
In a medieval fantasy world with a WW2 system

James was just an everyday office worker stuck in the rut of a 9 to 5 job where all he did was work to survive. Now given a chance by a mysterious being and armed with a system that has the potential to shape his new world in any way he wants he has realized that he might actually have a chance to live with a little excitement in his life. It didn't take him long to realize that he might have taken on more than he can manage.

MrOrc · Peperangan
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

A unwanted awakening

James stood and stretched as he looked at his computer screen and the victory screen displayed on it. "Man, I know it's an old game but I wished more people still played it after all you can only beat the AI bots so many times before it gets boring". Sighing to himself he closed down the window and went back to his steam app. As he was aimlessly looking at the other games installed in his library trying to decide what to play his phone went off and he noticed he got a text from his friend Nick telling him to come out and have a drink.

With nothing else to do and since he didn't have to go to work tomorrow, he decided what the hell and quickly changed into some fresh clothes after having a shower and jumped on the next bus going past his apartment building, heading towards the nightclub district. Once he got there, he checked his phone realizing that it was 9:30 pm and that most of the clubs had only just opened he made his way towards the one he knew his friend would be at and was thankful it was still early as there was barely a line at the entrance.

After making his way inside he found his friend standing by the bar waiting for a drink and he made his way over. "Nick man how are you going", James said as he slapped his friend on the back to which his friend grunted and said back, "Pretty good mate, actually really good I hope you are in the mood for a drink tonight because I just got my yearly bonus and fell like letting off a little steam". A smile crossed James's mouth, "Now mate you know I never turn down a drink right". He said with a chuckle as he ordered two shots of tequila and gave one to his friend, "but I won't be letting you buy all the drinks, anyway take this." He raised his shot glass and said, "Now here's to letting of some steam". 

What followed after that was a night of dancing and drinking as a few more of their friends showed up and as he got more and more drunk James slowly lost his grip on reality and eventually blacked out.

"arrgh, why does my bed feel so hard". James pushed himself up and opened his eyes groggily only to realize that something was wrong, something was terribly wrong after all what greeted him was not the sight of his apartment but that of an open clearing in a forest with knee high grass and a small stream to his left. 

"The hell is going on here, I don't think I drank that much last night". Stretching out he stood up to have a look around. He realized that he was still wearing the same jeans, shirt, and runners from last night that he decided to wear going out. "Thank god I didn't get robbed or anything". After dusting off his shoulder he took another look around, "Tho how in the hell did I end up in the forest after all I don't think we have any forest like this anywhere near Brisbane well not anywhere within walking distance from the valley anyway".

As he walked around to try and get his bearings, it was then that he heard a crash from the trees behind him. After spinning around, he was greeted with the sight of a small green creature that stood about half a meter tall. "What in the hell, is that a goblin". A very uncomfortable feeling started to well up inside him as he slowly started to back away from the little green creature, this only intensified when he noticed the rusty crude knife it seemed to be holding in its hands.

"E..easy there buddy no need to do anything crazy". He said with a slight quiver in his voice and then he thought to himself, 'like I'm not the crazy one from thinking it can understand me'. Still trying his best to focus on the moment he spread his hands out in what he thought was a not threatening gesture with his palms open. "Can you understand me?" He said toward the goblin only to be answered back with a snarl as the creature launched forward at a sprint running directly at him. 

James's eyes grew wider and then as the adrenalin kicked into his system, he launched himself backward and took off in a sprint away from the goblin only to send himself tumbling to the ground when he got caught on a tuft of dirt under some grass. Realized that he had messed up, he pushed himself up and spun around to see the goblin was only a few meters from him. Now realizing that he had no real chance to run away from the creature he put all his effort into launching himself towards the creature his left arm extended towards the arm of the creature that was holding the knife.

Thanks to his great feat of decision-making, he managed to get his arm sliced by the knife but at least he had enough forward momentum with his larger size to crash tackle into the goblin a send it into the ground. The goblin now realizing that its arms were pinned by James launched its head forward attempting to bite him. James answered this by headbutting the creature and sending its head smashing back into the ground. 

With his head now aching from the headbutt he realized that the goblin had dropped its knife in the tackle and using the brief moment of grogginess he had given to the creature he reached for it, grabbed it and slammed it down into the creature's chest and by some sheer luck managed to plunge it into the creature heart. He realized he had managed this fluke because the creature suddenly went limp and stopped moving underneath him.

His respites ended shortly after as a blue screen appeared in front of him and a robotic voice echoed in his skull, "Creature kill confirmed, WW2 military system now unlocked".