
Ch - 40 Explosion?

Now here's the thing: The Flash series timeline itself was an altered one because of Eobard Thawne's meddling, but now, due to an anomalous variable, the timeline was further disrupted.

It wasn't explained in the show what happened in the original timeline. The complete series takes place in an alternate timeline.

In that alternate timeline, since Ms. Sans Souci would not have gotten a solution for her metahuman ability, she would have been dejected and angry at General Eiling. The disguised Eobard Thawne would have taken advantage of her unstable emotions, encouraging and provoking her to kill General Wade Eiling. However, in the process, General Eiling would have killed her.

But now, because of Swayam's involvement, Ms. Sans Souci's emotions weren't as unstable. Although Harrison Wells wanted to influence her into doing his bidding, he didn't provoke her against General Eiling. Another reason for this was that, when the timeline was unstable and constantly changing, he saw a future where Ms. Sans Souci was a member of the Flash team.

After taking his leave from the other team members, Harrison Wells headed to the Time Chamber and, with Gideon's help, checked the changes occurring to the future and timeline.

Due to the timeline being unstable and taking some time to stabilize, Harrison Wells realized there were two possible routes that could determine the future. He also realized that his choice would determine the direction the timeline should take.

When he made his choice, the constantly unstable timeline stabilized.

The next morning, everyone headed to an abandoned runway, and with some extra precautionary measures, they anxiously awaited Swayam to solve Ms. Sans Souci's problem with her metahuman ability.

Swayam and Ms. Sans Souci went some distance away from the others. When they believed the distance was sufficient, they stopped.

Ms. Sans Souci, somewhat anxious, looked at Swayam and asked for the hundredth time, "Swayam, are you sure you want to do this?"

Swayam had become accustomed to her asking this question by now, but he didn't get angry because he knew Ms. Sans Souci was worried about his well-being.

He replied in a casual voice, "Don't worry, Ms. Souci. I believe that after I use my method, you will be able to touch people and things without blowing them up."

He instructed her to stay still and went behind her, where his hand was out of sight from everyone else.

Swayam had thought intensely about how he could help her and realized he didn't have many options. Then he remembered that he had acquired cellular and molecular replication from Danton Black, hoping they could be useful for Ms. Souci.

Swayam had by now understood that the gaze he constantly felt on himself was simply observing him; it couldn't or wouldn't interfere or harm him. Although it was annoying, he wasn't scared of it.

If the gaze wanted to interfere and stop him, he was certain it was capable of doing so. But he wasn't sure why it was constantly monitoring him.

Putting those thoughts aside, Swayam used Danton Black's cellular and molecular replication to grow a small living replica of himself and placed it on her shoulder.

He didn't expect that the experiment would work and that since the small replica was part of him, it would act as a conduit, transferring the multicolored lightning back and forth between himself and Ms. Sans Souci.

After a few seconds, when the multicolored lightning settled inside his body, the small replica on Ms. Souci's shoulder began to glow purple, indicating it had become a bomb and was about to explode.

Swayam hastily took the small replica from her shoulder and threw it into the sky with all his strength.

As the thrown replica ascended into the sky, the purple light grew in intensity, only to explode like firecrackers.

The metahuman ability Swayam had acquired from Ms. Sans Souci was similar to Bakugo's Explosion ability from Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia.

Unlike Ms. Sans Souci, who had shrapnel bomb fragments combined with her physiology on a cellular level, Swayam's physiology and cells didn't change. They remained the same triple helix genome.

Before anyone could say anything, after throwing the small replica into the sky, Swayam directly placed his hand on Ms. Souci's shoulder and used his cellular manipulation along with blood manipulation to isolate the shrapnel fragments, allowing her to actively control her metahuman ability.

Although it seemed easy from the outside, only Swayam knew how difficult it was to individually isolate every shrapnel fragment on a cellular level.

If he hadn't acquired his own neutral Speedforce, he wasn't sure exactly how much time it would have taken to help Ms. Sans Souci.