
In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators

A man by the name of Chris decides that instead of studying that night he will play some rainbow with some friends well little did he know it would be the last night he played rainbow at all Ps I’m kinda ass at writing

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23 Chs

The man with a kite

It was a normal day for one Charles brown he was going about his day making and selling kites to other villains for certain jobs, it wasn't much but it had decent pay when he suddenly got a call from his information "hey there Charles I got a job for you, you see I just got a new tenet here at the complex he seems young and likely rich but the best part is he is new to Gotham so how about you give him a warm Gotham welcome what do you say" "a new tenet you say and one that's new to Gotham this is great I'll prepare my kites and get it done tonight, so what percentage of profits do you want for this info" Charles asks "how about a good 30 percent of whatever you steal huh" asks the man on the phone that works for me I can get it done by tonight see you soon" Charles says as he hangs up the phone.

After an hour of preparing different kites, Charles put on his costume and gets ready to do the job he perched on a roof nearby the room of the kid he's robbing, waiting for him to leave the house or for the lights to go out. It wasn't soon after the kite man got there does the young man walk out of the house with his bike seeing the young man bike off into the city kite man used this time to strike. Jumping off the roof kite man uses his kite to shatter through the window of the apartment but as he does so a small explosive is triggered almost killing kite man as he lies on the shattered glass kill shrapnel in him from the explosion he looks up to see what seems to be a glowing red thing in front of him as instinctively he puts his hands around his head as thorns shoot from the thing into him he cries in pain as the thorns bury into his organs. He cries as he tries to crawl to the door to leave and get help but as he crawls he is suddenly hit with 2 Ella Grzmot Mine knocking him out.

"I needed that," Chris thinks as he gets back to his apartment and locks up his bike "the air might not be the freshest here in Gotham but man does it feel good to just relax on a bike ride," Chris thinks as he heads to his apartment door unlocking it and opening the door. As soon as Chris opens the door he smells the blood in the air as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small but effective USP pistol and thinks in his mind "alright who tried to break into my house" as he slowly walks inside and sees a man with a kite laying on the floor "well shit" Chris thinks as he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a doc stim "it would be bad if I let him die here it would bring unwanted attention" Chris thinks as he shoots kiteman with a doc stim.

After a while, kiteman starts to open his eyes and lets out a moan of pain "what the fuck just happened" he thinks as he looks over to see a young man cleaning a gun "Did you know the Desert Eagle is a semi-automatic pistol manufactured by IWI and Magnum Research. The weapon can be chambered for either the .50 AE, .44 Magnum, or .357 Magnum cartridges, with a respective magazine capacity of seven, eight, or nine rounds each of these rounds will be put into you if you don't tell me who you are and why you broke into my house" Chris says as he puts the gun back together and loads it. "Alright alright I'll tell you my name is Charles Brown I work for myself I sell kites to villains for small profits but I steal to make the most of my money" he cries as he begs not to be killed. "Don't worry Charles I won't kill you but you got to tell me who informed you of this place?" Chris asks as he gets up to walk around the house "alright it was the landlord he has me Rob the people living here and he gets a certain share of the profits, I told you all I know can I please leave now" kite man wails "hush now kite man you can leave soon but I still have nanites fixing your organs and you have so much adrenaline running through you if you move too much you could have a stroke?" Chris says as he puts his gun away "you want anything to eat?" Chris asks as he puts a green and yellow barricade on the broken window and heads towards the kitchen where he notices a note stuck to the fridge and pulls out eggs, tomato, onions, and bell peppers "Flores your up" Chris thinks as he suddenly is filled with more memories of Flores life mostly his love for cooking. As he starts making Flores favorite dish "parrot" kite man asks from the couch he's laying on "hey what did you mean by nanites" "oh those, ya there more of finkas things don't really know the science of them well just think of them as little medical bots that helped remove the harmful objects from your body any way you want some it's called parrot" Chris says as he finishes the food "your cooking a parrot" asks kiteman "what no no it's a Spanish dish it's eggs tomato's green peppers the colors of a parrot there's some onion in here too but I assure you it quite good" Chris says as he loads himself a plate of it "yes please I'll take some but I have a question what happened to your voice you suddenly have an accent" Charles says as he starts to sit up "about that, it's none of your business anyway here's your plate" Chris says as he walks up to kiteman and hands him a plate "eat up but eat slowly your organs are still healing" chris says as he sits down to eat with him.

Hahaha you all thought it was Batman of cat woman but none of you expected the legend himself KITEMAN mahahaha

Anyway thanks for your support in the comments I spent most of the night last night reading and replying to your comments and I loved it so comment more anyways hope you guys had a fun read with this chapter I loved writing it

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