman looked much familiar to me but who is she? After a long time of consoling he calmed down.

"Mathew who is this woman?", I whispered in his ears

"Don't tell me you forgot her", he said

"I don't remember her"

"She is Catherine", he said with a broad smile.

She was back. Catherine was back, love of Mathew. I was happy beyond the words but how will she react after seeing me with him? We have got much closer to each other now. Will she understand my relationship with him or again start judging and create a scene? Will she again leave Mathew? Oh god, that shouldn't happen the last time she left Mathew was completely broken though he showed like he was strong I saw him crying every night. I know how to hurt he was the last time.

"Megha", a voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh Catherine", I said as I saw her standing with a smile plastered on her face

"I am sorry for my past behavior", she said and apologized for judging my relationship with Mathew and bad-mouthing me. Then I had a small talk with Catherine and it felt warm, unlike the past conversation which I had with her. I asked Krish to take Mathew to the cafeteria and make him eat something. I went to check on Sahana there was nothing that much to get worried about at all, she was completely fine and can be discharged as she gains her consciousness. We went home after Sahana woke up. We were sitting on the couch while Mathew's mobile phone started ringing.

"Hello dad", he said with nervousness prominent in his voice after attending the call and turning on the loudspeaker.

"Hello, son. How are you?", his dad sounded calm unlike before. I still remember how he used to lash out at Mathew each time he tried to speak with his dad.

"I am fine dad"

"So I guess Catherine is there already"


"I called to apologize to you and Megha", he said "Can you let me speak to her"

"Hello uncle", I said

"Hello dear. Sorry for every single wrong word about you which has left my mouth. Thank you for taking care and being with my son and daughter for so long." he said

"Uncle how is Steve?", it was Catherine

"He is fine I guess. He is gone silent and on a trip somewhere abroad saying that he needs to have some time alone"

"I hope he is doing all good"

"Okay, kids I got some work. Will talk to you all later. Take care of each other and Megha congratulations on your marriage and pregnancy", he said and hung up.

"What happened to Steve?" Mathew asked

"Jones actually after breaking the ties with you I was under depression for a long time and then I assumed that I had moved on. At the end of this year, I was supposed to be married to Steve but after meeting you I couldn't take my mind off you. You were there everywhere even when I close my eyes or I am in a pitch dark place and I was haunted by our memories. I gradually understood my love for you and the mistakes I have done. Then I spoke to everyone and called off the marriage though Steve showed like he was fine with this and encouraged me to start again with you, it was so obvious how hurt he was because of this." Catherine said.

"He will be fine I hope"

"Enough of this serious talk let's eat something", I said

"What do you want?", Krish asked

"Burger and french fries", I said.

Sahana came running from her room as soon as she heard 'burger and french fries. Though Krish wanted me to have something healthy, I had my brother who loves to spoil me so he agreed to buy me whatever I want.