

It is been days since I have come to Bangalore. I realized that I could no longer live without this family, they are mine right now, it feels like I have the whole and sole responsibility for them.

Megha was a sister whom I never had, she was like another kid in this house, such a loving and cheerful woman. Now I understand why Jones likes her so much. Krish was the best husband material he takes care of his wife like the husbands in the movies. He loved her more than anything else, though she troubles him a lot still he withstands every single mood swing of her. Sahana might be an adopted daughter but the people in this house took care of her like she was one among them and I was really happy that I am going to be the mother of this adorable kid very soon.

My life was just bliss. Jones's parents had come to Bangalore they stayed in Jones's house and pay a visit once in a while. Megha wants us to get married as soon as possible but he wanted to spend quality time before marriage. So, the brother-sister duo started their bickering and he wanted me to take his side while I agreed with Megha. Though he agreed to get married I know he wants to make up for all days that we were far away but we can fulfill it even after marriage right, can't we?

The next day morning I woke up and see Jones standing next to my bed and staring at me. He was looking so handsome in his white crisp shirt and dark blue pair of jeans. Water droplets dripped from his wet hair. God! Who can look this hot early in the morning? He is surely the one who brought back liveliness in my life after years of depression. How much ever I tried to forget him, move on in life, and get married to Steve, I couldn't do any of those because the purpose of my life was Jones Mathew. Without him, I am just a living corpse. I wanted his mind, body, and soul for myself right now and forever so I am planning to spend my whole life with him to make up with him for all my past behavior, love him more and more with every passing second, and cherish all moments together for eternity. He sits on the bed and I know now for sure that he wants to wake me up but I want to sleep comfortably for some more time. I pull the covers over me and roll to the corner of the bed.

"Wake up, sleepyhead", he said pulling the covers. I groaned and sat on the bed and he wrapped his warm hands around me.

"Catty you need to wake up", he said

I was least interested to wake up now so I fall back on the bed, hug a pillow, cover myself and try to fall asleep again.

"We are going on a date", he said gaining all my attention

"When and where?", I asked excitedly

"We are going now. The date plan is a surprise. Come on, be a good girl and get ready soon", he said.

I looked at him suspiciously for a few seconds and then asked him to get out of the room so that I could get ready. Jones all of a sudden today morning told me that he wanted to take me on a date. If he had told me about this before I would have been prepared the best outfit for me today but no he wants to do everything instantly and because of him, I am standing in front of my cupboard unable to select a dress. At last, I settled on a white one-shoulder crop top and a pair of sky blue jeans. I use the perfume which he had gifted me.

The man of my life was mesmerized by my beauty as I stepped out of my room. He took steps closer to me and my breath got hitched. He took me into his embrace and a tear slipped off my eye as I snuggled my fav in his chest because of this embrace, this warmness, this secure feeling, the feel of his breath on my skin, and his strong hands around me. I just missed all of this for years. We stayed in the middle of the house hugging each other, thank god no one was there in the living room, or else I am sure I would have gotten teased by them about this situation for a long time.

Jones drove the bike while I sat behind him wrapping one of my hands around his waist and another hand on his thigh. Riding the bike with him, the cool breeze, small chitchat with him and his gigglings made the date a beautiful start. He took me to the nearby mall. We entered an elevator and it was soon crowded and I was pushed closer and closer to Jones. Our bodies collided and my body for stiff at the mere moment of collision. I stared at the floor to make sure that he doesn't notice the red tip of my ears and nose. I was blushing after how long I don't know. I looked up at him and noticed that he wasn't looking into my eyes anymore. His eyes were focused on my neck and soon started to scroll all the way down to my feet and back to my face. He leaned closer to my ears and whispered, "You look so beautiful". His trained hands found their way easily to my waist and his thumb played on my bare skin. The moment his fingertips came in contact with my skin I felt an electric shock and butterflies in my stomach. My skin was starting to burn and my face was getting flushed so I warned him with a deathly glare in the house to hide my feelings.

The elevator, at last, reached the 3rd floor and put an end to this torturous ride. We stepped out and his hand reached to mine and intertwined his fingers with mine. We walked to a shop nearby, he withdrew his hand for a while when he wanted to tie his lace and I was already missing and craving his touch. After finishing his work he stood in front of a dress store and signaled me to move in. I stepped inside the store while he followed me. After selecting some normal outfits Jones selected a wedding gown for me. He said that we are getting married soon so he wanted to select my gown. I was happy, shocked, and emotional at the same time. This was the first time I was feeling different emotions at the same time. It felt like I was living in my own fairy tale.

Then we went to a horror movie. He wanted to watch it because he knows that I am very scared of horror movies and so when I get scared he will get an opportunity to hold it. What an opportunist is my boyfriend? I wondered. I ended up screaming now and then throughout the film, he kept holding me and his eyes were fixed on me and didn't spare a glance to the movie playing at least for sake of the money he has paid.

It was already evening by the time the movie ended. He then drives to a restaurant. He had reserved a private room for us. As we settled, we were served various exotic dishes. We enjoyed the dinner feeding each other, talking to each other, and listening to the mild music which was being played. After dinner, a man handed over a bouquet of red roses to Jones. He went to his knees in front of me and gave me the bouquet. Even after I accepted the flowers he did not stand up.

"Catherine I have known you for more than 20 years. Nobody knows me the way you know. You have been with me in all my ups and downs, gave me a shoulder to cry on, make me smile when I was down, gave me hope when I was lost and you are the person I rely on. Now at this very moment, I am sure that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, my first crush, my first best friend, my first love, my first girlfriend, and my soon-to-be wife. Let's get married. I want to see your face before I end the day and start the day by seeing your face. I want to listen to your scoldings every day, get scared of you now and then, listen to your ramblings and fulfill every single stupid wish on your bucket list. Will you get married to me.", he said

"Where is my ring?", I said despite the tears flowing down my eyes.

"Will you be my mommy by marrying my daddy", Sahana said as she came running and kneeled down next to her father, with a ring. I accepted the ring lifted Sahana in my arms and kissed her cheeks.

"I will be your mother always, Sahana. Yes Jones let's get married", I said

Then I heard the sound of giggling and clapping. Megha, Krish, and even Jones's parents were present here. They congratulated me.

"I will take Sahana with me, spend your valuable time with Mathew", Megha said and everyone took a leave.

I hugged Jones tightly as soon as everyone left. I sobbed into his chest making his shirt wet. I was very happy and emotional at the same time. He gently patted my head with one hand and caressed my back with the other hand. The love of my life just proposed to me in the best way a man could.

"Stop crying, crybaby", he said

"I... love... you", I said between my sobs

"I love you, too", he said.

He moved a step back, placed his finger below my chin, and lifted my face. I blushed as our gaze met. He cupped my face and kissed me gently, then pulled me into a tight embrace.

This is the best day of my life. We then took a long drive in silence. I didn't want to utter a word and enjoy just the presence of him by my side. He halted near an ice cream parlor. After gobbling all my favorite ice-creams.

"I am sorry for everything I did before. I have no idea why you love me so much in spite of my flaws. I love you so much Jones I can't imagine a day without you. I am again sorry for everything. Thanks for loving me even after whatever I did. Thanks for being my pillar since childhood. Thanks for listening to all my senseless ramblings. Thanks for always standing from. Thanks for taking care of me. Thanks for giving me such a beautiful life and an amazing daughter like Sahana. Thanks for coming into my life. In case I missed out on anything just take my gratitude for that also. I didn't know that I could love anyone until I met you. Loving you was the best thing I have ever done.", I said and went on my tiptoes and placed a peck on his forehead.

"Love is unexpected. You can decide with whom and when will you fall in love. You just find love when you are with the right person and so did I fell in love with you, my best friend, and found my soulmate in you. You have no flaws, you might have made some things due to impulse. Remember this thing always you are the most beautiful, mature, and amazing girl I have seen. If you had not come into my life, I would have lost my life long ago. If you hadn't pointed out each mistake that I did I wouldn't be standing in front of you as a responsible father, good chef, encouraging brother, and loving boyfriend. Catherine just get this thing into your head you are the boon in my life. You loved me without expectations, you molded me into a better person. I love you so much, darling", he said.

We hugged each other for a few seconds. Then we stood admiring each other's beauty under the moonlight.