
In Avatar As The Earth Monarch

In his last life Elijah was an ambitious man, he exceeded in some of the most dangerous martial arts Muay Thai, Taekwondo and Krav Marga, joined the Royal Marines as a officer at 23 along with opening his own Dojo at 27. But like most things... he came to an end. He was murdered by dirty cops but unlike the adult years of his life he died helpless, scared and alone. Yet fortunate for him he had a second chance. What do you think an ambitious person would do with the potential to lift mountains, tear monumental ravines or collapse cities? A/N: He will be reincarnated into Avatar the last air bender with minor knowledge. He will also be the son of King Bumi I don't own any characters or character designs apart from my oc's

Nihility111 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


'System Explain in simplified terms' I willed

[Title: Principality of Space]

[Description: Grants the user a variety of powers & resistances that are built around the omniversal principle of length, width, depth, volume, distance, dimensions, and other factors of space]

[Awakened Principality attributes:]

[Gravity Bending - The user can manipulate the curvature, expansion, density and properties of space in the form of gravity & anti gravity manipulation. Similar to electromagnetism the user can repel or attract forces but instead of it just being the two chosen points the ability travels like 3d waves through space so it is less precise]

[Spacial Sovereignty - Can be simplified into 3 sub skills based on the foundation of a omnidirectional spherical radius around the user.

First {Spacial Awareness} - The user has nigh omniscience of all things within radius, this includes densities, smells, size, proportions, temperatures, colours, weight, truth, illusions, moisture and the exact location of things (basically seismic sense on steroids).

Second {Spacial Law} - The user can manipulate the byproducts of space and apply and/or negate its effect within radius. These byproducts being weight, gravity, acceleration etc. e.g. flying via zero gravity and acceleration.

Third {Spacial Authority} - The user has absolute dominion over all space based abilities like intangibility, teleportation, invisibility etc. That a entity or object within said radius might have. The user can forcefully turn these abilities off or on if target has them along with being able to tell if the target has them.

[System note: Size of radius, strength of skills and detail of knowledge depends on level of skill e.g. at level 1 radius is only 1 cm and only very small details of objects are given]

[Locked Principality attributes:]

          [??? - ???]

          [??? - ???]

          [??? - ???]

[Soul Siphoning]

[Description: The ability to absorb spiritual energy into chi core from various sources such as mystical artifacts or chi abundant places like the spirit world but more commonly found in human souls. Energy absorbed is automatically evenly distributed or allocated to one or more skills by the will of the user]

[Earth Monarch]

[Description: *!("Q^%!>]

It took me a couple minutes to process all the infomation and to say i was supirsed would be an understatement. With these abilities alone i could establish my own nation. But is that truly what i wanted?

What I need is a network, power, and global influence, so forming my own independent country during the Earth Kingdom's current weakness doesn't seem too far fetched. But the responsibility for that is too much, just the idea of managing that many idiots seems stressful.

Maybe I should establish my own secret society sort of like the white lotus but... not white. I should probably just get more answers before making a world changing decision, i cant just decide the entire course of my life with only the limited amount of information that I currently have.

"So whats our purpose then, if Vatuu is chaos and Raava is peace what is our role and how will we do it?"

"I think its better that i show you"

Massive gusts of wind began to form and transformed the once desolate void landscape into a dark blue ocean.

Out from this ocean rose two pillars, one blue the other red. These pillars at first stood equal to each other both being the same height and practically identical in everything aside from their colours. Overall both where balanced.

This was until a man began to rise directly under the blue pillar picking it up with both hands at the base, the pillar glowed in strength and so did the man, showing the deep connection between the two. The man then began to age rapidly and was absorbed into the blue pillar which kept its superior height over the weakened red pillar, then this cycle began again, and again, and again, dozens of times human after human the blue pillar grew strong and tall while the red pillar shrunk in size.

"I assume the blue pillar is the avatar"


"So where do you fit into this?"

Underneath the two pillars a matte black stage rose up from the waters standing at the height of just a few meters. Although the stages location seemed important it still looked pathetic when compared to the red pillar, let alone the colossal blue one.

"The spirit of peace and light roaming the earth in human form seems much better than the latter, whats wrong with her being be powerful than Vaatu, heck whats the point of you being around when she literally embodies good and does her best to be nice, why cant you and vaatu be like her."

The atmosphere began to shift, the ocean began to rage, colossal tornadoes brought water into the air, the moon vanished, the sun went black and red and purple lightning danced across the skies.

Then suddenly a water tentacle grabbed me by my foot dragging me into the depths of the ocean. I sunk thousands of miles at rapid speeds deeper into the ocean and further away from where the two pillars still were.

All i could see was black until the sun materialized many miles in front of me blinding my eyes and forcing me to cover them.

'Wait... thats not the sun' 

As my eyes adjusted i could finally see it, floating before me was an iceberg, a colossal iceberg taking up the space of EVERYTHING in front of me that had golden cymatic symbols across its entire frame.

Looking down it seemed to go on for infinity and looking up i could see the black platform and the two glowing pillars at its summit. For thousands of miles in all directions it stretched completely eclipsing my field of vision with just its volume alone not including the damn near blinding light.


Wuji's thunderous voice echoed through my mind scape like an inescapable wave


'It seems comparing him to his siblings pushed a button' I chuckled 'at least this is realistic'.

"Please stop with the poetic symbolism and just summarize the whole thing i'm getting dizzy down here"

Immedialitely after saying this everything vanished and i was back floating in the void with Wuji infront of me.

"Raava has broken the balance of order by locking away Vaatu in an attempt of peace" He informed, his tone a lot calmer than the monstrosity portrayed before.

"For true order to be achieved either you need to seal her away and destroy the avatar cycle" He declared, showing an image of a frozen avatar aang in the avatar state through a mist he created.

"Or release Vaatu, anoint him with the ability to merge with a willing human and allow him to start his own dark avatar cycle" 

His last point shocked me, he was willing to give the embodiment of literal anarchy a human vessel to roam the earth, but then again he is above human morals like good and evil so he must not mind. But I couldn't say I wasn't the same since, I've already made my choice. Destroying the avatar would place to much responsibility on my future life times, if im understanding what Wuji is saying then my purpose is just to keep balance between the two and make sure neither is permanently destroyed which seems simple enough.

"So how do I release Vaatu and make sure he gets a host"

"You must travel to the spirit world, enter the avatar state then free him"

"Then what of our future life times and why the hell am I the earth monarch I wanted fire bro"

'Just imagine the concept nuclear bending' I sulked.

Honestly gravity bending is cool and all but if earth went to something overpowered like that just think of what combustion bending could have turned into. Just imagining the alternative outcomes compared to what i got pissed me off. Like earth benders are cool and all but what are you gonna do when Hiroshima no.2 drops on your face.

"The bending skills of each avatar will vary, Raavas avatar will be able to bend the original 4 elements and can possibly learn the sub elements depending on the incarnations affinity, Vaatus avatar will have the potential to bend all sub elements but will have zero affinity for the original four and you on the other hand will only have one main element"

"Mate your taking the piss right?" 

"No I do not have the physical nor spiritual biological capabilities of urination"

I stared at him dumbfounded,

"How the hell are me or my future incarnations supposed to fight a blood, bone and lightening bending DARK FUCKING AVATAR!"

This cant be real, he must just have an ancient sense of humor right?

"Look at it this way, while Vaatu and Raava specialise in quantity you will outmatch them in absolute quality, with just one element you will be able to match all four of Raavas, that's ignoring the fact you will have sub bending perks that no bender could possibly dream of, for instance your gravity bending isn't bound by the laws of chi or physics but is a literal aspect of your will, trust me in power you will not fall behind"

After this I spent a few minutes digesting all of the information hes told me but it still doesn't answer the biggest and most important question of all. A question in which the answer may strengthen my will or sentence me to death by limiting by growth.

"So what is the system then" I asked still greedy for all the knowledge I can get from this brief encounter.

"Have you heard of Sung Drip Woo"

After processing his fan girl remark of a joke for a few moments I answered.

"Yes, what of him?"

"In his lifetime the system itself didn't give him any bonus attributes, or any sort of additional growth. The system was nothing but a simplified term of showing how much of the shadow monarchs power he had absorbed."

"So there is a power limit for my bending abilities?" I exclaimed.


"Then what of your powers, the concept of duality"

Slowly dark mist began to envelop his form covering his entire lower half

"It appears our time hear is coming to an end" He informed dissipating into nothingness.


A/N ~

Again please comment ANY sort of ideas you would like to see implemented into the story before everything is set in stone.

As for my legend of Korra sequel should the mc be the Vaatu's second dark avatar or Wuji's second avatar. (Plot armour will bend to whichever one you decide)