
Chapter 9

A couple minutes later, me and Thea are alone. " Why did they call you Jadan, " Thea asked, as I looked at her. " Jay's my nickname, Jadan is my real name, " I answered, as Thea nodded. " Ja…Jadan, do you still love me, " Thea asked, as I smiled. I hugged Thea, as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I was about to kiss her, but Roy opened the door. " They got another alien to help, her name's Kara, " Roy said, but then noticed what we were about to do. ' If he never appeared, maybe me and Thea would've stayed together, ' Roy thought, but got over it as there was nothing he could do. " Let's go meet our new friend, " Thea replied, as she grabbed my hand, and we went to go see the alien. " Best team up ever, " Felicity said, as Kara spotted me. " Jay, it's been a while, " Kara said, as everyone is just wondering do I know everyone now. " Kara, how do you know Jay, " Barry asked, as Kara smiled. " Jay came to my earth a while ago, he stayed there for half a year, and he's the only person to beat me in a fight, " Kara answered, which stunned Barry as he knows how strong Kara is. ' When Jadan was gone, he was stuck on another Earth, ' Thea thought, as she felt guilty about cheating two years ago.

Kara has knocked everyone to the ground, as I'm the only one standing. " You ready for your rematch, " I said, as Kara giggled. " Now, no hard feelings when I bea…, " Kara was saying, and blocked a kick to the head as I appeared in front of her. " You fight better now, " I said, flipping over, using my other leg to kick her in the ribs, as I balanced myself on the ground with my hands. Kara had caught my foot, but didn't expect that I brought my free foot back, kicking her in the face, as she moved back a couple feet. " How's Winn and James, " I said, with a chuckle. Kara then smirked before, I deflected her fist, that was coming towards my face. I then let go of her fist, as I caught her other fist, I bent her arm, palming her in the chest. She moved back two steps, and bent backwards dodging an dangerous right foot. " They're good, " Kara answered, as she slammed into my chest. I backed up into the wall. I then disappeared, as Kara tried to find me. " Fast, but not fast enough, " I said, bringing my foot down, knocking her onto the ground. She then grabbed my foot and threw me, as I used my hands to stop me from moving and flipped back onto the ground, before appearing in front of Kara punching her in the gut.

" Is this how all aliens fight, " John asked, as he's watching me and Kara go all out on each other(not really is they did, everyone in 10 miles would be dead). " I don't know, never seen aliens before, " Jefferson answered, as Kara threw me into the air. " Jay was this strong all this time, " Cisco stated, as I caught Kara's fist, and slammed her into the ground, creating a crater. " Are you sure they won't kill each other, " Iris asked, as they seen me spit out some blood. " Let's stop here, " Barry said, as my fist appeared right in front of Kara's face. " I was going to knock you out, " I said, as Kara laughed. " I'm invulnerable, " Kara replied, which made me chuckle. " So, we can defeat the aliens, right, " Thea said, as she came towards us. " Kara, this is Thea, my …, " I was saying, as Thea interrupted me. " Jay's girlfriend, and you're very pretty, " Thea introduced herself, as Kara shook her hand.

Right now, I'm staying back with Barry, as Cisco outed him, and now everyone knows about flashpoint. " Jay, can we talk, " a voice said, as I turned to Iris. " Yeah, " I replied, as this has something to do with us sleeping with each other in the past, I know it. A couple minutes of walking, and Iris is looking at me. " You're with Barry, so don't say anything that will damage that relationship, " I said, as Iris nodded. " And you're still with Thea, so let's just say that two years ago was an mistake, " Iris replied, as I looked at her. ' Barry, I'm very sorry for this, but I have an feeling I need to do this, ' I thought, as I kissed Iris, which she received with no trouble. "~Mhmm~, " she moaned, as my tongue wrapped around hers. After two minutes, we separated as we looked at each other. " I need to go, " Iris stated, as she left to Star Labs. ' Thea, I'm sorry, ' I thought, as I'm still wearing the promise ring I gave her two years ago.

" Jay, we need to go stop them, " Barry said, as the our friends/allies that are meta-humans, alien, and Mick were destroying things. " Let's go, " I replied, as we disappeared at an fast speed. " Barry, I'll take care of Kara and Firestorm, you handle the rest, " I said, as I flew towards Kara and Jefferson/Stein. BOOM. I punched Kara in the face, which sent her flying higher in the sky. I dodged an fireball from Jefferson/Stein, as they swung their fist at me. I caught it, as I punched them in the gut, making them spit out some blood. ' Sorry, ' I thought, as I slammed them into the ground, knocking them out on impact. [3000 XP Earned]. ' Now it's just Kara, ' I thought, as I was punched in the face, crashing into the ground. As soon as I stood up, I caught Kara's fists. SIZZZZZZZ. Was the sound of her burning my arms with her heat vision, making me let go of her. Kara uppercutted me, sending me into the sky, but grabbed my foot. ' Fuck, ' I thought, as she slammed me into the ground, as I coughed up some blood. I made an X over my head, as Kara was trying to kill me with her heat vision. " ARGHHH, " I groaned in pain, as third degree burns were appearing all over my arms.

[Releasing Limits 1-4 On Strength And Speed]. I disappeared from my spot, which stunned Kara. BOOM. I punched Kara in the cheek, which sent an thunderous shock around us, knocking Kara out. [4000 XP Earned, Leveled Up]. I collapsed to one knee, as I felt that I broke my right arm with that punch. " Barry, the rest is on you, " was the last thing I said, as I blacked out. When I woke up, I could see that Thea was going at Kara. " You almost killed Jadan, yo…., " Thea was saying, as they both noticed I was looking at you. " Kara, you're back to normal and okay, right, " I asked, as Kara nodded. " Jay, I'm so…, " Kara was saying, as I stood up. " You were being mind controlled, now, where's Barry, " I said, as Barry and Caitlyn came into the room. " Jadan, your wounds are healing at an accelerated rate, must be because of you being an half-alien and meta-human, " Caitlyn replied, as that shocked Kara. " You're part alien, " Kara stated, shocked, as I chuckled a bit.