
Chapter 40

“Hang in there. We’re doing what we can to get the hell out of here.”


Mike turned partway back toward Maggie. He sat sideways in the seat, one foot tucked under him, ready to turn either way, rifle still in his grip. He saw Maggie stick a finger in a fair size bullet hole in the driver’s side door, an inch or two above the armrest. “Shit. If he hadn’t knocked you flat, either you or he would have been hit.”

“Yeah.” Maggie cast a look at him and Mike could see the realization in her eyes. Maybe Kurt was right. They were lucky. At least they were still alive.

* * * *

The crazy gamble with the garage paid off. Maggie checked her watch. They’d been sitting there a good half hour. If the Islamic State soldiers hadn’t come charging through the door, guns firing maybe they wouldn’t.

“Go take a peek out the window,” Maggie said to Mike.