
Facts of chaos

Scarlet guard - mercenaries that aristocrats nobles, blue bloods, and royalty, hire to protect them from the scum of discord

Jade armor - a group of rebels tthat dissagree with the law that there are no laws in discord they are the strongest and longest lastign group that has not been stopped by the scarlet guard.

Citadel of chaos - the palace that the queens of discord live in and the strongesst most fortified building in the new america

How did discord came to be

2000 yers ago the most important ivent in history happened world war three, or more commonly referred to as the last war. People turned on people as around 400 people from every major country teamed up with eachother to over throw there goverments, this war is still happening all around the world in places like Europe, asia, ociana, and north africa. Inot only the war ended in south africa the civilisation ended. So as the other continent were dying, the american goverment being idiots eleceted elected JUDY as president then she appionted her self Queen of chaos and decided that no one would rebel laws if there were no laws ( she wasnt the brightest) so america became discord and laws became none. But people didnt like tht so discord turned into a land of bloodbath and crimminals. And rebels like the Jade armor. There was only one thing that the once land of the free kept the same. Money ...is ....power.

im so sorry it has taken so long for an update but i hope you still enjoy the book and make sure to leave any suggestions or opinions in the comments

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