Running at high speeds was Luffy and Skipper the two were killing monsters and storing it in they're inventories, Skipper had space magic which gave her the skill [Inventory], the amount of space increases on how much the skill levels. On her status card the skill is at Level 32 which is at the early stages of very skilled.
The two then began step camp as it was night time. Luffy and Skipper took out they're sleeping bags from they're inventories and as Luffy took a few pots and cooking utensils, he didn't forget to lay a ward to keep away monsters.
Skipper:"So when are we gonna reach the village?"
Luffy:"Should be by tomorrow, though we should run into a few smaller villages we can just ignore those one as we won't run out of food for while, even with our appetites." said Luffy while cutting up a peice a lettuce for his salad. Though loves meat he wants a balanced diet.
She nod as she continue to look at Luffy cooking they're meal with drool running down her lip. Luffy's food is good, no Godly especially since he bought the Nakiri and Yukihara style cooking manuals, he can make someone shit taste good, he tried. After a hearty meal they said they're good night's and went to sleep. Early in the morning the two got rid of their camp brushed their teeths and with a magic circle the removed all germs from their body it erases a 100% of all germs and the two rushed off.
In the next five hours the two finally reached the gates of Nachala the village or town was bustling with humans, beastmen and and dwarves doing their daily business. Luffy and Skipper walked upto the guards.
Guard:"10 bronze Levs to enter." Levs is the common currency in this world it goes from copper->bronze->silver->gold->white gold->black gold->diamond->platnum. Luffy reached into his pocket and took out 20-bronze for entry for him and Skipper.
Skipper:"So where are we going firs?"
Luffy:"First whatever you want don't get ripped off are scammed. I'm gonna go explore the town see ya! [Gum-Gum Rocket]." Luffy stretched his hand to a pole startling the bystanders, held on tightly to the straw hat Skipper made for his birthday and shot himself high in the air.
Skipper:"But I haven't interacted with people as much!" Skipper could only sigh, as she went to ask directions to the adventurers guild. They could sense each others energy so it's not problem.
Luffy landed on the bell tower in the town square, looking around he saw a group of children selling roses and other assortment of flowers. Luffy jumped down to the ground and walked over to them.
Luffy:"What what are you kids doing here?" This startled them, but the oldest of them a girl with short red hair started to spoke.
???:"We're orphans from the church, our fundings were lowered so we're trying help our mother Maria and sister Francia out, by selling the flowers we grew."
Luffy:"I see, I how much for the flowers?" this suprised them.
???:"A flower is one bronze a piece."
Luffy:"Alright I'll take all of them!" said Luffy with his usual smile, this suprised all the kids.
???:"Are you sure? That would cost 10 silver pieces!" 100 bronze pieces equate to one silver and same for 100 silver which equates to one gold.
Luffy:"I'm sure." Luffy got his giant bouquet of flowers which he rapped and was about to leave.
???:"Ano! What is your name?" With his back still turned and bouquet resting on his shoulder Luffy turned his head with a smile.
Luffy:"The names Luffy." she said as he waved his hand walked off.
???:"He's so cool!" said one of the younger kids. Luffy hid in an alley way and stored the flowers before teleporting to Skippers location. He arrived right behind her and got punched in the face.
Skipper:"Why hello there my lovely older brother." said Skipper with the most beautiful smile, but her aura was that of a raging demon, listening to christian rock music on a Sunday.
Luffy:"Sorry...what are you doing here?" said Luffy as he points to a guy who's embed in a wall with a fist print on his face.
Skipper:"The fifth asshole who tried flirting with me today only to try to get rough with me so I knocked his punk ass out!"
Luffy:"Okay then know where's the adventurers guild?"
Skipper:"It's a few blocks down follow me." The two saiyans arrived at the guild and opened the doors all round were adventurers partying and drinking, but as Luffy and Skipper walked in, the place got quiet, some of the men in the room began to stare at Skipper with lust full looks and Luffy's swords and dagger which is Ifrit with greed clear in their faces.
The two of them walked up to the receptionist who was a woman with brown hair and black eyes she was wearing glasses, she was incredibly beautiful but also sporting a smile on her face, which Luffy recognized as a business smils it was completely fake, no true emotion behind it.
Luffy:"Yo the names Monkey D Luffy and my sister and I would like to join the adventurers guild." said Luffy, but some of adventures laughed. That's when a party of adventurers stood up.
???:"Hey kid you nice joke, you a shitty noble's brat are what with you full name Monkey." Nobles are commonly known to have last names.
Luffy:"The names Luffy and Monkey is my Surname."
???:"It doesn't matter to me kid leave if you don't want any trouble!" said the man he was foot taller than Luffy and was balled and packed with muscles, he would've been intimidating to someone else, but he picked with the wrong person to mess with.
Luffy:"You know you gotta be stupid as threaten a noble, what if someone else with last name entered this place and you threatened them, you'd be in a hell of alot trouble ya know." he seemed to sweat a bit at this, as what Luffy said was truly, not all noble's were all warriors of justice.
???:"-Tch!- Let's go guys, we have a quest to complete!" the man sneered and walked off stopped before saying "This isn't over." An ugly man with large nose came over to Luffy and Skipper, he had lecherous grin on his face
???:"You know getting Welsh's attention is a bad idea, why not have your girlfriend here spend a night with me and we can di-." Luffy punched him in the face sending him flying.
Luffy:"She's my sister dumbass! Anyway." Luffy turned to the receptionist.
???:"Hello my name is Anna and how could I help you."
Luffy:"Like I said can we sign up?"
Anna:"Sure just fill out these forms and hand us your status cards." They did so and Anna walked away before coming back a few minutes later with both cards, there was no visible changes except the jobs, it went from none to E-rank adventurers.
Anna:"Adventures rank Quest goes from E->D->C->B->A->AA->AAA->S-class so does quest, you can only take E, D and C rank Quests, E-ranks are normally gathering quest like plants and materials, while D-ranks and higher are quests where you have to slay monsters, C-ranks are normally security type jobs like providing security for a merchant, but when you raise your rank you can take higher ranked quests."
Anna:"We only have from E to B rank quests your allowed to take C and B, but for rookies such as yourself I'd start with gathering quests."
Luffy:"But how do we go up the ranks?"
Anna:"You can put in a formal request for a rank up exam, are get some prestige by defeating a strong monster are completing a tough quest."
Luffy:"I see, let's go find a place to stay." Skipper nod and the two found a small inn, it was one of the best inns in town and had a good prices, well that's what the towns folk say.
-Next day-
Luffy and Skipper were walking to the guild Luffy was wearing a different set of clothes. Which seemed to be attracting attention of most of the towns women.
(AN/:Image here.)
The two saiyans then entered the guild and walked upto the quest bored.
Skipper:"What quest should we take?"
Luffy:"How about this one an E-rank some carpenters need help and their understaffed."
Skipper:"I thought you would choose something more exciting?"
Luffy:"I would but these guys seem to need the help, so why not help them out. Hey Anna we're taking this quest!" said Luffy.
Anna:"Are you sure quest like those are normally ignored by the others."
Luffy:"I'm sure."
???:"The names Duncan and I'm Boss here! I appreciate the help." he was man with big muscular arms with a brown hair and brown eyes he had small beard, he was wearing a tank top and a head band tied around his head, with a few wrinkles on his face, telling of his age.
Luffy:"No problem!" The two began to work though, most of the men didn't like a woman doing this job, they immediately suppressed this thoughts when they saw her effortlessly carry forty slabs of wood. Not only that with the clones Luffy and Skipper were able to deal with the under staffing issue.
So they were able to complete of the house by the end of the day, which suprised them not only with Luffy's knowledge and modern houses he was able to implement it.
Duncan:"Bwahahaha! You kiddos are fine workers and masters of your craft, have you deal with architecture before?"
Luffy:"Yeah I have, Skipper and I made our own house actually our Grandpa Goku taught us." Luffy sent a telepathic message to Skipper, he's just making a character up.
Duncan:"I see."
Luffy:"By the way do you know where we can buy a plot of land are maybe a house. I don't want my entire stay in town to be in a inn."
Duncan:"I can pull of few strings, but you'll have to work with our company a few time."
Luffy:"That's fair I'll send a few clones over."