
In apocalypse, I have billions of hoarded goods

The apocalypse has come, with natural disasters one after another. Before being reborn into the apocalypse, Gu Lin discovers that his girlfriend, who caused his death in his previous life, has also been reborn and wants to take his spatial jade pendant. Gu Lin seizes control of the space ahead of her and smiles faintly, "Give it to her. Not only will she help me stockpile goods, but it will also be a chance for revenge! Let her face a space filled with supplies that she can't open." This life, Gu Lin will build a own safe house with billions supplies .Not only wants to have a good life but also protect his sister, whom he failed to protect in his previous life. After various natural disasters, while others struggle to find food, Gu Lin looks at his sister hesitantly and asks, "Shall we have grilled fish or pizza today?"

Yil_z · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

The chosen one

The next morning, Gu Lin woke up early, but Gu Xue woke up even earlier and had already cooked breakfast.

On the steamer were plump meat buns, while the clay pot emitted the enticing aroma of lean meat and preserved egg congee.

Seeing Gu Lin come over after washing up, Gu Xue was a bit surprised: "Oh, why are you up so early today?"

The freshly cooked congee was still hot, and the meat buns were kept warm in the steamer.

Obviously, Gu Lin had woken up more than a few minutes early.

Normally, Gu Lin would immerse his consciousness into the space before bed to do some planting and farming.

Taking care of the space also helped him improve his mental strength, so he didn't usually wake up early.

Gu Lin watched as Gu Xue skillfully served up cat food for Fatty and poured rabbit food for the rabbits, then said, "I have some things to do. I'll be out for a while, probably won't be back until late."

Gu Xue casually replied, scooped out two large bowls of congee and set them aside to cool, then skillfully started the soy milk machine.

It seemed that Gu Xue was on her way to becoming a qualified little chef.

Gu Lin felt very pleased.

During the meal, Gu Xue glanced in the direction of the balcony where the rabbit cage was placed and suddenly said,

"Buy some more rabbit food when you come back. They've been eating a lot lately."

"Hmm, okay," Gu Lin replied simply.

Since tasting the deliciousness of the rabbits, Gu Xue had sneaked out and bought four more female rabbits while exercising.

Now there were eight rabbits at home.

Although the rabbit army was delicious, they had been eating more and more lately, and the rabbit food inventory at home was running low.

In fact, Gu Lin had a lot of rabbit food in the space, as well as grass that was more suitable for the rabbits to eat, but he couldn't take it out temporarily, so he could only bring some back after going out.

Bai Weiwei's hoard didn't include cat food, dog food, or rabbit food.

Considering that Fatty needed variety in his diet, Gu Lin had previously ordered a lot of cat food and dog food online.

Due to the large quantity, it hadn't all been delivered yet.

Today, he would need to bring back some cat food when he returned home.

After the apocalypse, there wasn't enough human food, and if they cooked separate meals for Fatty, it would attract unnecessary trouble.

Gu Lin quickly finished the meat bun, scooped up some congee, and took a bite.

The rice was cooked soft and tender, the lean meat must have been marinated in advance, and paired with the unique aroma of preserved egg, it was much tastier than what breakfast shops made!

Indeed, as long as one was clever and willing to learn, they could quickly learn the essentials.

Gu Xue's cooking skills had been improving lately. Retirement life was just around the corner!

Just as Gu Lin finished his delicious breakfast and was about to pick up a thick coat to go out, he suddenly sensed an abnormal fluctuation within the range of his mental perception.

This was... the ability fluctuation of a level two esper?

Gu Lin casually threw the coat onto the chair, approached the balcony, closed his eyes, and released his mental perception.

It was Bai Weiwei!

She actually succeeded in breaking through and became a level two water ability user !

Moreover, due to the significant ability fluctuations caused by the upgrade, Gu Lin happened to sense the faint fluctuation of ice-type abilities.

It turns out Bai Weiwei didn't comprehend the special function of water-type abilities, but simply awakened another type of ability, which happened to be ice-type.

And because water-type abilities are stronger, Gu Lin was very careful not to be discovered, so the ice-type ability, which resembled the water-type ability fluctuation, was not clearly sensed.

Gu Lin, through his mental perception, looked at Bai Weiwei's face full of surprise and faintly smirked.

Since she was so happy, Gu Lin decided to give her an extra surprise.

Bai Weiwei was now so happy that she was almost jumping for joy.

When she woke up early today, not only had her water-type ability successfully upgraded to level two, but her ice-type ability had also become much stronger than before.

And the most important thing is— her space could be opened again!

Although there wasn't any obvious change, all the jade, jadeite, and gold she had thrown in before were gone.

This inevitably made Bai Weiwei think of another possibility— the space didn't upgrade, but after devouring these jewels and gold, it would bring her ability upgrades!

Otherwise, how can she explain that her water-type ability just upgraded, and the space that couldn't be opened suddenly opened again?

And the jade, jadeite, and gold inside just happened to be gone!

Even her ice-type ability, which she had always found difficult to progress in, had improved significantly.

All of this must be thanks to the space!

Bai Weiwei's heart bloomed with joy.

If her space were like those in the post-apocalyptic novels, with a steward or guardian spirit, she would definitely give it a big hug and a kiss!

It's still peacetime now, and the apocalypse hasn't really arrived yet.

With Bai Weiwei's current abilities, she can only get so much jade, jadeite, and gold.

Imagine, when the apocalypse comes, if she goes out and gets things for free or trades the instant noodles and compressed biscuits she's been hoarding for these jewels and gold...

It's hard to imagine how much her ability level will improve!

She truly is the chosen female lead in the post-apocalyptic novels!

Oh right, the things she's been hoarding recently!

Bai Weiwei snapped out of her daze of joy, waved her hand, and the stack of boxes piled up to the ceiling disappeared in an instant, appearing in her space.

Let's put these things away first, and then after the apocalypse, she can take them out to exchange for ability levels!

While Bai Weiwei happily collected her belongings, Gu Lin next door coldly sensed the anomaly in the space.

Go ahead, be happy, laugh, immerse yourself in this dream of boundless wealth and luxury!

When she thinks she's the darling of heaven, the favored one of fate, the hope of all mankind, Gu Lin will crush her dream mercilessly.

Let her taste what it's like to be filled with overwhelming hatred and resentment.

Feeling the increasing number of instant noodles and compressed biscuits in the space, Gu Lin withdrew his mental perception, put on his coat, and went out directly.

It's still early from the agreed time, and Gu Lin has other things to do.

The jade, jadeite, and gold that Bai Weiwei tried so hard to get were deliberately taken by Gu Lin.

But after getting them, Gu Lin realized that Bai Weiwei's luck seemed to be really too good.

Not only did she awaken dual abilities early, but she also managed to get a special spatial object for her.

Bai Weiwei is not the owner of the safe buckle jade pendant space, so she can't feel it, but as soon as Gu Lin moved that thing to the storage area that wasn't open to Bai Weiwei, the space immediately detected the anomaly.

It was a beautiful jade bracelet, made up of more than a dozen irregular-shaped jade pieces.

One inconspicuous rhomboid light purple jade piece was a spatial object.

However, the space inside was not large, only about ten square meters, and it couldn't compare to the space opened directly by mental power with the safe buckle jade pendant.

But this just provided Gu Lin with a new idea.

Maybe there are special spatial objects on the market, but no one has discovered them yet.

Before the agreed time, Gu Lin wanted to go to the jade street and take a look.