
finding out

I grew up in a small town right at the center of my country called disanchantia. my country is ruled by king Robert and queen Willa. there are 3 county's that are right next to us vallor ,suqueenia, and wayland.

my name is Aaron I'm a girl with hazel brown skin, and short black curly hair. I have dark brown eyes that look like there black but there brown, as I said I grew up in the center of disanchantia I was left at the doorstep of my mom and dad's house, and they have raised me ever since. my mom's name is Ivy and my dads name is David they both have pale white skin and blue eyes my mom hair is brown and my dads hair is blond I don't know much about my real mom and dad all I know is my dads name was Robert. I can't say I care to much my family is great and I'm thankful for them taking me in.

today is my 14th birthday we don't have alot of money so my parents bake me a cake and always give me a small gift. it's not much but it's enough to satisfy me.

mom the cake was delicious thank you so much. Aaron it was nothing. as I finished my mom said to me your father and I would like to give you something, it was brought with you when you came. there was a note with it as well and it told us to give it to you on your 14th birthday, so here you go hunny.

my eyes opened up with surprise I didn't know there was more. in the letter it said "dear Aaron my name is Robert. I'm your father a long time ago before you were born there was a man named galeon. he was first of our blood line to receive magical powers. since then it been passed down through each generation when they come of age, because of this many people came after me to get to you so one day I secretly took you at night and I hid you here. you didn't have the life your mother and I wanted you to have but at least you were safe. we would have you stay here but we are young people who have other people after us and you but now that you are of age we will now come and bring you home back to the castle"

after that I was unsure of how to feel. I don't want to leave my family and what did he mean by castle I don't want any of this right now I gave the letter to my mom. mom I don't want to leave you she looked at me as if I was crazy and then she read the letter honny we won't let a single thing happen to you and no one will ever take you away from us

after that I opened up the small box that came with the letter It was just a ball I picked it up out of the box and out of nowhere the ball glowed displaying the color pink mom what is this I said I put it back down and it stopped glowing then my dad walked over he picked it up and inspected it he then gave it back to my mom and said this must be from that magic of hers she gave it back to me and it started glowing one again i put it down and I covered the box and took it to my room I'm not sure if that letter is true or not but no one has come yet my mom told me on my way out so there might be nothing to worry about

I took the box and then I asked to go for a walk with my mom's permission I left and I took my walk I passed all the different buildings they were all so pretty and old as I walking I run into my Best friend cane we've been best friends since him and his family moved to town hey Aaron he said to me I said hey back how are you it's been awhile Aaron you say that every time it's only been a day his response made me giggle

so today is your 14th birthday he said yeah today has been pretty hectic I told him about what happened and about the letter I didn't tell him about the magic part I didn't want him to think differently of me cane was 17 years old about to be 18 hr is way older then me but he's still my best friend and that's all that counts after awhile cane Walked me back home

when we got there he walked me inside we hung out in my house for awhile and then we went back outside to the town park

hey cane I said to him yeah Aaron if you could have any magical powers what would it be. well if I could have a magical powers I would want the ability to read another persons mind why would you want that I asked because even though it's not the greatest it's always good to know what someone is thinking because then you don't have to wonder

well that actually doesn't sound that bad if I had magical powers I would want to be able to fly that way I can watch the people more clear and make sure there all right

Aaron you've always thought about others that's what I like about you cane said to me well you know people have cared for me when they didn't need to I just want to return the favor I said to him you really are a good one cane said

hey let's get something to eat I said to him ok he said what do you want to eat I asked cane I could really go for some fries he told me ok then let's go to the tavern after we ate some food we talked for awhile and then we went back home again when we got there I had seen a bunch of people standing in front of my door there were at least 8 nights surrounding my door there was a royal carriage with 3 more around it

cane what's going on I asked him he shrugged and said I have no clue we walked up to the house and we were stopped by one of the guards hualt he said to us I tried to explain to him that I live here but they wouldn't let me in after a while the door opened I had seen my father come out with another man that was tall with black hair he had hazel brown skin just like mine he was the king of disanchantia king Robert

father I said what's going on these men won't let me in the kind told them to move aside and let me in they did as he asked cane and I entered slowly we didn't want to seem suspicious

when we entered we had seen my mom and queen Willa sitting at the table with the note from this morning what's going on I said my mother looked at me with sad eyes Aaron this is queen will she says she is here to take you back to the castle she is your true birth mother then my father behind me said and this is your true birth father