
In DxD as Raizel

This Fanfic is gonna a laidback and chill fic. If you want an overly serious fanfic, then this is not for you. This is one of those that you read while relaxing, so don't expect a dramatic plot for this. *There will be many flaws in this, I know since I'm a noob writer. So don't expect much from this. Warning: Semi-Op? Mc. Disclaimer: I do not own any characters I used in this fanfic except my OC. All the source materials I will use in this belong to their respective owner.

True_Noblesse · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs


Sea of Nothingness~

I...was floating in this dark space, I don't know what to do. I can't move my body, all I can do is let myself float. I wonder how I got here.

I was just watching the latest episode of the anime I like. And then, I can't remember after that, what happened I wonder? But maybe...I'm dead now?

I guess I am, I already knew I would sooner or later die. But I'm glad, I will not feel all the pain and suffering when I'm alive. My only regret would probably be not seeing the endings of the animes I like, One Piece is one of them.

I wonder if Luffy eventually gets One Piece or how they got it. Ahh, now that I think about it, I can't watch and read all those great shows and novels, manga, or LN.


Well, I guess there's nothing I can do about it. But I wonder how long I've been here, and what will happen to me after this. I don't care much even if I died, and I was just grateful that my pain and suffering are gone now.

Time passed, and there was still nothing happening. The soul that was drifting in this void was getting bored now. But just then, he disappeared with a light covering him.


Ugh! What was that bright light? I was almost blinded by it since it was so bright. I wonder where it came from?


Now that I look around, I'm in a different space from where I was previously. The place I was in now is full of lush grasses, with trees growing around.

I also noticed that I am near a lake. I looked around more and saw an old man sitting on the docks holding a fishing rod. I decided to walk towards him.

After I arrived near the old man, I ask politely, "Um, can I ask where I am?" I ask him, but based on what happened so far, I can deduce some things.

"Ohoho, what a polite young man. Come sit down first" The old man chuckled before a small chair suddenly appeared out of thin air. I was amazed at it, and now I think my hypothesis is right.

I hesitated but finally speak my thoughts, "Are you perhaps God? And am I dead?" I ask politely

The old man then stopped fishing and the fishing rod disappeared. He then stood up and face me. A gentle smile appeared on his face.

"Hoho, you can call me that but I prefer being called Lord [A]. And yes, as you've thought previously, you are dead." He said to me, hearing that I sighed once again.

"Then why am I here? Why am I not in heaven or hell, or whatever place I would go to in the afterlife?" I ask because this is what confuses me.

"To answer your question, it's because you are chosen out of the countless soul to have a chance at a new life with your memories intact. But there is a price, you need to do some work for me."

"Hmm...So it's like that from the fanfics I read huh...I accept then, but can you please tell me the work I need to do? Or if I can get some wishes or something?" I ask so I can understand more. And why I agreed? Well, of course, it's been my dream to get isekaid.

"What an interesting fellow you are. Very well, the work you need to do is...make me entertained. Just live your life however you want and I will watch but of course, I wouldn't watch some private things. It's just my way of releasing my boredom and watching you live your life will probably be entertaining. And you will get 3 wishes. And don't worry, you will still have your memories."

"Eh? Is that all?" I was dumbfounded by his answer. I mean, I am thankful for the second chance at life with my memories intact

"Hoho, don't be surprised by the reason. If you are as strong and old as me, you can understand. Anyway, say your three wishes, but no super OP stuff like the 3 omni's, okay?" He chuckled, I think he can read my mind. Well, with his strength that's not surprising.

I took a deep breath then, "Alright, my first wish is super growth skill, which lets me become stronger faster with a multiplier of 5x. And the second wish is all of the Noblesse, Raizel's abilities, and Bloodline without the side effects of using up the life force. Lastly, I want an inner world where I can train, and there should be a time dilation of 1:10, 1 day outside is 10 days inside, and can it have the function of changing gravity inside at my will? Is it acceptable?" I asked warily.

"Hmm, for your first wish, you still need to train to become stronger. It's not like you can become stronger just by doing nothing and yes the multiplier is acceptable, meaning your training will yield you 5x the effect. For example, you trained for an hour but due to your super growth skill, that will be multiplied by five. And your result will be like you trained for 5 hours but in reality, you only trained for 1 hour. As for your second wish, it's considered 2 wishes but I will allow it. And although you will have his abilities, you will still start from the bottom and you need to train to get to Raizel's strength and beyond. And as a bonus, I will give you his appearance too, neat isn't it? With that, you can get the ladies, hohoho." Lord [A] laughed jovially, "As for your third wish, it's acceptable. But you can only enter your inner world by the age of 10, as for why I set it at 10. It's because your new body will need to adapt to your new world. Anyway, the world you'll go to will be decided by spinning this wheel."

After he said that, a wheel with many choices appeared, and there was also an arrow pointing downwards at the top of it. I walked over and spin the wheel. I waited for a bit and it finally stopped.

"Oh it's High School DxD."

I just sighed and accepted it. Although I know it is a dangerous world but I'll just be careful. I am already indebted to him since he gave me this second chance at life, and I'll thoroughly enjoy it.

I then bowed towards him, "Thank you once again for this chance. I'll never forget this chance you gave me."

"Hoho, don't worry about it. Anyway, I will create a body for you, and as I said earlier it will look like Raizel in the future after you grow up. That's because you will reincarnate there as a baby. Do you have any request, where do you want to go, or it's random?"

Hmm...I think for a bit, what place would be the best starting place for me? I got it, I think that's the best place for me, and I can also get some early training there.

"Then, can you please have me taken care of by Azazel? Kind of like how he took in Vali after he ran away from his family. I think being part of Grigori would be the best start for me. And please make me the same age as Vali." Yep, that's my decision. There were better choices but I have a feeling that this is the most suitable one for me.

"Very well, I must say although not the best choice you can get it's better than most. Then this will be farewell for now, see you later and enjoy your new life" Lord [A] smiled at me and waved.

I returned a smile to him before I was transported to my new world. I wonder how my life would be from then on...