
Chapter 39

“Somebody’s looking,” Maggie said.

They moved on and turned into an alleyway to cross to another street. Progress was slow in part due to Kurt’s mobility issues on the crutches.

Mike paused and came back several steps to walk beside Kurt. “You okay?”

“Dandy. Try the light colored Toyota just ahead. It looks like a beater,” Kurt replied through clenched teeth.

Mike nodded. He reached out a hand and tugged on the door handle. Bingo. It opened. He reached under the dash and popped the trunk just like he owned the thing, and sauntered around the back dropping his bag in. Kurt eased down into the driver side seat and did a quick check for keys. No, obviously they weren’t that lucky.

Maggie leaned against the car just behind where Kurt was bent under the steering wheel fiddling with wires and such. Her body provided some shielding to disguise what Kurt was doing. After a couple of minutes, the car started.