
Chapter 8- A mother's resolution

Liu Feng had been inside the Well for three hours and Liu Erlong was frightened since her son hadn't yet come out. Dugu Yan sat next to her grandfather with a worried expression on her face. 

'Is this kid okay down there?' Dugu Bo wondered as he folded his arms about his broad chest and looked at Liu Erlong, who was calm but had concerned eyes that wouldn't escape from his gaze. 

Liu Erlong's face lit up with joy as she sensed her kid using Divine Sense, was emerging from the Well when suddenly some bubbles started to come out of it. 

"Whew, Mommy!" shouted Liu Feng, smiling and swimming towards the shore, where Liu Erlong awaited for him with a towel from her storage bag. Dugu Bo could feel the source of the Yin Yang Well dwindling and looked at the blonde kid, who had grown dignified and had an imposing aura. 

"Brother!, Are you okay?" Dugu Yan asked cutely with a smile, and Liu Feng could see her poison emerald eyes shift to normal brown eyes, indicating that her spirit poison had been cured. 

"Yeah!, I'm fine, Dugu Yan, how's your body?" replied Liu Feng as his mother rubbed his damp head with the towel. 

"There was no irritation, and I am feeling fresh after all the pain I fought," Dugu Yan replied with a big grin, shyly glancing at Liu Feng's bare body, which she was only partially viewing. Liu Erlong brought out the new dress for her son and dressed him nicely after checking his body for any injuries. 

"OK, boy, it appears you took everything in the Well, so what will happen to this place now?" Dugu Bo wondered, knowing Liu Feng had taken the true source of the Yin Yang Well.

"Don't worry Gramps, the spirit power in the well will not be drained for at least 10,000 years, but within 100 years I will find a solution because I don't want this place to vanish," Liu Feng remarked, staring at Dugu Bo, who gave a faint smile. 

"And you can have these immortal herbs for yourself because I am grateful for your help in curing my granddaughter," said Dugu Bo, who had worked hard to find a remedy to cure the poison of the Jade phosphor Serpent spirit, and now he didn't have any concerns about looking out this area. 

"Thank you, Gramps, but this place was a treasure to anyone in that way, it may cause chaos to obtain it because there's no end to people's greediness," stated Liu Feng, leaving Dugu Bo speechless at the young child's remarks. 

"So, do you want me to go out and hunt a Sprit beast for your second spirit ring?" asked Dugu Bo, Liu Erlong was stunned when she heard Dugu Bo's words and looked at her son, only to discover that he had reached Spirit rank 20. 

"My son, your surprises are dulling your mother's mind," Liu Erlong replied blankly, while Liu Feng grinned warily at her words.

"Can't do anything Mommy, your son is highly talented," said Liu Feng as he shrugged his shoulders. Liu Erlong smiled and shook her head, thinking her son was cute when he spoke with pride.

"And Gramps, I'll have my second spirit ring in a week later," Liu Feng stated with a smile, and Dugu Bo nodded. Then he hurriedly went to the Immortal Herbs' location with Dugu Yan to obtain the Immortal Herbs' seeds.

While Dugu Bo and Liu Erlong were taking Liu Feng's talent and not spreading what had happened in the Yin Yang Well seriously. 

'I wanted to ask so many questions about this kid, but seeing his mother's protectiveness, forget it, I will know in the future,' Dugu Bo thought as he sensed Liu Erlong was trying not to leak extra information about her son and for now he wanted to enjoy a little peace after his lifetime trouble was solved. 

"Brother, what will you do with those seeds?" Dugu Yan inquired as she noticed Liu Feng gathering Immortal Herb seeds. 

"Well, I'm planting these seeds to grow new Immortal plants in the near future, even though maturing Immortal Herbs will take a very long time again," Liu Feng said to Dugu Yan with a smile. 

"Then how long will it take?" Dugu Yan said, having become interested in Immortal Herbs after witnessing the potency of an Immortal Herb. 

"I'm not sure correctly, but it will take approximately 10000 years for Immortal Herbs to completely mature, which is why these Herbs are very rare and time-consuming to obtain," explained Liu Feng as Dugu Yan was startled by the amount of time and began to ask many questions later on with a delighted look. 

'Well, look at them, they're great for each other, and this kid is incredibly talented, even though I don't know his Spirit, I can tell this boy's spirit isn't an average one,' Dugu Bo mused as he looked at the kids who were having fun. Liu Erlong could tell what this old man was thinking, but she was also delighted to have such a cute daughter-in-law in the future, and she wouldn't force them because it depended on their future mentality. 


Liu Erlong and her son were riding in a beautiful carriage to the Blue Tyrant Academy in the evening.

Now in Liu Erlong's residence on the green mountain, both sat on the chairs while Liu Erlong placed some snakes on the table for them to eat and talk. 

"I have many questions, and I am slightly angry about your behaviour today, son," Liu Elrong stated, irritated. 

"OK, I'll tell you everything Mommy, I thought my second spirit was an auxiliary type but unexpectedly it's not Mommy, that ominous orange power you see earlier was sealed in my second spirit and it only has the Yin part and the remaining Yang part was missing, if I don't balance the power I will be controlled by that power and attack mindlessly," Liu Feng said as he took a biscuit and ate it while enjoying the sweet taste. 

"So, now there will be no problem with your second spirit," Liu Erlong worriedly replied after hearing all concerning his Second Spirit's danger. 

"Yeah, with the infinite supplement of Fire Dragon king's Yang spirit power, the missing Yang part will gradually grow, and in the meantime, I will conquer it and learn about the mysterious power history," Liu Feng replied with a sneer, eager to manage it. 

"So my guess is correct, the source of Yin Yang Well is actually from the Spirit bones of the Dragons," Liu Erlong stated, while Liu Feng nodded his head with his mouth full of biscuits and his mother wiped his lips with her own dress, not worrying about the stains marks.

"Hehe, I got the bloodlines of both Fire Dragon King and Water Dragon King but their bloodline power is overwhelming so the bloodlines are sealed with Nine seals unexpectedly I was able to form a Second compressed ring in my Spiritual ring Mommy" stated Liu Feng, making Liu Erlong proud of her son's talent. 

"And mommy, the second ability Spiritual Shock of Compressed Ring is very useful in a battle but does not work against the high spiritual power person," Liu Feng said after learning that the second compressed ring's ability called Spiritual Shock would stun the opponent and was a double-edged sword that could backlash if the opponent's spiritual power was high. 

"You are right son, but it is a good ability, did you think you were really able to remove poison in Poison Douluo, his spirit's poison had gone deep into his bone marrow" said Liu Erlong while she fold her arms.

"And surprisingly you didn't take any Immortal Herbs from Yin Yang Well because my son's character never do such things," said Liu Erlong while looking at her adorable son who was smiling cutely but his cunning thoughts couldn't escape from Liu Erlong's love. 

"Amazing mother, you caught my thoughts, and if I think Gramps should also find out my plan," Liu Feng remarked as he swung his legs on the chair, and Liu Erlong knew what his son's plan was to bring Poison Douluo to his side. 

"Well, seeing your talent, Poison Douluo should have already considered joining our side, so you don't need to worry," Liu Erlong replied, smiling at her son, who stood up and approached her with a beaming face. 

"I know, but I still need a guarantee from him to our sides Mommy, it would be dangerous for you if we didn't think in this way," Liu Feng explained, not wanting to risk putting his mother in danger. 

"Ok as you wish, my son," Liu Erlong remarked, smiling sweetly at her son. Liu Feng smiled, kissed his mother's cheek and dashed to the practice ground. 

"What an idiot I am, I thought of asking an Immortal Herb for Yu Xiaogang," Liu Erlong said, squeezing her fist in disappointment at her thinking about her boyfriend rather than her son Liu Feng.

She felt guilty when her son showed his selfless love towards her. She slapped her cheeks with both palms in resentment, and her eyes turned somewhat red. 

"I may regret twenty years of love if I stop loving you, Xiaogang, but I am a mother to this selfless child, and I can't look after my son with half-hearted caring," Liu Erlong said as she stood up and looked in her son's direction. 

"Regret and resentment, I don't fucking care, I will love my son wholeheartedly even if it goes against my heart," Liu Erlong declared, her eyes filled with determination that she would finally quit waiting for her lover's arrival. 


Meanwhile, Dugu Bo sat on a chair inside the massive mansion, thinking about Liu Feng's tiny smart thoughts with a slight smile, as he was impressed by Liu Feng.

"Such a cunning kid, but I am grateful for his help, and with that kid's talent, it won't be long before he reaches great heights in the future, and I can't wait to see it," said Dugu Bo, who was drinking his favourite wine to celebrate the event of taking care of his spirit's poison. 

Dugu Yan was resting in her bed, thinking about Liu Feng and eager to find out her spirit in Spirit Awakening as she gently dozed off.