
In Another Land Again To Fix A Goddesses Mistakes of The Dual Universe

My life is a mess. I moved to Japan, my parents died, I fell in love, then I was killed by a goddess and summoned to another world to save it. With a long bloodline of mages and warriors both good and evil I set out to save a place I know nothing about. Can I endure this alcoholic goddess or will I conquer this universe for my own. Nah I’m not that kind of guy. Let’s grind, fight, struggle, adventure and kill a demon lord when I become a hero. I’m a new author. Please help by giving ratings. I’m not just winging this either I’ve thought about this story for awhile. Hopefully I can see it through. I’m sure there will be mistakes and grammatical errors so I apologize ahead of time. I will try to release 5 or maybe more chapters a week. I work full time, I go to school, and I’m married with 2 kids so I’m busy a lot so forgive if I miss a day here and there. I’m busy trying to build a back log for those days. Also I my goal is to release longer chapters than most. Already have several chapters close and one over 2k word count. I never imagined writing and I’m not very creative but I felt like this was something I wanted to try. I love LN so I’m using my knowledge of anime and LNs to try to twist the norms a bit. Thanks

ElderGnome · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Ch2 Friends?

[Gavin Moss] Hey, well my life in Japan has started. So far it's as expected. It is a tough transition. My fathers comp has helped as best as possible. Supplementary classes and tutors have been provide to help with the language barriers. I'm still single and a virgin. But, it's only been a few months so I guess it to be expected. I don't have any friends either. I think most of my classmates are not sure of me. American attitudes and manners are so different and frowned upon. As a whole it's not all bad, the food is great and my father apparently got a huge raise. Our home is badass, and most of the electronic technology is ahead of the states. The video game market is top notch with so many options compared to what we had in the US. The language barrier hurts my experience but the options available more than make up for it. All together I'm enjoying my new life a lot more than I expected. So many interesting things like vending machines with hot soup, festivals, celebrations, historic beauty all around. The attention paid to maintaining cultural history is amazing. The bookstores and markets and shopping malls are all a treat to visit. Life is not bad. The girls are gorgeous, everyone is nice, and it seems there is always something to do. Once I overcome the language part it should be perfect. I'm pretty smart and learn most things quickly. It's only a matter of time and things will feel right! That's what I thought anyway… Saturday night it's September and me and my parents went to our favorite Ramen joint. We had a lovely meal and started our walk home.

As we walked and talked about our week and our goals and aspirations it happened. In the blink of an eye my parents were dead. We walked past a construction site and a t that time a runaway cement drain culvert smashed both of them. WTF!!!! My dad pushed me away at the last second but neither of them could make it. This has to be a bad dream… wake up! Wake up! But, I didn't wake up this really happened and this is real life. Wait, wasn't I supposed to die too? Wasn't I supposed to be reincarnated into a hero world. At least give me that. My whole life gone in front of me.

After the funeral I didn't return to school for awhile. My fathers life insurance plus his company had made a huge donation to my well being fund. Honestly I can live comfortably for probably 50 years now. What am I gonna do now? I want to crawl into a hole and die. I have no friends, no family, and I can't even talk to people. What is gonna happen?

2 months later…


[Gavin] Hello? Who's there?

[Aki Hirose] it's Hirose Aki… I'm the student council president for class 1…

[Gavin] Ooo… Ok , one second please. 'What does she want? I know who she is and saw her in class but never had any association at all. And she speaks English? This is refreshing I suppose. Outside of lawyers and such I haven't spoken to a soul since mom and dad died. Well I spoke to my uncle and aunt to tell them the situation. Also, the neighbor next door cooks for me and visits a little bit we don't talk much, she speaks pretty good English though. But no other contact at all. In this society I've officially become a shut in. So, Why now? Maybe the school sent her? That's probably it.'

[Aki] No problem

Door opens…

[Gavin] 'wow she is cute.' Hi class president, how can I help you today?

[Aki] I've come on behalf of the class and school to offer condolences and to try to urge you back to school. It took awhile for the information to get to the school about your tragedy. I personally wanted to be the one to talk to you. Is it ok to come inside?

[Gavin] Y y yeah, please do.

[Aki] thank you!

We sit…

[Aki] I am terribly sorry for your loss, I can't imagine what you're going through, in a foreign land all alone.

[Gavin] Thank you… It's been a nightmare to be honest. Most days I wish I didn't wake up. Why is this happening to me? I'm not an angel but I'm a good person and my parents were good people. Why did this happen? (Sobs violently)

Aki sits beside him and pats his head…" Don Don't tell anyone but here" and she lays his head on her lap and lets him cry

After about 5 mins of ugly crying he calms himself. He sits up.

[Gavin] I'm sorry, but thank you as well! I have not had a soul to talk to since the accident. I've probably had too much time to think. I've wasted away in my self loathing and pity.

[Aki] it's fine, when you got to our school I really wanted to talk to you but as class president I stay busy. I'm one of a few that speak fluent English. I wanted to make you welcome but I'm a shy girl so I restrained. For that I'm sorry. You need a friend and I failed you. Going forward I want to offer you help and friendship but in return I want you to return to school if it's ok?

[Gavin] hmmm, well I can't stay like this forever. If it wasn't for the sweet neighbor of mine feeding me I would have died of starvation already I'm sure. Thanks to her we got to meet today!

[Aki] oh that's nice. Who's your neighbor? I would like to thank her.

[Gavin] oh her name is *knock*knock* oh that's probably her trying to feed me dinner, one sec

[People talking] "hi" "Hi Gavin I brought dinner" "Put it on the counter I guess, by the way I have a guest from school, the class president came by" "HuH. Wait… WHY IS THAT HUSSY HERE?"

[Aki] "Heh" "Oh, it's you."( With a displeased expression) "you are the neighbor?" Of all the people to be his neighbor it had to be you? You and those fat thighs and that gaudy chest. You look like a stuffed Christmas pig that just rolled out of the slop!

[Gavin] 'Wtf is happening? I take it they know one another and aren't on great terms?

[Aki] Gavin be careful about letting strays in your house. Too much care and they never leave!

[Gavin] "Huh"

[Kana Eguchi] Sorry Gavin I guess your eating without me tonight, I saw a skank and threw up in my mouth a little. So sorry dear I've lost my appetite.

[Aki] Dear? Not surprised a fat succubus as yourself trying to get comfortable in places you shouldn't.

[Gavin] 'seriously what with these two? Are they the same sweet girls I've been talking to? There is a thick bloodlust in the room and I'm in the middle. I really wish I was dead now.' I know let's settle down and sit and eat together!

[Girls] shut up and stay out of it!

[Gavin] yes mam-s!

[Aki] surprised you aren't dead, this gluttonous bimbo probably doesn't spare any food so she can feed those unsightly demon breast of hers!

[Kana] jealous much? I mean all you've talked about since I walked in is my boobs… Wanna touch them? ( As she smashes them against Gavin's arm)

[Aki] Get your fatty dirty bags off him!

[Kana] oh, well he hasn't complained before so, no!

[Aki] Gavin? What does she mean? Before!

[Gavin] hehehe, not sure?

[Aki] this isn't over…(Runs out of the house)

[Kana] what did she want?

[Gavin] She was sent by the school to get me to come back.

[Kana] I see, likely it was her idea, selfish skank!

[Gavin] why so mean? She seems nice

[Kana]. She is a demon, evil, she sucks people into her clutches tortures them with that frail figure, all boney and unsightly. Then she tosses them! So that's the rumors. Well that's for another day. Shall we eat?

That following Monday Gavin returned to school. He had a mindset to make friends learn and become a living member of society.

Present day in the Magical Universe…

A day went bye since the system aka (Ena- means gift from god) she gave herself a name since Reeka would not. She had told Reeka about the alternate universe she created and how it was done and the reasons behind it. The world was created to give birth to a warrior hero to save the Adventure World from the Demon World. Also, with her superior intelligence Ena also created an autonomous body from generated organic materials and automatons. Ena then implanted her consciousness into it creating an unrivaled AI life form with all the capabilities of a human. Out of spite she made herself and enviable persona that made Reeka drool over the assets she possessed.