
Chapter 6 I Met An Old Friend

"Good morning Hero Shin!"

"good morning to you too" I sighed after saying the same sentence more than 50 times this morning.

Ever since the news about me and Hina reducing a giant magical boar to a lump of rug and defeating a certain silver ranked adventurer and rendering him to cry outside the guild and us being heroes, people wont stop greeting me this morning.

I'm going to the adventurers guild alone this morning, Hina doesnt want to come because she is still mad about what happened yesterday I left her 6GC so that she can buy her own food because the Inn updated there menu amd now they include dessert and Hina is very fond of sweets so I left her some money, so yup I'm going to quest alone today.

After repeating the good morning sentence over a 100 times I finally reached the guild, again the inside was noisy and crowded but as soon as they saw me entering they all fell silent and cleared a path towards the counter and quest board.

But as soon as I was on the middle of the pathway they started reforming the path to a caged circle and "*#@$!*()--^&!!" a voice started coming out from one of the crowed and a fireball started charging towards me, I was not surprised or anything but this seems to be a surprise attack.

Luckily the fireball didnt reach me and it started scattering and died, but it was then followed by three other fireballs behind me, the first fireball seems to be a distraction but (too bad I know how fireballs die now, thats not gonna work anymore) I quickly turned around and saw three fireballs flying towards me, I quickly used RECALL I didnt scream my skill name because people might learn my only powerful skill.

As soon as I used my skill, the three fireballs scattered into nothingness and another attack came from behind only this time it was an icicle, (RECALL)---CRACK---CRACK---PKSHH---the icicles broke down into tiny debris and scattered on the floor.

(This is getting nowhere, lets find the culprit) I opened the targeting mode of TELEPORT and moved at the 3rd floor of the guild, everyone below looks confused but right now I'm looking for the culprit which is most likely to be chanting right now, (found e'm) I saw the culprit he was wearing a brown cloak and a hood, I quickly teleported behind him and smacked my shield on his head.

"Ow that hurts who the he--" I smacked my shield again on his head "Ow it hurts stop!!" (wait is he a she?) I had to confirm my suspicion so "Take of your hood".

"Wha-why would I?"

"oh hard headed eh? well I guess back to the first thing" I raised my shield again and I was really ready to smack her head again when.

"okay-okay geez" what I saw was a blue eyed, tall with a white hair girl (wait she looks familliar).

"We met again Spirit Shino" (Spirit? wait that face its that person) yes the person standing infront of me now is the angel Hina and I met in Eden but something is off here.

"How come you can speak normally now?" yup her voice is different from the first time we met.

"And how did you come here?" its weird why would an angel come down to the ground.

"First of all Its because I was given an Ego of an 17 year old girl and second, I was asked to watch over youre growth" wait she was asked to watch over us? by who?

"ahh who asked you to watch over us ah wait lets take this outside" she was gonna say God wont she?

we went outside and looked for a place where people wont hear us.

"So about the question earlier, who asked you to watch over us?"

"The God's of course" she then puffed her chest, she might have an ego of a 17 year old girl, but she has a body of an 22 year old woman, she was 1.85 meter tall nearly as tall as me, she has a nice curved body and two huge mountains on her chest.

(Wait did she say God's plural form not singular?)

"Um by God's you mean there are more than one right?"

"Yes! there was at least 4 God's who got interested in you and asked me the angel you first encountered to watch over your growth" f-four God's seriosly?

"A-and who are those 4 Gods that you mentioned exactly?" I gotta at least know who ordered her right?

"First is the God Of Creation, Second Is the God Of Destruction, Third Is the God Of Magic, and fourth is the God of Knowledge there were also other gods present" wait I'm not an expert here but arent those powerful God's?

"Why would they be interested on us?" I started questioning her again.

"Because of your uniqueness" uniqueness?

"what do you mean our uniqueness?" my brain is starting to stop working here, I need answer quick!

"Appearantly you and youre niece who evolved into spirits have every possibility to evolve into an angel or devil and after that you have a high possibilty of evolving into God's" wow no wonder they got interested.

The angel and I started conversing until the end so here's the summary--my unique skill RECALL caught the interest of the God Of Creation and The God Of Destruction, while Hina and My abilities to rapidly and quickly learn every single magic and skill caught the attention of the God of Magic and because we evolved from soul to spirit the God Of Knowledge also got interested.

---Growl--- "uhm excuse me spirit Shino but I also just learned that a humans body needs food to function, and I havent ate for two days now"

"Okay lets find some place to eat" we left to a near food store (come to think of it I havent seen any restaurant here)

----------Moments Later---------

After eating, we both made our way back to the guild.

"Wait how did you attack me again?" I remembered something important.

"Hmm? I attacked you to test your strength thats all"

"No, I didnt asked you why you attacked me, I asked you how you attacked me?"

"I attacked you using magic" thats it!! she can use magic.

"can you teach me how to use magic?" I asked while pointing at myself.

"Wait you dont know how to use magic? I cant believe that the God of Magic was Interested on you" she was making a dissapointed face while saying that.

"Okay first I have to tell you the basics, to use magic you need two things; Control and Mana, Mana is needed to act as a fuel on your spell, everything is made up of mana they just took physical forms because a single type of mana is concentrated in one place for example this stone"-she then picked up a small stone-"this stone formed because an Earth Type Mana is concentrated in one place which gave form to this small stone, of course there are cases where the concentrated Mana doesnt form at all, instead it clings to a living beings and fuses with that being which causes that being to rampage because its body cant control all the concentrated mana, like that giant boar you reduced to a rug yesterday, from the looks of it its furr was resistant to physical attacks from the outside, I dont know what you did to it to reduce it like a rug, but that boar has a Earth Type Mana Fused to it thats why it has a physical attack resistant, but since it only has Earth Type Mana fused with it, its not resistant to Fire,Ice,Water,Light,Darkness,Wind and other Type attacks, it simply means every Type of Mana has a dissadvantage against another type, Now that you know there are many types of Mana lets move to control" (this a very long explanation isnt it?) "lets continue to Control, Control is important on casting a spell, like a fireball you need a Fire Type Mana for casting fireball so you need to feel and control the Fire Type Mana around you and focus on controlling that Mana and visualize how it will form, once it forms you need to still control the flow of mana of your casted spell if you fail to control that flow youre spell will either disappear or explode, you also wouldnt want other Types of Mana to mix in your Fire Type spell that would cause your spell to go rampage and consume itself and disappear." wow that was long! good thing I'm used to memorizing things because of my programmer life.

"So to put it simply you just need to Control a certain type of Mana to use your magic spell right?" her explaination is way to long.

"T-thats right spirit Shino" it seems she also realized that her explaination was so long.

"So how do I feel a certain type of Mana?"

"Its simple, since already know how Hot feels like you can use that feeling to detect type of Mana around you" its that simple? I thought there is still a lot to do, well no use on complaining lets try it.

I closed my eyes and tried to feel everything around me, I could fell the Wind blowing it was Cold then I could feel the Heat coming from a fire I could feel the ground.

"Anouncement: Individual Harutsuki Shino has gained skill MANA DETECTION"

I gained a mana detector skill and now there is a small sphere with a mix of different color floating next to my teleporting skill, I focused on it and a sphere started spinning.

When I opened my eyes I could see various colored lines, the Red lines came from the fire, White lines came from the Wind with a mixture of Skyblue lines which is most likely the Cold feeling, then I could see a green orbs on each person instead for me and the angel, I have a very colorful like every color was mixed in the orb while the angel has pure white orb, and I could see another colorful orb at the location of the Inn which is most likely Hina.

But there is a very big Green colored orb on the center of the city.

"Hey whats that big Green orb at the center of the city?"

I tried to ask the angel about the big orb.

"Hmm? oh thats just the Spirit of the tree--- wait! you can see it!!??"

"Yeah I can, but more importantly isnt that dangerous" I tried to point at the big Green orb assuming the angel can see it too.

"No its not dangerous, that tree was born because of the high concentration of Life Mana and Earth Mana"

wait Life Mana?

"Life Mana? whats that"

"The Life Mana is the Green orb you can see on every living being, oh and if your wondering why youre orb is a mix of color its because you have the ability to evolve into a God, youre orb will start to grow bigger and will have a much more stronger color as you evolve"

"One more question, why do you need to chant when you use magic?" its odd if you can just control Mana why would you still chant?

"chanting is not important to people who has an affinity to certain types of mana, for my case I only have an affinity to Light, as for you and and your Niece who are possible God candidates, you two have an affinity to all Kinds of Mana which means you dont need to chant at all" okay now I know why.

After a long discussion we finally arrived at the guild this time it was silent and the quest board only has half of what it has last time.

we walked closer to the counter, "Welcome, oh? its you Hero Shino-sama and Hero Lucy-sama, what can I do for you?"

(wait Hero Lucy? you mean this woman beside me?).

I tried to ask the angel beside me but she ignored my question.

we picked another magical beast extermination quest.

----------Moments Later----------

We arrived at our destination which was a forest.

This time the magical beast was a Goblin, I activated my MANA DETECTOR skill, and noticed that the Goblin has pure blue orb no hint of a green, which means it fused with a Water Type Mana.

But damn this Goblin is annoying as hell,we cant hit the freaking beast!! it just turns into water and makes our attacks meaningless including Fire type attacks.

If only I can just touch him.

"Hey Lucy!! can you at least restrain him so that I can touch him?" I screamed to Lucy who was at the top of the tree she was trying to hit the Goblin with her Light arrows but I also have other plans and I need to at least touch the Goblin to execute my plan.

"Would a few seconds be enough?" oh I guess she can

"Yeah! just as long as I am able to touch that damn Goblin" even a millisecond is enough for my plan.

"Okay I'll try to restrain him just gimme 5 seconds"


"here I go time it correctly okay!"

"yeah!!" (one)

after uttering that word I quickly ran towards the Goblin (two) I raised my shield to block the goblins sword attack (three) I blocked the goblins slash and raised my left hand and (four) closed every finger except my index finger.

The goblin started deforming (five).

"Light bind Time!!" a girls scream echoed through out the forest.

Light sprouted below the ground and covered the goblins whole body, milliseconds passed and the lights that covered the goblin turned into series of chains and dissapeared then the goblin stopped deforming as if somebody just hit the pause button.

(This is it!) seeing my opportunity I quickly thrusted my finger on the goblins deforming body and------------BOOOOMMMMM------------- its watery body exploded and and turned to a sphere and disappeared.

"Well that takes care of that" I quickly cleaned off the dust on my clothes.

"Spirit Shino what did you just do?" Lucy was surprised on what happened

"Its simple I just injected a bunch of different Types of Mana to the Goblins body to which resulted to the goblins pure blue orb rich with Water Type Mana to Rampage and dissapear" I noticed that the forest has all kinds of Mana around which leads me to make this plan.

"You really have crazy Ideas, is that how you killed the Boar?"

"Nope, the boar just fell from over 2,000 km from the sky twice, which resulted to its insides leaving its body"

"wha-?" she was so shocked that she kept silent until we arrived at the guild via teleportation.

"Welcome back!!" we were greeted by the receptionist as we entered the guild.

After taking our rewards I went no to be correct Lucy is also coming so, we went back to the Inn.

"Wait youre sleeping with Hina" the angel almost followed me inside my room, which will lead to others thinking about me as a sex maniac and I dont want that kind of reputation.

I knocked on Hina's door the door opened but what I saw was a 2.50 meters tall werewolf.

"Ah Hina can you turn back now?" after hearing those words Hina returned to her 15 year old form.

I introduced Lucy to her and said that she will be sleeping for the night on her room.

after confirming if Hina is okay with it, I went inside my room and slept like a log.