
In A World Of Discord In A Place Called Discord

Ever since the start of time there has been stories more precisely fairy tales fairy tales, and what's the main idea of all fairy tales, you got it… true love. True love doesn't exist let alone love at first site that what Jalen had always believed. Jalen had never liked fairy tales he thought they gave children high expectations of a shitty life in a shitty world but he also hated them because they were just stories of stupid arrogant people for example: red riding hood what kind of mother sends her child into the woods with a basket of great smelling treats knowing full well that there were wolves in said woods, and then there's Hansel and Gretel if you were lost in woods with no food why would you waste crumbs of precious bread and how exactly did you expect to find these minuscule crumbs in a dark forest and don't get him started on Cinderella, Cinderella he dances with a girl he knows nothing about and he is in love, not to mention that if he loved her so much how could he not even remember her face and then there's the whole shoe situation how in holy hell does only one person in the entire kingdom fit that size shoe it's absolutely unbelievable. Besides in discord there is no room for love of fairy tales you to worried about if you will die that day of the next. Falling in love only end in pain and suffering. 

Jalen is a seventeen-year-old boy with chestnut brown hair and murky green eyes. He was born in a small town in the queendom of Discord, Discord's royal line has always been female not a single male has been born in the royal line in over 15000 years that's why it is known as the queendom not a kingdom. Discord as the name suggests is not a particularly pleasant place to live, you never know what's going to happen next. But what makes the land so dangerous is that there are no laws the only way to stop people from stealing from you or hurting you is to hire the scarlet guard a group of mercenaries and assassins that keep everyone from killing the royals and blue bloods (rich people). In Discord no one will care if you live or die unless your rich. Jalen had lost his father, brother and sister to Discord and as for his mother well he didn't know his mother. 

After he lost his family Jalen turned cold and hard let no one in and let no one out, he was not a good person he had killed and stolen but then again so had everyone else in Discord. 

just letting you know that these chapter are going to be really short. hope you enjoy the book this is my fisrt time writing a full novel

happy reading enjoy

weidaiyucreators' thoughts