
Chapter 4

“At the GPS coordinates I was sent, which I estimate is somewhere about three or four streets over from here.”

“Good.” She reached toward the floor and plucked her cell phone out of her pants pocket. “I’ll set the alarm for three. We should even have time for a shower.”


Maggie switched off the lamp. In the darkness, she snuggled close. It had been quite a while since she’d had a man in her bed. Those “toys” in the box served a purpose, alleviating tension, without the risk of bedding some local she barely knew. Satiated to the point logic was actually operating again, she considered the Naval officer she’d just had a romp with. All sexual attraction aside, she trusted him. Okay, maybe that didn’t actually qualify as logic, and yet it sort of did. She’d trusted him with her life in the firefight. She could trust him far enough to sleep with him, in the literal sense as well as the figurative one, too.

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