

I woke up as the blazing golden rays of the sun hit my face. Akhil was fast asleep with his head on my chest, one of his hands on my waist, and one of his legs on mine. I was locked in his embrace. It's been 37 days since we started dating. He has moved into my room.

I was lost in a train of thoughts when I felt his fingers traveling up my arm, I smile and look at my boyfriend who is wide awake now but completely concentrated on my body. His fingers trailed on my shoulder and rested on my collarbone, he tapped them for while and halted all actions, and stared at the place between my collarbone and my neck for some time as though he is inspecting them. He then nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck. I laugh as his hair brushes against my skin giving me a tickling sensation.

"Morning, baby", he said resting his face there.

"Morning", I said caressing his bare back.

Then he rolls his back, but his eyes are still fixed on me. The sun rays beaming through the windows and falling across his face make him look more handsome.

"You are so cute, whose boyfriend are you?", he asked with a teasing smile.

"Dr. Akhil's", I said and he came close while I kicked him off the bed.

"Go cook food, I'm hungry", I said as he was wincing in pain and rubbing his back.

I was loving this phase of my life. I had Akhil as my boyfriend whom I love the most and Keshav as a good friend who always has my back even though I spend most of my time bickering with him.

Since, Akhil became my boyfriend he has taken care of me like a delicate flower, which might die the moment he leaves it. I guess just like how gold has to go through various tests and burns so that it could the best of it when we use it, I had to go through all the breakups in the past so that I could mold myself after each heartbreak, make myself much better and give the best form mine to Akhil. It was worth it to endure all the pain and cries and depression to find this man.

I sit opposite to Keshav on the dining chair for the breakfast after taking bath and washing Akhil's and my clothes. Akhil served food for all of us and sat next to me after giving me a peck on my cheeks.

"I have told you hundred times to turn your clothes inside out before putting them in for washing", I said pointing at him.

"I am sorry, baby. I won't repeat it", he said kissing the side of my head.

"I agree, love is blind. Because you guys forget my presence while being physical with each other...", Keshav said

"Well you know that, so, why don't you just look at your plate while eating instead of seeing what we are doing", Akhil argued back

"And Steve, can you wash my clothes also"

"Is he your boyfriend? No, right so go wash your clothes by yourself don't give work to my boyfriend", Akhil said

They continued their argument until they left for work.

I spent the day cleaning the house for the surprise today. We have never proposed to each other properly so I'm going to do it today. I ordered all his favorite food, lit the scented candles, and scattered rose petals on the floor.

I wore a white shirt letting the first 2 buttons unbuttoned and a pair of blue jeans. I called him after getting ready.

"Hello baby", he said picking up the call within the first few rings.

"Akhil, I'm in trouble... help me", I fake panicked

"Steve, WHAT'S WRONG?"

"Akhil... Akhil", I cut the call, building some anxiety in him.

I turned on the dim lights and waited for him, sitting on the table so that the moment he opens the door he will spot me.

The door creaked open and all sweating and panting Akhil was visible. He was frozen the moment he saw the arrangements. His facial reactions changed from anxiety to love in a fraction of a second. He took slow steps towards me. His hands rested on either side of my thigh on the table.

"So, what is the trouble?", he asked looking into my eyes

"I was missing my boyfriend", I told him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Here I'm now. All yours.", he said and came closer to kiss me while I pushed him away. I ran into my room and bought a sunflower bouquet that I had brought. Yes, I'm going to propose to him with sunflowers, not roses. I kneeled in front of Akhil.

"I love you, will you be my boyfriend?", I said and he nodded his head with tears flowing down his eyes.

"Yes, I will. Why sunflowers, and not roses?", he asked amidst his tears

"Roses might be the symbol of love but the reason I chose sunflower is to symbolize me. To tell you how much sunflower loves the sun and how it faces the sun all time, and the same way I want to be watching you. You are the sun of my life. You are my sunshine who bought me out of the darkness. You are the light that showed me the path when I was lost. I love you, Akhil, and will love you until the sun melts down.", I said.

He took the bouquet from my hand and smiled at it while I stood up.

"I love you my sunflower, your sunshine", he said and hugged me.

We ate food in silence admiring each other. We fed each other, this moment was the most romantic one we ever had. After hogging down the food, I invited him for a dance. Akhil's hand was settled on my waist while mine was wrapped around his neck we danced to slow romantic songs. I enjoyed the day with his romantic company.

"Steve, I need to tell you something", he said as we were lying on the bed in each other's hold.

"Tell", I said drawing imaginary circles on his bare chest.

"Keshav and I. We are actually involved in organ trafficking", he directly gave an ugly truth to me. Such a gem of a person can't be involved in illegal business.

"Whatever kind of prank you are pulling, is not at all funny?"

"This ain't any kind of prank"

"Akhil...", I was cut off by a phone call from my parents.

They had called me not to ask how I am doing, but to inform me that they have forgiven Jones and he will be getting married to Catherine soon. I am supposed to be happy that my brother is getting married but I am here feeling uneasy about his happiness, my hatred towards him makes me want to spoil all his happiness.

"I want to make Jones cry", I said to Akhil and explained everything.

After that, we decided to hurt Megha, because she is the one who matters the most to Jones. Her pain is his pain. So, did we kill Rohit, put blame on Megah, and enjoyed seeing you people suffer. But, I didn't know that you people are so intelligent and will track Akhil.

I was preparing to propose to him for marriage when I received a call from Jones stating that Akhil was arrested.

I rushed to the police station. I met Jones sitting on the bench he told me that investigation is going on. I peeked into the room and heard Akash threatening Akhil to spill the truth or he will abuse me. Akhil immediately admitted everything and begged Akash to not harm me anyway. Why does he love me so much?

They let me into the room where Akhil was tied to a chair. He was shirtless, marks of whips running all around his body.

I kneeled down in front of him tears uncontrollably flowing down my eyes. He was my everything, seeing him in red marks and tied up was more than enough to let the anger inside me grow. The inspector there untied him and gave us both some room.

"Steve, go away from here Akash... Akash.. is here. He will harm you. GO AWAY STEVE", he said

"That was just words, Akhil. He will never even touch me", I said "Why?... Why didn't... you tell them?",

"About what, baby", that word baby made me more of a crying mess.

"I... was the... one... behind... all this"

"No, you weren't. That is what you will tell everyone"

"Why, Akhil? WHY?"

"Because you will stay out and leave your future"

"There is no... future... WITHOUT YOU... in that"


"Why... do you... love me.. so much"

"Because you are my sunflower", he chuckled

I hugged him carefully without bumping into any of his wounds.

"You promised me that you will never leave me. I had planned a bright future with you. Marry you, adopt kids, and happily ever after", I kept rambling and crying in his arms.

Then I was asked to leave after seeing the love of my reason for getting arrested. I went home and broke everything there. I cried staring at the rings I bought for our marriage. My dream was crushed by Jones and his family.

I will never let you be happy.