
In another world with stando power

Dan was an average anime fan who spent every single day absorbed into the beauty which was anime . But there was an anime and manga that he loved above the rest JoJos bizzare adventure it had been memed so hard that it had been turned into an utter cess pool with people calling it gay and such . But if you looked past that it was an actually good series some parts of it weren’t the best but it was mostly good . And so to try and rebel against the jojo haters he went to a jojo hate group meeting and when he finally arrived he was dead . This entire thing is just a joke and absolute garbage so criticize it as much as you want

Animecormade · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Fight with esidisi

I'm currently walking with Joseph to the island where he fights wammu before I spot esidisi with Joseph's instructor impaled on his leg . I've already activate gold experience and start barraging him a very long time ago . Before I dodge and activate just born this way as I use it's ability to freeze the environment and esidisi along with it .

And then I can see veins pop up from esidisis body as I think that I've forced him to use his mode so quickly but instead . He attempts to stab me with them before trying to spray blood alive my face . I summon killer queen on my left as I use it to grab one of his veins and attempt to yank it .

When hot blood sprays all over my body son of a beetch I say it hurts like hell . Before I break the ground and use the broken parts to heal my self . Your gonna pay for that you bitch gay ass vampire stripper esidisi seems to ignore this before he seems to get angered .

And wails like a baby I immediately take this opportunity to seven page muda him . Muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda Muda .

I say before sending him flying into the spike pit as it then impales his body when I realize oh shit that vampire stripper .

I say before hot blood sprays over me by this point I should be fucking dead and I'm barely holding on I should have never underestimated him . Should I use my requiem arrow no it would be too soon I wanna save it for kars or someone but with how things are going I'm gonna be forced to deal with it real quickly .

When I realize something hehehehhhehhhe esidis asks me what I'm laughing about when I say fuck you .

A/N : I know too soon but I wanna get my trash trolly story done with

Joseph yeah pip squeak do it you got it he says when Joseph's string wraps all around esidisi entangling him .

As golden experience requiem stabs itself with the arrow . All I can see is a husk of my former stand and I look up and smile at golden experience requiem as I say .

Kore ga requiem da you shall never reach the truth the true potential of requiem . I say before hundreds of afterimages of him appear and we enter another dimension as I say now .

Die and die until the end of time I say before stabbing him and thinking that's one problem dealt with .

Oh fuck I forgot to find out where kars is actually I already know .

So Joseph do you wanna know where kars is

Joseph looks at me puzzled and annoyed as I smirk and think well this was too soon and unexpected but this is my story I make the rules hahhhahhhha. Why couldn't I have gone to part 1 bruh I can't wait to meet stroheim .