
In Douluo Dalu with the Naruto System

When he woke up, Ye Zhiqiu’s find himself in Douluo Dalu world and he became Tang San’s neighbor and a young boy. Ye Zhiqiu, who had originally thought that he could only hug Tang’s legs tightly, awakened his main martial arts spirit at the age of six, followed by the Naruto System. Since then, he has gone farther and farther on the road of greatness. ---------------------------------------------------- I am trying to stockpile a lot of chapters so starting releases will be slow and chapters will be divided into two but after some time I will upload regularly and full size chapters. You can support me on pateron - https://www.patreon.com/EdwardElite

EdwardElite · Komik
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231 Chs

Chapter 27 - Meeting Sword Doulou Again (part-1)

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"Rongrong, what do you think about this iron-eating panda? It is about 350 years old. This pure power-type spirit beast is rare among the spirit beasts. We were able to meet it today, it is considered lucky, and its spirit ring just fits you." Sword Douluo pointed at a black and white bear-like spirit beast that was dozing off dozens of meters away, with a silly smile on his face.

Ning Rongrong looked at it curiously and carefully, and asked a little nervously, "Grandpa Sword, this iron-eating panda is so cute and fluffy, do we really need to kill it?"

Ning Rongrong's tone was a bit naive, and there was a hint of compassion in her eyes for the iron-eating panda beast.

"Such a cute, little, round and fluffy beast must be very comfortable to touch if I can take it home as a pet..."

If another person asked, Sword Douluo will definitely get annoyed.

But the one who asked this question was Ning Rongrong. Ning Rongrong was the treasure of the Seven Treasure Glass Sect. Whether it was Ning Fengzhi or the two titled Douluos of the Seven Treasure Glass Sect, she was precious to all of them.

Sword Douluo didn't become annoyed at her, but rather patiently explained, "Rongrong, spirit beasts are humanity's enemies. Remember, you can't have compassion for spirit beasts in the future." After Sword Douluo finished speaking, he touched Ning Rongrong's little head with affection.

About a hundred meters away from them.

Ye Zhiqiu wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth. He did not know whether the panda meat was good or not. Unexpectedly, Douluo Continent still has a spirit beast like a panda. He had no chance to eat panda's paws in his previous life. Today, He is going to eat its meat.

[T/n: HOLY FUCK! I really don't understand what type of weird taste someone is supposed to have to be attracted to the idea of eating a panda. ]

Ye Zhiqiu and Sword Douluo are separated from each other by a lot of trees and the jungle was dense so they did not find each other. It stands to reason that Sword Douluo's perception was very powerful, but unfortunately, at this time, he was seriously educating a little Loli, so he did not find a small figure hidden 100 meters away.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't think so much. He is a doer(an active person) and a gourmet(An expert in eating and drinking; someone who takes their food seriously).

So, he wiped his saliva and got on it.

Out of respect for food, Ye Zhiqiu did not choose to sneak attack, but when his feet were about to kick the bear's head, he gave a violent shout as a reminder.

The iron-eating panda beast suddenly woke up from a nap, and when he opened his eyes, he saw an increasingly larger foot kicking towards him. Before the attack, the whirring wind had already pierced his cheeks.

It was like a ball, and it was kicked by Ye Zhiqiu at a distance of seven or eight meters. With the sound of "Bam", it stuck it on a big tree. After a few seconds of pause, it slowly slid down.

The iron-eating panda beast's skull was sunken in one piece, and there was some doubt in his distracted eyes, and it seemed that he would not survive.

"Huh? I haven't exerted any strength yet, you just hung up?" Ye Zhiqiu smiled and patted his hands, showing a master demeanor.

[Negative sentiment point from the iron-eater plus 2660...]

[The negative emotion point from Sword Duoluo plus 966...]


Plz share your thoughts about the story and what you want to see in it.And also plz comment if you find any mistakes,I will edit it.

For next chapter   :-
