

It was just a hectic day today. I was going through some files when Krish entered my cabin with milkshakes for both of us. He placed the shakes on the table and stood behind. He started to massage my shoulder. I relaxed instantly with his touch. I closed my eyes, leaned comfortably on the chair, and enjoyed his massaging session. A while later his hands traveled up slowly to my neck after caressing it a while he turned my chair. Now I was facing him, his hands on either side of my head and his legs on the sides of my thigh caging me and making sure I can't escape. He slowly leaned forward. His fingers traced my jawline and in response, I started biting my bottom lip. He slowly pulled my lip which was getting tortured between my teeth and my heart's pace just increased drastically. He leaned to kiss me and I placed my hand on his mouth and pushed him back. He landed on the floor and I started laughing.

"Megha", he groaned

"What do I want to drink that milkshake? I don't have time for your sessions", I stated

"You are mean", he said and sat on the chair pouting

"I know", I chuckled

I was talking to Krish when a few nurses barged into my cabin. They were panting and sweating. The horrified look on their face convinced me that they were scared of something.

"Doctor... we have some... policemen here in search of you", one of the nurses said, fear prominently recognizable in her face and voice.

"Why?" it was Krish this time throwing a question to them

"Don't know", she said

I walked towards the reception to meet those policemen and understand what is going on.

"Hello sir, how may I help you?", I greeted them with a nonchalant voice and a smile trying my level best to suppress the feeling of nervousness that I am undergoing right now.

"Are you Dr. Megha?", one among the four men asked me

"Yes I am"

"I am here to take you with me to the police station because Rohit's parents have filed a case against this hospital stating that you have killed their son and they have informed us that they highly suspect you as the reason behind their only son's death"

"Sir I guess there is some misunderstanding here", Krish said

"Who are you?"

"I am Krish Malhotra, Dr. Megha's husband"

"Mr. Malhotra we will decide if this is a misunderstanding or not after the investigation. I believe that now you would comply with us. I want you to follow us to the police station while two of my men will due some searching in this hospital", he said

I started trembling, Krish reached out to my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I looked at him with tears in my eyes I was trying my level best to hold it back.

"Everything is going to be fine", he said and kissed my forehead.

What on this planet is happening around me? Was I just accused of killing a 16-year-old boy? Like why would I even kill him or what will gain by taking an innocent life?

I agree that Rohit passed away while he was under treatment but I'm sure that neither I nor my staff plotted any of this. How can his parents think so? I was so close to Rohit that he treated me like a sister, even his parents knew how we both used to chat and giggle together.

I didn't kill anyone and I would never be able to kill one intentionally. For the sake of heaven, I had taken an oath as a doctor to save lives without any expectations. We followed the police out of the hospital. I witnessed people from different news channels at the entrance of my hospital. Camera clicking and continuous questions from different reporters were making me more scared and nervous. They were trying to approach me but Krish didn't allow them to. He had one of his hands wrapped around my shoulder and then another on my back and scooted me to our car.

My phone started ringing as I settled in the car. It was Mathew calling me

"Megha", he said as soon as picked up the call and he sounded a hell lot worried. I am sure he has got the information about what is happening here. How did he get the news Krish has been with me all this while and he didn't call Mathew?

"Hmm", I just hum in response

"What is happening there Megha? Who on Earth is this Rohit and why the hell are you framed as his murderer?+

"I don't know Mathew. I just don't know what is happening here. I never killed anyone, trust me, Mathew. Please believe me", I was breaking down. Krish placed his hand on my lap and I completely broke down. I held his hand tightly and started to cry my heart out.

"Sweetie listen to me calm down", Mathew said

"I didn't... Do anything"

"I know it darling"

"You trust me?" I said inhaling breath sharply

"I very well know that my baby sister can never even think of harming anyone. We will prove that you are innocent. We got this, be strong"

"But... How did... you... get to know... about this?"

"You are on the headlines dear," he said.

I immediately pulled Krish's mobile from his pocket and checked the news online.

"What the heck? I'm not any murderer", I shouted.

Krish pulled the mobile from my hand.

"Mathew I guess you and Catherine must rush to the police station immediately. Megha needs her brother more than anyone right now", Krish said and cut the call.

Krish was correct I want Mathew by my side right now. He is the only one who can calm me down now. I hope I get out of this mess as soon as possible. I cried loudly and uncontrollably. Krish pulled me toward him and placed a peck on the side of my head.

"Everything is going to be fine very soon. Mathew and I will get you out of this mess very soon", he whispered in my ears

I want to get out of this as soon as possible. I want to be called Dr. Megha again and not as MURDERER MEGHA. I was completely relying solely on Mathew and Krish now. Both of you please get me out of this fast.