
In His World

Prince Chad who was both a royal and a celebrity, had an unusual character attached to him and a lot of mysteries surrounding him and his family. Though he was very handsome and rich, some women he had a relationship with in the past feared him because of some scary unknown experience they had while they were with him, they were not able to survive in his so-called world, and some things they saw or experienced while with him left some of them traumatized for life, his world was so vicious for them. Everything changed when Prince Chad met a woman named Amelia who was brave enough to stand against him, at first she seemed like a normal person, but as time went by Prince Chad found out something interesting about her and decided to keep her, she was the only one that could survive in his world, but would she survive in it for long? And what were the mysteries surrounding Prince Chad? No part of this book should be rewritten, distributed or edited without the knowledge of the author.

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Chapter twenty nine

"I thought you said you can't speak or understand French?" Amelia asked him in bewilderment, she could vividly remember how terrible he was in French back in Paris. "You're a liar."

Chad sighed and took a step towards her.

"I don't easily tell lies Amelia, yes, when we were in Paris I couldn't speak or understand French..."

"But I just heard you say a sentence in French just now, or are my ears deceiving me? You're a terrible liar, Chad," she placed her hands on her hips, demanding an explanation from him.

"Let me land first, Amelia." Chad pinched his nose. "Yes I couldn't speak French but I just learnt how to recently, d'accord?"

"Just in how many days?" She glared at him and he chuckled.

"Juste dans une semaine," he replied to her in French, which means in English "just in a week."

Amelia pouted her lips, she was clueless whether he was lying or not, she looked at him and it seemed like he was being truthful, and back in Paris if he knew how to speak French she should have known, so that means he was not lying, but for him to learn a language he never knew before in a week was hard for her to understand, it seemed impossible, she could not trust him.

She sighed and placed her hand on her forehead. "I'd be taking my leave now, talking with you is giving me a headache."

"Let me drop you off?" Chad offered with a smile, but there was no way Amelia was going to accept his offer.

"No, I'll be better if I went home alone."

"Nope, I will be dropping you off and I don't need you to ask me any questions." He said sternly and she rolled her eyes.

She was about to say something and his lips curved to a smirk. "There is this African saying; 'Never look for a lion's trouble in its den."

Amelia immediately understood what he meant and decided to keep quiet.

"Allons-y," Chad said in French which means in English "Let's go."

Amelia kind of enjoyed the way he spoke the language, he spoke it fluently and his accent made it sound nicer. She preferred him to speak French to English.

"You find my French amazing right?" Chad said winking at her and she blushed a little.

"Nope, it's the next terrible thing in the world." She scoffed and he laughed.

"But someone was amazed when she first heard me speak it," he teased and she rolled her eyes, he was her business partner how could she keep up with him?

"I was just shocked that you spoke it terribly, nothing is amazing or fascinating about you speaking French." She lied but Chad could see through her, she was like a transparent nylon to him, he could see through anyone's mind--that was his superpower.

"You're funny, aren't you?"

"You're a clown aren't you?" Amelia retorted and gave out a long hiss but this made Chad laugh harder, and it made Amelia annoyed.

"I still wonder how you can do this, you amaze me, Amelia."

They entered the parking lot and stopped in front of a metallic black Royce Rolls. He tossed the keys to her with a mischievous look on his face, she caught the keys and started wondering why he gave them to her.

When she stared at him, startled, she understood what this was about.

"Don't you dare give me that look, there is no way I'm going to be the one driving," she declared but it seemed like Chad did not care about what she was saying.

Chad entered his car and Amelia kicked the car's tire numerous times, venting her anger on it.

She entered the car boiling like a pot of soup on a stove, she cursed Chad under her breath and called him all the terrible names she could think of.

She took in a deep breath and arranged her hair, she looked at herself in the car's rear mirror, and she decided to apply some lip gloss on her lips.

Chad watched her in annoyance messing around for more than ten minutes, he could not bare it any longer.

"Won't you start driving this car, Amelia?" He growled and Amelia grinned.

"Oh, the last time I checked I am not your driver." She furrowed her eyebrows and pouted her lips. "What do you take me for..."

Chad came closer to her, his face inches away from her and he kissed her on the cheeks. Amelia froze, and Chad's kiss came too fast for her to process, she slowly placed her hand on the place Chad kissed her, and it felt warm.

"I know I am a monster but please can you get this monster home?" She knew that Chat was trying to use her, she knew that he was trying to confuse her so that she would drive him, but she could not just decline it, she was going to drive him anyways. "I don't know what I am without you, Amelia...you are...I...I...I" Amelia's heart skipped a beat, what was Chad about to say? In books she had read anytime a boy stammered or felt nervous close to a girl when he wanted to say something, that means the boy wants to confess his feelings for the girl or he was about to say something nice to the girl.

Was Chad about to do that?


"I want you to get me to the royal castle before," he looked at the watch in his hand. "...two o'clock." 

Amelia's eyes shone wide like wide saucers and then she felt stupid for ever thinking Chad wanted to say something nice, "You monster..." She wanted to hit him as hard as she could but he held her hand.

"Are you trying to assault me, Amelia?" She forcefully removed her hand from his and she rolled her eyes at him.

She started the car and pulled it out of the parking lot. She had to calm herself down because she was fuming with anger. She turned on the car's MP3, connected it to her phone via Bluetooth and started playing some jazz music to calm herself down. This was what she usually does when she is pissed off.

Chad abruptly stopped the music and she felt like slamming his head on the car dashboard, she took in a deep breath before uttering a word because she did not want to say something that she would later regret.

"Chad?" She called with her voice barely above a whisper, and soft like marshmallows.

"Uhm uhm," he answered and even though she was not looking at him she knew that there would be a dirty grin on his face.

"Why did you turn off the music?" She was trying to be polite and calm, but her mind was screaming and telling her to teach him a lesson, by slamming his head onto the windscreen.

"I'm thinking of something very important and the music was disturbing me," he told her bluntly and it made her angrier that he turned off the music that was helping her remain calm without a solid reason.

"I'm the one driving, so I decide whether the music is turned on or not." She said through her teeth and her hands were squeezing the life out of the steering wheel.

"Oh, please, whose car is this? Isn't it mine?" Chad scoffed. That was it, Amelia could not take it any longer.

"It's your car right?" Amelia smiled and when Chad turned to look at her he felt a little bit scared...what was she about to do? "Then take it."

She left the steering wheel and the car started wobbling. What made it scarier was that they were on the highway. Chad held the dashboard and he saw that a car was coming abreast of them, he turned the steering wheel, manoeuvring the car so that it would not hit the oncoming car.

While this was happening Amelia folded her hands across her chest and her eyes shut, even though she felt bad for what she was doing, she wanted to teach him a lesson.

'He deserves this!' She thought.

"Holy cow! Do you want to kill the both of us?" Prince Chad exclaimed still struggling with the steering wheel. "Please, Amelia take the steering wheel before you kill the both of us," Chad begged her but she was not ready to do that, she was very angry at him.

"Tsk. Didn't know you were this stubborn, but it's fine." Chad cursed under his breath. "Initiate self-driving mode, AI."

"Self-driving mode activated."

The car stopped swaying, and in less than a minute it was steady on the road.

Amelia was beyond shocked to see the car driving itself, she had never seen anything like this before, and this was the first time in her life seeing a self-driving car, she had watched a lot of movies with cars like this but this was just so unbelievable.

"What is happening?" Amelia asked in bewilderment, "How is the car driving itself?"

"Relax, it's not witchcraft, it's technology, something your people can't comprehend," Chad said sarcastically and Amelia frowned at his derogatory statements.

"Where are we heading to, your highness?" The car spoke and Amelia's eyes became wider.

"Take us to the royal castle, AI," Chad told the car, "do that in thirty minutes."

"Your highness, it will take approximately an hour to get to the royal castle because of the traffic."

"I need you to drive there in thirty minutes," he paused, "that is an order," Chad said sternly and the car went faster.

"You're even rude to your car," Amelia scoffed. "I have never seen a monster like you before."

"Really? Aww, that's so sweet of you," Chad smiled and Amelia became angry. "Have you forgotten how you tried to kill both of us moments ago? I won't call that righteous."

"I wasn't...I..." She stammered. "I knew you had something under your sleeve, and this is payback for what you did to me in your private jet--we're even now!"

"To be honest, you sound terrible when you lie," Chad said chuckling, "you did what you did because you are stubborn, you think like a chicken suffering from down syndrome disease and you are so disrespectful, gosh you are so infuriating."

Amelia did not know why Chad's words hurt her so much, she felt devasted after hearing what he said to her.

"Why did you want me to drive when your car could drive itself and take you anywhere you want? Why do you always try to frustrate and annoy me?" Her voice was quite cracked but she maintained her calm. "Now you're saying a lot of hurtful things to me."

Chad sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Nothing." He told her bluntly, "All this was for nothing  but for the fun and the 'Enlightenment'." Chad weirdly uses his hand to rake his face.

"That's it, I'm getting out of this car." She was about to open the car door while the car was moving but Chad stopped her by holding her hands.

"Why do you want to come down from a car moving at a high speed? Do you want to commit suicide?" He asked her and she shut her eyes.

"Better than being with you here." He chuckled at the way she was behaving. He left her hands and she hissed.


"You can leave if you want to." He said gesturing his hand in the air. She tried to open the car door but it was locked, no matter how hard she tried, she could not open it.

"Once this car is moving it is impossible to open the door, and the car only stops moving when I ask it to." He laughed. "Why are you so naive, Amelia? Do you think I'll let you come down when I know that's dangerous and you might lose your life?'

"You don't care about anything, you only care about yourself." She hissed her words out but she was eager to hear him say, 'I care for you' and Chad knew that was what she wanted to hear.

"I don't care about you, I just don't want you to die leaving my car so that I won't be charged with murder, you can die, whatever, it is not my business. And you're wrong there are some people and some things I care about," He paused and an impish grin crept into his face, "trust me, Amelia, I hardly tell lies."


Tiana was surprised when the lecturer announced that the whole department would be going on a week excursion tomorrow. That was so sudden, she had already planned how she would spend her weekend with Chad but now everything was ruined.

"Hurray an excursion," Rita rejoiced beside Tiana who was sad about the sudden announcement. "Isn't it that exciting, Tiana?" 

"Nothing is exciting about it, all my freaking plans are ruined," Tiana complained, packing her books into her bag.

"You mean that your plans to spend time with your prince Charming are ruined?" Rita winked at her and Tiana continued packing her books. "How did the outing the last time go?"

"It was great," Tiana chirped, "I felt so happy and comfortable with Chad, even though some unexpected things happened, Chad still made me smile." Tiana blushed.

"What unexpected things happened?" Rita asked with curiosity.

"Jack showed up," Tiana replied plainly.

"Oh my gosh, that's some unexpected shit. Did they fight each other? Who won?"

"Chill, they didn't fight, they didn't even talk with each other, I just...I just..." Tiana stammered.

"You just what?" Rita came closer to her.

"I made him go away," Tiana lowered her voice.

Rita placed her hands on Tiana's shoulder, "Girl, don't get sad, you did the right thing." 


"People come into our lives and then go out of our lives--that's a normal thing--we have to move on we don't hold onto something forever, just focus on the good things you have now, focus on, Chad." Tiana did not understand why Rita was telling her this, it sounded as if she did good by turning down Jack, but she was right, she had to move on and let go of the feelings she had for Jack.

"Thank you, Rita, I don't know what I am without you." Tiana pulled her into a hug and they hugged briefly.  "I want to get something in my locker before we leave."

Tiana rushed to her locker as she was about to open it, she felt someone behind her.

"Tiana," a voice called and she turned around with the speed of light.

"Jack? What are you doing here?" She asked, surprised.

"What am I doing here? Why are you doing this to me, Tiana?" He came closer to her. "I thought you said we are going to talk this out?"

"There is nothing to talk about," Tiana replied harshly opening her locker.

"Tiana, why are you acting like this? Did I ever do wrong to you?" Jack was surprised at Tiana's sudden rudeness.

"I don't care, Jack please just go away." She sighed. "You're being a pest now."

Jack felt devastated, he did not understand why Tiana started acting this way.

"I understand how you feel, Tiana, I won't disturb you again, just be careful around, prince Chad, I have been hearing and seeing something about him..."

"Oh please." Tiana shut her locker loudly. "Are you jealous of him?" She paused. "He is a prince, he is famous, he is rich, he has parents, what do you have?