
Chapter 21

“You okay?” Kurt asked softly.

Mike saw him sit up. “Yeah, I just…after what we…” Now he felt stupid. Walking over here had sounded semi-logical in his head two minutes ago, but coming out of his mouth…

“Come get in bed. We both need some sleep.”

In the faint light that filtered through the slit in the curtains, Mike saw Kurt scoot over to the far side of the bed. Mike climbed into bed and stretched out on his side, facing away from Kurt, feeling a tiny measure of relief that Kurt didn’t seem upset by having Mike in the bed with him.

After a few seconds, Kurt pressed up behind him, one arm around Mike’s torso, his knees against the back of Mike’s.

“So why am I the little spoon?” The words came out of Mike’s mouth before he really thought about it.

Kurt laughed and said, “Because.” He pressed a kiss to the nape of Mike’s neck.

* * * *