
In His World

Prince Chad who was both a royal and a celebrity, had an unusual character attached to him and a lot of mysteries surrounding him and his family. Though he was very handsome and rich, some women he had a relationship with in the past feared him because of some scary unknown experience they had while they were with him, they were not able to survive in his so-called world, and some things they saw or experienced while with him left some of them traumatized for life, his world was so vicious for them. Everything changed when Prince Chad met a woman named Amelia who was brave enough to stand against him, at first she seemed like a normal person, but as time went by Prince Chad found out something interesting about her and decided to keep her, she was the only one that could survive in his world, but would she survive in it for long? And what were the mysteries surrounding Prince Chad? No part of this book should be rewritten, distributed or edited without the knowledge of the author.

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Chapter thirty five

Amelia shut her eyes thinking that he was about to kiss her, he brought his head to her ear and whispered, "I'm not going to kiss you don't even think of it."

Amelia opened her eyes and hissed. "If you should have tried that, I should have beaten you." She huffed. A part of her wished that he kissed her.

"You just shut your eyes expecting me to kiss you..."

"I was..." She trailed off.

"You were?" Chad smirked.

She sighed, "I didn't want to see your disgusting face that is why I shut my eyes."

"Have you forgotten who you are talking to, Ms Amelia?" Chad asked her coldly and she gulped, she had been saying a lot of disrespectful things to him without noticing.

"Uhm... I am sorry," she sighed and he laughed.

"Not that I care about what you say about me," he placed his hands on her shoulders, "if I do care you should have been in prison by now."

He glared at her and she lowered her head. He chuckled, "Do you want to return to that damn party or do you want to go somewhere else?"

"I want to go somewhere, I'm sick of that place," she pouted and he took his lips in.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked softly. "Do you want to see my room?"

"Uhm I guess so." She told him and he winked at her. "What are you planning to do?" She glared at him suspiciously.

"Oh, what am I planning to do," he grinned mischievously and then suddenly the look on his face changed, "nothing. If you think anything will happen then you're delusional, nothing will happen.

"Why are you so rude?" She pouted and he chuckled.

"I'm not rude am I?" He brought his face closer to hers. "Or do you want something to happen between us?"

"Nope...I...never want that..." She stammered and tried to hide her face from his sight. A part of her wanted him to say something might really happen if the both of them went to the room but she suppressed that part of her.

"Let's go, Amelia." He told her and started walking away. Amelia followed him behind, she looked around and she noticed that this place was beautiful and it had a lot of flowers. 

"What is the place?" She asked him in amazement and he smirked.

"This the royal garden," he gestured his hands in the air. "Welcome to one of the most beautiful places in the castle."

Amelia was struck with awe by the beauty and magnificence of the garden. The garden had flowers she had never seen before and the garden smelled nice--the smell of flowers filled the air.

Chad stopped walking and stood beside a wooden bench, with a lamp stand intertwined with vines beside it.

He sat down and gestured for her to sit down. She sat down slowly and made sure her face was hidden from Chad's stare.

He wrapped his hands around her shoulders and drew her closer to him. She cringed.

She stared at him and this was one of the first times she noticed how handsome he was, the moonlight shone on his face, revealing his well-defined Jaw and cheekbones, his eyes glowed like diamonds and his breath was warm and smelled like mint.

"This is better than going to my room, isn't it?" He asked her and she nodded. "Do you want to see something interesting?"

"Uhm, I guess so," she muttered and he clapped his hands twice. The garden which was dimly lit became well lit, the flowers were glooming and it looked so beautiful. Amelia was amazed she had not seen anything like this before.

"Wow, this is so beautiful!" She exclaimed.

"Now we can talk...I want you to be very comfortable."

"What are we going to talk about?" She was curious, this was the very first time Chad was asking her to have a conversation with him.

"Anything, there is a lot to talk about," he paused. "Do you know that you are the very first person I have brought to this garden?" He told her and her heart skipped a beat.

"Why are you lying to me Chad? I'm sure that you have come here with a lot of pretty ladies, who knows whether you have taken them to a nicer place than this." She longed for him to say that it was not true, that she was really the only person he had brought here, she wanted to hear him say it again.

"How many times do I have to tell you, I hardly tell lies, Amelia," he sighed. "What will I gain from lying to you? I told you that you are the first and heaven bears me witness." 


"How many times do I have to tell you that you are? You are also the first person to ever stand against me?" He glared at her and she giggled.

"How do I stand against you?"

"I love your confidence, Amelia, you're one of the boldest, bravest and smartest women I have ever met," he complimented her and she blushed.

"I don't think I am any of that, I am just messed up."

"Remember the first day we met? You were not even shy or surprised or afraid or shocked or nervous, you were just...you." He turned to her and stared at her intently. "No girl have I met has ever been this confident talking to me, they are either shy, nervous, scared or surprised."

"I want to ask you something, Chad," she muttered and he smirked.

"You can ask me anything, Amelia, what I can answer I will answer, what I am not able to answer I will not answer."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Amelia shut her eyes in embarrassment after she asked him, Chad had never seen her like this before even though the question was ridiculous he was still going to answer it anyway.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"No...never...why will I be..." She fumbled with her words. "I am just asking."

"Truly I say to you that you will be, but not now, time we tell," Chad breathed and she stared at him in confusion.


"And I can't answer that question now." He muttered and stared into the sky.

"Why is that?"

"Because I do not want to lie." He told her and she became more confused, it was very hard for her to understand Chad's motives or what he meant sometimes. "How's your business?"

"It's going very well, but I'm having a recline of customers," she sighed. "It's just so hard for the brand to keep up meeting up with the customers' demand."

"Why do you have to meet them up?" He questioned.

"You know, Customers are always right." She told him and he laughed loudly.

"That's not true, is not every time you agree to what the customers need," he sighed and pinched his nose. "I guess I have a lot of work to do."

"What work?"

He turned to her and grinned. "Fame and wealth, I can give it to you, with time, you're brand will be the top ranking in the world and soon everything you need will be yours. Then you will see how powerful I can be."

"Why do you say so? I hardly believe any of this," she doubted and he laughed.

"Just be patient, Amelia, you are very fortunate to have me on your side, because I will make your dreams come true." He placed his hands on her thighs and smirked.

"But why are you doing all of this for me?" One thing Amelia could not understand was why someone like Chad wanted to help her achieve her dreams.

"Cause I want to," he sighed and looked at the sky again.

Amelia plucked a rose and played with its petals with her fingers. She brought it to her nose and smelled it. "Oh, how I love the scent of roses." She glared at him and used her finger to poke him in the shoulder. "You didn't even give me a rose or any other flower."

"Why should I do that?"

"Most romantic guys do that," he rolled his eyes and she glared at him and remembered how terrible he could be sometimes. "Why are you always so uptight?"

Chad turned to her took her hands into his and said. "Why give you a rose when I can give you a garden?" He paused and as usual, his lips curved into a sinister smile. "No, a garden is too little, a field of flowers is more interesting, I will give it to you, everything you need shall be yours."



Prince Calvin leaned on his office desk, wondering who the lady his brother brought to the party last night was. This was the very first time he had seen his brother interested in a girl, he noticed how beautiful and charming she was, and he also noticed how they danced and spoke with each other as if they had known each other for a very long time now, even though she was mixed and do not look like one from a noble background. He knew that his parents were not happy with Chad for bringing someone like that to the palace.

Calvin sighed and sat on his office chair, "what are you up to now, Chad? Don't tell me you're now a lover boy?" He said to himself.

His office door abruptly opened and Lisa his ex walked into his office. Prince Calvin frowned immediately.

"What are you doing here Lisa? And why didn't you knock before entering?" Calvin growled and Lisa rolled her eyes.

"Have you forgotten that we are now business partners?" She winked at him and Calvin's eyebrow furrowed.

"I don't give a damn about that, Lisa just leave my office."

Lisa was wearing a very short black skirt and a tight shirt and her cleavage was exposed.

"Are you sure?" She raised her skirt, exposing her thighs and then she turned around seductively. "Don't you want to play around..."

"Shut up!" Calvin shouted and balled his hands into fists. "I don't want to have anything to do with you, Lisa."

"Oh, I am sure you do," she walked to his desk and sat on it. She bit her lips and winked at him. "Don't you want to play, Calvin, it's been a long time hasn't it?"

She was so tempting and Calvin could not bear it, he started sweating,  he was holding himself back, and he promised himself that he would never have anything to do with her again.

He took in a deep breath, "I am serious here, Lisa."

"I am serious here, Calvin." She put her finger in her mouth and used her hand to squeeze her breast.

"I don't care," he sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you, Lisa, that I don't want to have anything with you and nothing will make me ever have anything with you."

"Why are you always like this Calvin?" She rolled her eyes. "Why can't you just forget about the past why can't we go back to what we were before?"

"You know why we are like this, Lisa I do not need to remind you." He narrowed his eyes and she hissed.

"I don't care about that, Calvin, I still love you and I want us to be together, I want you to play with me like you used to do." She came closer to him and was about to touch him. He slapped her hands away.

"If you dare touch me, I will call my guards on you and have arrested for sexual assault," he threatened. "How dare you try to seduce me in my own office," he face palmed  himself and started laughing, "You still lack manners like before, you are still a slut like before, why am I even surprised."


"Get out of my office now, Lisa."

"I just want to talk with you..."

"I don't want to talk, Lisa, just leave." He pinched his nose. "I have a girlfriend, Lisa."

"Is that so? You have a girlfriend and you still move around with other girls?" She huffed. "You're just terrible."

"Don't make me lose it, Lisa," Calvin warned and Lisa hissed and cat walked to the door. She turned around and winked at him.

"See you next time, babe." She giggled before leaving his office.

"Damn Lisa." Calvin sighed sinking into his chair.