
chapter 10

As the group filed into the room there were a few other kids sitting around 2 girls and 1 boy. and standing against the back door were two more a boy and girl who looked almost identical, Madison and Mason, they were guards but didn't belong to the scarlet guard, they had just appeared one day last year out of nowhere, Dylan didn't like them, didn't find them trust worthy  

There were 4 spare seats for the newcomers. Billie and Quince sat next to each other means that Dylan gets to sit next to pretty boy, not that he wants to sit next to the gorgeous boy or anything like that. After all the late comers settled down Dragon started the lesson.

"now today we have 2 new comers, so were going to study the long history of there small town of Los Vegas," Dragon said looking very excited "now lets take a look at the past of this great town. Shall we." With that he opened his mouth and a strange mist came out before it to shape a grand city in a desert, then a voice started talking."

Long ago the City of Los Vegas was an oases in the middle of a vast desert. Los Vegas was known for a few things 

the rich, rich families and business men were every where, thousands of people visited each year to see the glowing city.

 But the main reason people were rich was because the rest were poor because of the one thing that made Los Vegas a city that people visited, the casinos, gambling was the beating heart of Vegas people would go in and bet on games like blackjack poker roulette and jackpot machines, they went a lot they won everything and lost everything, they kept doing it even though they would never win because most of the games were rigged. There were to main rules in the casinos 1 don't ever rig the games they would have eyes every where and 2 never steal from Vegas casino barely anyone ever succeeded and if they did it would bit them in the back. even so Los Vegas was still one of the most popular city's in America. 

ON that note the mist faded revealing Dragon behind it. Dylan turned to pretty boy and Psycho. Psycho was gaping at Dragon But the boy looked as unimpressed as ever. 

"excuse me Mr. Dragon."

"yes Madison, always a pleasure to answer your questions." 

"isn't Vegas one of the poor towns, with like a bunch of idiots and thugs. no offense."

"none taken its true" Billie and the boy answered at the same time

 "yes Madison it is precisely because of this, every one thought Vegas would survive because of its strong security, but all the people were so stupid as to keep going to the casinos, that when the security saw intruders and blew up the who city, not caring if the people were still inside. and then of coarse the first Queen of chaos realized that laws were the reason that so many people revolted. so they got rid of them. Which did not go well and spawned the Jade armor and now here we are." Dragon explained

At the mention of the armor Mason choked on his water resulting in Madison hitting him in the head with he butt of her revolver.

"i wish i was there when that happened." Psycho sighed

"when what happened"

"When the city exploded, it would be so nice to here their screams"

everyone looked at her in shock

Jaylen smirked "Told you she was crazy Quinceton."

"its quince" said the prince

"i dont care" Jaylen remarked before the Pretty boy Fell asleep.

The rest of the lesson passed in a blur, Dragon decided not to talk about the world wars with Billie half way through because she enjoyed it too much. But Dylan couldn't stop thinking about the pretty boy sleeping with his head on the table his hair falling around his eyes in a way that made it look like he ...

"dylan, dylan, DYLAN!" He snapped out of his thoughts


"who do you think would win" ONe of the boys and the table he did not know asked him


the boy sighed "in a wrestling match would Quince or Billie win"

"oh definitely Billie she is crazy and Quince is weak"

"hey" the boy in question said sounding betrayed

"okay" said dragon "what if it was Quince or sleepy boy over there"

"prett.. I mean Jaylen would win Billie said before that he once took on four scarlet guards in one shoot, And an infant could beat Quince in the ring."

Quince seemed to be getting more and more annoyed with this conversation but on the other side of the room.

Mase And Mads perked up as soon as he mentioned that the boy could beat the scarlet guard. Strange kids.

the bell rang signaling end of class and they all left quince and billie dragging Jaylen out of the classroom.