
In Ben 10 with instant mastery(Dropped)

(First time writing a novel please tell if can make some corrections and changes) Verte was a soldier who happily died a soldier's death. Next moment he found himself in a mana void where he met god due to who's mistake he was stuck there and verte got to know that he had been there absorbing mana for the last 1 billion years which evolved his soul into an immortal soul. After that the god gives him 10 wishes and choice to be born in any world of his choice. Let's see what our MC will do in the future.

Ayaan_Wasim · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


Sorry for informing late.

I am having my exams 😩 as of now so I don't have time to upload any chapters.

I will start uploading from next month.

Sorry 😔