

I have been an inspector for like more than 5 years but no one has ever kept me under their thumb like Megha. I have known her for a while now she is a sweet woman. Krish warned me already that her mood swings are extreme so I better act accordingly. I just listen and do whatever she says. Who would believe that inspector Shrey who makes everyone scared with his intimidating looks was scared by Dr. Megha? I knew that she would never even think about killing someone, so I was helping them secretly if I openly help her I am sure it will jeopardize the situation completely.

I was sitting in my room with the set of questions that should be asked to Rohit's parents, that Megha gave me. A middle-aged couple entered my room. They were Rohit's parents and I immediately connect my mobile to the airdopes and call Megha. They took a seat in front of me.

"Hello sir, I am Sourav and this is my wife Preethi. We are Rohit's parents", Mr. Sourav said

"Hm", I hummed waiting for Megha to pick up my call

"Why have you called us, sir?", he asked impatiently as she received my call

"For interrogation"


"For the murder of Rohit"

"Huh? Like seriously sir what made you think that we would kill our own son"

"Everyone related to Rohit is a suspect for us.", I lied

"Sir", he said in disbelief

"If u co-operate I can do my job in peace"

"Go ahead"

"Do you know Akash and if yes how is he related to you?"

"I do know Akash he was my son's boyfriend"

"What do you think about him?"

"He is a sweet, caring, hardworking boy who loves my son unconditionally"

"I see. Do you approve of their relationship?"

"Absolutely. I love Akash the same way I love Rohit"


"What kind of a doubt do you find in that, sir?"

"Nothing much, I just don't understand how do you love those boys so much"

"They were my sons if you have forgotten"

"Then what about those 2 years, when you just forgot that you have a son? What about the time when you were fine when your son walked out of your house? What about the time period when you disowned him?"

"Sir you are digging the past"

"I do know that I am."

"You surely know"

"Mr. Sourav, why can't you simply give me an answer to my question?"

"How is it going to help you with the case?"

"I don't want to leave any stone unturned. Who knows maybe the past is related to whatever happened?"

"Sir, do you realize that you are blaming me for the murder of my son?"

"I am just asking you a simple question sir"

"Okay so here is your answer. I was homophobic. I couldn't handle my son dating a boy, though I knew it is common at this age I still couldn't accept it. I was fine when he walked out of my house because I was stupid at that time. After he left us the emptiness in the house and his absence ghosted me. Later when I realized my mistake I was ashamed to speak to him the guilt consumed me day by day. Then we apologized to my son and we accepted them happily"

"You took whole two years"

"Better late than never"

"Was your bond with Rohit the same even after that?"

"No, we had more differences in opinions. We were never on the same plate which led to numerous arguments."

"I see"

"Hope your doubts are cleared"

"Not yet sir"

"What do you want more?"

"I still didn't speak to your wife"

"You are ridiculous", he said

"Mrs. Preethi, what do you think about same-sex relationships", I asked his wife completely ignoring him

"I don't know it is common nowadays", she said flavors of dear prominent in her voice.

"How did you feel when you got to know about Akash being Rohit's boyfriend for the first time?"

"I was shocked to see him having a boyfriend. Just like my husband told us we were angry at him and then later accepted him"

"So the thought of separating them never crossed your mind, huh?"

"In the beginning, yes, but then we dropped it"


"Thanks for co-operating Mr. and Mrs. Sourav", I said

"Thanks for making us feel like a murder, sir", Mr. Sourav said and stormed out of the room dragging his wife.

Our first suspects are innocent probably I guess.

"Hello", Megha said. She was still on call with me

"Yes", I said

"They aren't the culprit"



"How are you so sure?"

"By the answers they gave and I checked the CCTV footage, they haven't spoken to any other doctor other than me."

"Maybe one of them injected it by themself"

"No chance"


"Because neither of them entered his room that whole day. So them being the killer is out of our question"

"What should we do next?"

"SHREY ARE YOU THE POLICE OR ME?", this is what I was speaking about. Her mood swings, a moment she was speaking calmly the next moment she started shouting.

"Me only"

"Meet me at my house, in minutes"

"Yes mam", I said.

I reached her house in 15 minutes and I walked in without knocking because Krish and his family were more like close friends to me now. I was welcomed by a flying pillow which landed right in my face. It was none other than Megha who threw it and I guess I know the reason. I made her wait.

"You are late", she said with a pout and her hands on her waist

"I'm sorry", I said and gave her a chocolate. Krish told me that chocolate is the secret behind how he is still alive and managing her moods.

We were sitting on the couch in her living room. Akash was an emotional wreck, Mathew and Catherine were helping Sahana with her homework, Krish was scrolling through his mobile and Megha was pacing back and forth between the front door and kitchen. This was a perfect family despite the difference each person has they have this unity. I am jealous of them, they weren't grown together or had any relationship from the beginning, they were just brought together in different phases of life and made into a beautiful family.

"I GOT IT", Megha shouted, making us all startled for a moment.

"What?", Mathew questioned

"I found another suspect"