
Chapter 8

“We’re in.”

They slipped into the building. Mike drew his 9mm and stood guard as Kurt hastily tucked his tools back in his pocket.

“See anything?” Kurt asked.

Mike was nosing around, gun out. “Nope. Looks empty, but let’s check the back room and any closets, bathrooms, and the like. We don’t want any nasty surprises.”

“Agreed.” Kurt drew his own gun. The last thing they needed was some squatter taking exception to their intention to cut through the building to get roof access. It only took a couple of minutes to make sure the area was clear. Kurt saw a ladder that appeared to lead upward. He climbed it slowly, twining one leg around the ladder to steady himself as he reached the top and slowly pushed the panel at the top open.

He peeked out, and twisted as far as he could to scope the flat space. There was some debris, an antenna, and little else. “Clear.” Kurt climbed the rest of the way out onto the roof and took a quick stroll around.