
In Dragon Ball as Goku

A normal person from Earth was a fan of animes. Especially Dragon ball. He watched Dragon Ball, Z, GT & Super multiple times and recorded his favourite battle scenes in his mobile and watch whenever he was bored. He wanted to always be strong like his favourite characters and one day..... One day, The creator of Moro, enemy of Dragon god Zalama and Zeno, after getting defeated by Goku, travelled back in time and replaced the soul of Goku from a weak world even so far from a different omniverse as to not take any chances to change his future and get his revenge. I DONOT OWN DRAGON BALL FRANCHISE OR ANY CHARACTERS EXCEPT THE OC CHARACTERS I INSERT. This Goku will always be ahead of his game and OP because I like OP characters. Genuine reviews are welcome. English is not my first or second language. It’s my third. I also type in my phone very fast and don’t re-edit. So expect many grammar errors and spelling mistakes. There are some piece of sh**s readers who cannot do anything right in their life. And comments from such Mother F*****s will be deleted. It’s because of such as*****s, most of the novels go unfinished as authors get demotivated. English Teachers: If you can do a better job, then write your own novel instead of correcting me in every paragraphs. So just F****off. I’m writing this fanfic for fun & pass time and genuine readers. Advance Thanks for the supporters. Have fun reading.

Crook_Shank · Komik
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75 Chs

Androids End and Future Restored

Trunks and Goku set out to find the androids. Goku clicked his scouter to search for the androids. The scouter scanned for a while and started displaying power levels. And after a while of scanning, Goku found two large power levels. One was 180 million and another was 200 million. Goku knew these were the power levels of the androids. The androids of the future were far weaker than the androids of the normal timeline in the anime. Trunks had said it in the anime when he met the androids after he came back in time in the original.

Goku after scanning the power levels said "There, found them 400 miles to the north." Trunks nodded and both of them flew towards North to finish off the androids. After flying for a while, they came across the two androids 17 & 18 destroying a city. Trunks was angry and wanted to rush at them, but Goku stopped him. The androids who were busy blasting the city saw Trunks and Goku and were shocked to see Goku. 17 spoke "Well, if it isn't Goku. How come you are still alive?" Goku just shook his head witnessing all the destruction that the androids had caused.

Goku then spoke "Tell me androids, weren't you human once? Why did you lose your humanity and are destroying the planet and killing?" 18 smirked "Because it's fun." 17 also laughed and said "we don't know how you are back alive, but Now we can kill you Goku." Goku looked at Trunks "Stay back Trunks. I got this" He said. Trunks nodded and flew back. Goku then transformed into a Super saiyan. Seeing this, 17 rushed at Goku and attacked. The attacks hit Goku, but Goku didn't even feel them. 17 became vary witnessing this and called his sister "18, let's fight together. This Goku seems stronger than we thought".

18 was a little surprised that 17 would ask her for help, but she too witnessed that 17 couldn't even put a scratch on Goku. Then she also joined the fight. Both androids rushed towards Goku attacking with punches and kicks, but Goku just pointer his finger and blocked all of them. Goku then looked at the two androids and said "You two are too weak to even play around. So now let's end this". He then caught 17 by the neck and lifted him up " You androids are irredeemable. Now go and repent your sins... Die" he then blasted off 17 into nothing.

Goku then looked at 18. She was scared seeing how easily Goku dispatched 17. She wanted to escape, but couldn't move as she was paralysed by fear. Goku just stretched his hand blasting her off into dust and shook his head. Trunks was happy seeing the androids dead with tears flowing down his eyes. Goku made his way towards Trunks and patted his shoulder saying "It's done trunks. Be brave. I'll go visit King Kai and see what I can do. You return back and report to Bulma." Trunks nodded and Goku instant transmissioned to King Kai's planet.

King Kai was watching everything that was going on. He was shocked to see Goku back and destroying the androids. Goku suddenly appeared next to him and said "Yo, King Kai. How are you doing?" King Kai smiled seeing Goku again after a very long time. He said "It's good to see you Goku, that Bulma and the kid managed to travel through dimensions, but it's forbidden by the gods." Goku nodded "I know King Kai. But It had to be done." King Kai also understood.

Goku asked "King Kai, if you knew all that happened, why didn't you help out?" King Kai listening to Goku's question said "We Kais or King Yama cannot interfere until the universe is under threat. We can't interfere for a single planet by sending a dead warrior from the otherworld." Goku nodded. "Ok. What happened to this world's Me and the others?" King Kai answered "You died of a disease and sent to reincarnation. Your soul must be reincarnated already. The others are in the otherworld". Goku then said "Ok King Kai. Point me to planet Namek. I'll go to Namek and atleast restore earth."

King Kai pointed the direction and Goku instant transmissioned to Namek. After a few seconds, Goku reached Namek and saw only a few namekian s remained. As they saw Goku, Elder Moori came forward and asked "Are you friend or foe?" Goku smiled as he replied "Greetings elder, my name is Goku. I've come from earth". Hearing Goku's name, the Namekians became happy and welcomed him. Goku then asked to use the Dragonballs to restore the damage done to the earth and they accepted. Goku then asked "Elder, is there any way to bring back the people killed long back? As I know Namekian Dragonballs couldn't do that".

Moori smiled and replied "The old Namekian Dragonballs could only restore one person dead only a few years before as Nameks didn't believe in wishing people back. But after the calamity of Frieza, we changed and increased Porunga's power to wish many people back to life no matter the time of death." Goku nodded happily then thought 'So in my timeline I cannot wish back someone who died long back with the Dragonballs because it was created that way by Guru. And the earth's Dragonballs created by Kami are not strong enough.' He then thanked Elder Moori and they summoned Porunga.

Porunga appeared saying his usual dialogue saying he would grant three wishes. Goku said "For my first wish, restore earth to how it was before androids appeared." Porunga's eyes glowed and the wish was granted. Goku then spoke his second wish "Reatore the bodies and Bring back all the good people killed by the androids over the years." Porunga's eyes glowed for a while and he spoke "Many souls who were killed has been reincarnated. The people who were not reincarnated has been brought to life back on earth, but it has used two wishes. One to restore their bodies and one to bring them back to life". Goku then thanked Porunga and he disappeared.

Back on earth, Trunks was returning back to Bulma, but he watched in astonishment as the destroyed buildings were rebuilt and many people coming back to life. The earth was becoming colourful again. Trunks stooped and looked at the sky and said "Thanks Goku" and started crying. Soon he sensed a familiar power and rushed towards it. He then saw Gohan standing there feeling confused. Trunks rushed towards him and hugged him.