
in douluo dalu 2 ?

a man with an unknown past gets a second chance in Douluo Dalu. but what next?

jacke_m1 · Komik
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40 Chs

Elder Song visit

-------3rd Pov----

in front of Ray Shop's 'Forest breeze'. he gives it this name because of the place he was built in, as it is surrounded by trees and plants giving the feeling of a deep forest, two women were standing there surprised by the change that happened to this place.

the two women are elder Song that was here a couple of days before, and her daughter and the dean of the Guidance Devices Department Xian Lin'er.

"even if I sense it last night, and now I saw the effect I still can't believe it," Xian Lin'er said in surprise, as the place she used to see changed to a completely different building. after they enter they were greeted with a wooden space with a bunch of chairs and tables around and in the middle a couple of couches and drinks tables. At the very end of the terrace, there is a long Bar counter with dozens of island chairs. (pic)

as they reach the counter, they found Ray there putting some mechanical parts together causing the eyes of elder Xian Lin'er to shin and come closer in quick steps, while the elder son sighed and followed her.

Ray notices them "Oh Elder song, Good to see you again, how are you doing? and you are..."

Elder song smiles as she looks at Ray that looking at her daughter understanding what he thinking, as the person in question is planting her face close to some gear and designs Ray put around "good to see you again Ray, and sorry about my companion as she kind get attract to anything has relation to metal, don't worry she won't do anything ex...." as she about to end her talk bout heard a Cry of surprise "THIS IS AMAZING, I don even know how you link all the part without leek in energy or malfunction in the ports, is this coffee machine!?

hearing this Ray frowned as inspecting someone else work is the rude thing possible to a crafter of any type. and add to his little BloodLine problem, he got a little offended and unconsciously he start to rise the entire rotation of soul power in his body, causing the tempter to rise and little mist starts to leak from the mask as the storage units start to fill at a higher pace then it could afford. (pic)

noticing this, elder Song understands what happened so she sends a mental message to her daughter, causing her to flinch after noticing what she had done. she looks at Ray and before he could say anything she bowed "I AM VERY SORRY FOR LOOKING WITHOUT PERMISSION if there is anything I can do to make up for it just say how"

Ray looked surprised, he know that the lady in front of him is the Guidance Devices Department dean, and from what he know about her, she was a strong-willed woman, a 'do or die' type, and now she bowing her head for kid probably not even one-tenth of her age and admiring her mistake openly.

Ray sighed "rise your head please you are an elder, don't bow so easily" she raised her head and "there is no elder or junior when admitting a mistake, and honestly, if I was in your place I won't be satisfied until I land a punch!" ending her world she rises her head with pride causing Ray to stop as he was changing storage units in the mask. looking at the elder song with death pain eyes" are all the elders in Shrek odd-balls or only you child/mother duo?" causing the two of them to want to refute both options but after thinking back most of the elders in Shrek had one or two weird quirks, including them of course.

they look at each other before laughing and Ray smiled under the mask "I will take that as the first is the right one" after getting their attention "now since I got your attention, can I know what I can do for you or are you here for a drink?"

they were confused but understood as ray pointed at the Logo on the wall behind the counter "my master got the wind of me, so he advise me to open a shop as it will help me in getting used to living around people, or more like force me to."

they look at each other before looking at Ray and elder Song asked "is your master around?"

Ray shook his head "no she send me a message, and some recipes she wants me to try"

'she' the two elders thought 'so his master is a woman' the two looked at Ray and then at the cylinder shape storage unit he took from the mask.

Xian Liner looks at the cylinder and after a while, she looks at Ray "Is that soul power milk botel?"

Ray looked at her weirdly "milk? no it's a storage unit for soul power, what I will do with a bottle of milk stuck in my face?" although he knows what she mean, he took the chance to make some fun of their naming sense as he always found that naming funny in this case. (correct me if I was wrong)

this caused her mouth to twitch as the elder song laughed while explaining" that's the name they give to their storage units" Ray nodded in understanding "I see, but way milk?" causing her t laugh again.

"if can I ask, what is the use of them in your mask?" Xian Liner asked trying to change the subject.

but Ray sighed "well, that's one of the reasons I refuse the invitation to Shrek" he look at them "let's talk upstairs," he said leading them to a privet room on the first floor. (pic)

"Please have a seat, I will make some drinks and come back" saying he got back down.

-----------elder Song Pov---------------

after Ray closed the door I glare degrees at LING'er "that was an unwise move, especially from someone in your position!" she lower her head before rising it up and said "I know it's my fault, but I don't know if you didn't notice but I start to feel easy around him and feel... free? even you, I don't remember the last time you laugh like before"

I start to remember what happened before 'she's right, I was completely out of character there' i nodded, then we start to discuss Ray and the way he react, we found that his emotion is unstable, probably just a reaction to the new surroundings and from there we start to talk about the things we notice her and there.

after a couple of seconds he was back with 3 copes but what is shocking is the drinks are something you will mistake for artwork.


and here are today's chapters, enjoy.

from the next chap I will start to put Ray's ability and powers on show, so see you next chapters, and don't forget some support.

See Yaa.