

Mark's body impacted the mountain as the force of his hitting it created a crater in the side of the mountain.

Nolan landed in the crater as Mark was face down on the ground, his face beaten to a pulp.

"You're doing this for nothing.Being a part of the empire will make Earth better than it ever was," Nolan said as Mark groaned, pushing himself off the ground as he faced his father.

"And what if they resist?" Mark asked.

"That's why we're here.To keep them from resisting.To show them how wrong they are, how pointless it is... That they can be a part of something bigger... Or die," Nolan snarled.

"I won't let you," Mark said as he brought his fists up to fight, only for Nolan to punch him, and he collapsed to the ground, bleeding profusely from his face.

"You want to die for this planet?Fine.What's 17 more years?" Nolan punched Mark's already beaten and bloody face."I can always start again...," he said, hitting Mark again."...make another kid," he said, holding his hands out, smiling.

Nolan then began whaling on Mark, beating and punching him, causing several of Mark's teeth to fly out as he beat him, blood flying everywhere.

As Nolan beat Mark into the ground, he remembered when Mark was a child and playing in a coach-pitch little league game.He remembered seeing Mark's childlike smile and joy as he hit a home run.He remembered feeling joy and happiness as he watched Mark run around those bases as he slid into home plate, scoring for his team.He remembered feeling proud as Mark ran over to him, and he raised his son into the air seeing the joyful smile on his face.

Coming out of the flashback, Mark's smiling child face was replaced with a beaten, swollen, bloody, and broken face as he gasped, struggling to breathe.

Nolan growled at this as he couldn't hit Mark anymore, "Damnit!" he yelled before falling over, laying on his back next to Mark.

Nolan looked over to his son, who was gasping weakly, panting as he held on to life.Sitting up, Nolan crouched over his son as he shut his eyes in pain before growling as he turned on Mark, angry.

"Why did you make me do this?!" he yelled."You're fighting so you can watch everyone around you die!Think, Mark!" Nolan yelled, pointing at his son.

"You'll outlast every fragile, insignificant being on this planet.You'll live to see this world crumble to dust and blow away!Everyone and everything you know will be gone!" Nolan yelled in rage as Mark gasped for breath.

"What will you have after 500 years?" Nolan yelled as a tear slipped out of Mark's eye.

"You, Dad.I'd still have you," he said weakly, gasping and struggling to breathe.

Nolan's face softened at this as he clenched his eyes shut and stood up before looking at his hands, soaked with Mark's blood.

Nolan stared at his hands before looking down at Mark, who lay in a crater covered in his blood with regret.

"Dad?" Mark asked as Nolan gasped, looking at his son before shutting his eyes tightly.Nolan's face scrunched up in pain before he pushed off the ground and flew straight up in the air, coming to the edge of the atmosphere as the blood burned off his suit, and he cried as he flew away from Earth with tears in his eyes.


As the orange evening sky turned dark, Cecil, Debbie, and the GDA's medical helicopters landed not far from where Mark lay.The medics rushed to save Mark as they loaded him onto the chopper.

Debbie could only watch in shock and horror as tears streamed down her face, and Cecil came over to hold and comfort her, a look of regret on his face.

Mark and Viktor were poorly beaten, both having to do the unimaginable.Mark had to fight his father, the trauma he will likely never get over.Viktor had to enhance his curse further to the point of no return, never again able to live a normal life.Neither of them was able to stop Omni-man.Their sacrifice was for nothing.


On TV, a newscaster was reporting on the devastation of Chicago, where Mark and Nolan fought.

"This is the scene in downtown Chicago as darkness falls on the day the world changed.Omni-man and Invincible touched down here during their terrible battle.The damage you can see behind me was done in a matter of minutes before they carried their fight elsewhere," the newscaster said as he glanced behind him at the rubble and massive destruction.The area was roped off by yellow police tape, and people could be seen staring at the devastation in shock as GDA troopers kept everyone from entering the site.

"I can't begin to explain the devastation, the pain... the loss.It's like nothing... nothing I've ever seen.And we're all asking the same question... how could someone who promised to keep us safe, to protect us against any threat, become that threat?Without answers, all we can do is hold each other as we pick up the pieces.City planners estimate it will take weeks to clear the area before rebuilding begins.The cost in lives... the cost in lives is incalculable," he said as people could be seen breaking down and crying behind him as a child hugged his parents crying.

"Thankfully, the Guardians of the Globe and Atom Eve are on the scene.There's been no sign of Omni-man or Invincible since yesterday.In time, we hope to know what ended this attack, but for now, we can be thankful that the danger is behind us," the newscaster finished as the screen was turned off by a doctor in Viktor's room as Maria put the remote down.

Maria sighed sadly as she looked at Impulse again and reached for his mask but stopped and turned away as she left the room.

As she was leaving, the heart monitor suddenly began beeping rapidly, getting her to spin around to see Impulse's heart rate going through the roof.

Maria ran back into Impulse's room when the world suddenly froze, and Viktor's eyes snapped open, and he shot up in bed.

Gasping and breathing heavily, Viktor looked around him to see the world was frozen, and he was in a hospital bed.

Calming himself, Viktor looked around the hospital room again as he recognized it.He was in the GDA.

Sighing in relief that he was still alive, Viktor swung his legs off the bed and stood before looking down at his torn and bloodied costume.Looking up, he noticed a beautiful brown-haired, tan-skinned nurse in the doorway, frozen in a running position.

Walking over, Viktor noticed the look of worry and fear frozen on her face as she seemed to have been rushing over to him.

Viktor moved past her and into the hallway as doctors rushed around.Looking at a nearby TV, he saw the report of what was happening in Chicago before moving past it.

Walking down the hallway, Viktor noticed shimmers in the air and gave them a closer look as he realized these were invisible GDA Tech Troopers.Continuing down the hall, Viktor came to the emergency room, where many doctors were frozen, rushing in and out.

Curious, Viktor walked over and peeked inside to see Mark lying on the hospital bed, bleeding profusely as his body was broken and puffed up.Doctors rushed around inside the room, trying to save him.

Viktor vibrated through the wall as he came to Mark's side and stared at his beaten body.

"Mark," Viktor whispered in regret as he stared down at Mark's body before looking around the room and finding Debbie on the other side of a glass window in a separate room, breaking down and crying as Cecil stood there with a comforting arm on her shoulder.

"Debbie," Viktor whispered, his face falling in sadness as he glanced back at Mark before leaving the room and walking through the GDA as everyone and everything was frozen around him.

Walking into a bathroom, Viktor leaned against the countertop, staring down at the sink before turning on the water.

Viktor watched as no water came out and waited for nearly 20 minutes before a single drop came out.

Angered by this, Viktor's eyes narrowed as he roared angrily and punched the glass.When his fist made contact, the glass flexed before slowly cracking as the cracks crawled along the glass.Viktor withdrew his fist from the mirror and watched boredly as the cracks very, very slowly formed a spiderweb.Stepping back, Viktor watched and waited another 15 minutes before the cracks barely created a small web-like pattern in the center of the glass where Viktor had hit.

Bored of watching the glass slowly crack, Viktor walked out of the bathroom and went through the GDA before pressing the button to the elevator.

The button barely moved on its way back.Viktor could see the light behind it barely begin coming on as it started from nothing and slowly got brighter.

Gritting his teeth in anger, Viktor vibrated his molecules as he jumped through the elevator door and ran up the elevator shaft, phasing through the elevator before coming to the ground floor and leaving the building.

Walking outside, Viktor saw that it was night as he continued to walk across the lawn of the Pentagon before he began running.

Viktor ran to Chicago as he looked around at all the destruction, death, and pain.

"What happened here?" Viktor asked as he walked over to an area that was blocked off and hopped over the yellow tape as he walked the area.

Walking around, Viktor saw the Guardians frozen in positions, making it look like they were trying to rescue people.

"Eve!" Viktor exclaimed as he saw her flying in the air and using her powers to save people.

Viktor ran up to her and looked up at his girlfriend with a beaming smile before it faded as he realized she couldn't see or talk to him.

Sadness overcame Viktor as he looked around at all the destruction and gained a determined look as he ran around the devastation, vibrating through debris, grabbing trapped civilians, and taking them out.

After he was done, Viktor looked around and noticed something.People had barely begun reacting and moving.

"No," Viktor gasped in despair as he fell to his knees in the rubble.Tears began to fall as Viktor ripped his mask off his suit and screamed.

"NO!!" he screamed to the heavens in pain and sorrow as lightning and thunder roared above him.

Viktor's head fell as he stared at his hand and pulled his glove off to see his watch was cracked but still showed his speed.

Mach 46

Viktor sighed as he sat back, falling to his butt as he rested his elbows on his knees, which were brought up in front of him as his head hung between his legs.

Sadly, Viktor looked back at Eve, who hadn't moved from her position before, as he stared at her.As Viktor stared at her, his gaze became stern as he stood up and returned to the GDA.He phased through the floor and landed in the medical area.

Running through the hospital, Viktor found Cecil as he reached into Cecil's pocket and took out his power dampener.

"It's my only hope," Viktor told himself before leaving the GDA and going to his lab at Upstate U.

Entering his lab, Viktor got to work immediately on another power dampener as he worked around the clock for what he thought were four days.As he got close to a prototype, Viktor looked at the clock to see it had only been an hour of real-time.

"Shit," Viktor said, realizing how fast he'd gotten.

~Real time~

In real-time, Eve was in awe as she stared at the wreckage.One second, she and the Guardians were doing their best to search for survivors.And then, suddenly, yellow lightning trails zipped around the place as survivors appeared near medical personnel, all within 30 seconds.

"Viktor?" Eve questioned in shock as she looked around as the lightning trail disappeared but saw no signs of her boyfriend.

Pulling out her phone, she quickly called Cecil, who answered almost immediately.

"Cecil?What's going on with Viktor?" she asked as she heard him sigh."He was just here, but he was so much faster than normal he saved all the survivors in seconds," she said in shock.

"Eve, come back to the GDA.I'll explain when I see you," Cecil said before hanging up.

"Uh, what just happened?" Rex asked aloud as everyone was in shock.

"I don't know," Rudy said from inside the Robot armor.

"It was Viktor," Eve said, still in shock as everyone looked at her.

"Who?" Black Samson asked, confused.

Eve shook off her surprise as she gained a serious look, "I have to go.Cecil needs me," she said before flying away.

"Wait, what?" Rex exclaimed in shock as he looked around to see all the survivors had been saved.


Arriving at the GDA, Eve marched up to Cecil, who stood in front of a medical room, looking through the window.

"What happened?" Eve demanded as she stopped next to Cecil, staring at him.

Cecil sighed regretfully, "Viktor fought against Omni-Man... Nolan," he corrected as Eve gasped, her eyes widening in shock.

"He wasn't fast enough yet, so before the fight, I gave him a device that would increase his speed three times over," Cecil said as Eve put a hand to her mouth as tears threatened to fall.

"Viktor didn't hesitate to take the device and put it on if it meant stopping Nolan and saving you.He increased his speed by four times with that device, something we thought was impossible.Viktor fought against Nolan and held him back for a while... But he lost.Nolan beat Viktor into the ground and nearly killed him," Cecil said, closing his eyes.Tears fell down Eve's face, and she shut her eyes, looking away.

"Viktor's only alive because his boost in speed enhanced the rest of his powers, giving him regeneration as opposed to speed healing," Cecil said as Eve looked back at him with hope.

"He's alive, Eve," Cecil told her as he looked at her grimly."But he's moving faster than we can track.We did the math.One hour for us is about four days for him," he told her as her eyes widened and her once hopeful look faded.

"What's gonna happen to him now?" Eve asked worriedly as Cecil sighed and looked away.

"I don't know.He did take back the power dampener he gave me, though.He may be trying to create a stronger one to slow him down.Right now, I'm more focused on ensuring Mark stays alive," he said.Cecil walked away as tears fell down Eve's cheeks.

She brought her hands up to her chest, holding her clasped hands to her forehead, crying.


Back with Viktor, it had been nearly 24 hours of real-time, meaning a little over three months from his perspective.

Viktor could be seen on the floor of his lab, hunched over a device.His hair had lost its brown color, and the dye had come out, revealing his actual black hair underneath.

Viktor's hair had laid flat and fell to his shoulders as he sat with his lab coat over his still torn and damaged suit.

All around the lab, dozens of prototype watch-like devices, from big to small, bulky to thin, in all shapes and sizes, lay on the floor or work benches.Covering the floors and work benches were papers upon papers of long-handed math equations and blueprints for every one of the watches.And with just as many watches, there were batteries or power sources to fit into them, along with all the papers and blueprints.

Not a single inch of the floor could be seen as it was covered in papers and blueprints.The lab was a mess.

"I did it," Viktor whispered as a blue glow illuminated his face revealing stubble.

Grabbing the device, Viktor picked it up, revealing it to be a watch.The face of the watch spanned three fingers wide and half an inch thick, the strap only being about one inch wide and a quarter of an inch thick, and in the middle of the watch face was a miniature power source that glowed blue.

As Viktor stared at the watch, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of himself in a reflection as he walked over and ran his hand over his stubble, feeling the beginnings of a beard before looking at the state of him.

Viktor looked dirty and unclean, his eyes red and puffy with massive dark circles under his eyes.

"Maybe I should clean up a bit," he said to himself before bringing his hand up to his eye as he took out the contacts that hid his greenish-grey eyes.

Speeding off, leaving the labcoat frozen in the air, Viktor returned to the room after a few seconds and put the labcoat over the chair.

Looking at his reflection again, Viktor was satisfied with his appearance as he pulled a grey jacket over his white shirt.

Viktor then grabbed the watch, put it on, and pressed a button on the face as time slammed into him, and Viktor got a terrible headache as he scrunched his eyes closed and held his head in pain.The pain was so bad that Viktor stumbled around before catching himself on a desk.Viktor had to hold himself up as he breathed slowly as the pain finally passed.

Opening his eyes slowly, Viktor looked around and noticed a bird flying outside his lab window before he looked at the clock to see the second's hand ticking at normal speed.

"I did it," he sighed happily.

Looking down at the watch, Viktor moved the watch's face clockwise as he regained his speed and raced out of the lab and to this apartment.

Arriving in his apartment, Viktor turned the watch face back as he lost his speed.Walking toward his room, Viktor was suddenly slammed into the wall as a pink hand was held against his face.

"Who are you?How did you get in here?" Eve demanded angrily, her free hand held up in a glowing pink fist.

"Eve, it's me.It's Viktor," he said as Eve looked at him in shock before dropping him.Viktor dusted himself off and smiled at her.

"Hey, Eve," he greeted as she stared at him, looking him up and down.

"Viktor?H-How are you here?Why do you look so different?" she asked rapidly as Viktor sighed.

"It's a long story, Eve.But let me start by saying I've been hiding who I am from you," he said as she looked at him worriedly.

"What are you talking about?" she asked worriedly as Viktor looked like he was struggling to tell her.

"My...I...I'm sorry," he apologized as he struggled to tell her.

"Viktor," Eve said softly as she came over and held his hands."It's okay.You can tell me anything," she said as Viktor sighed, his head hanging.

"It's about my mother.She's... Lady Lightning," he said as Eve's eyes widened slightly.

"Lady... Lightning?The...," she trailed off.

"The Insanity of Russia," Viktor finished for her as he looked away regretfully.

"Back before I came to America, my parents were a team and fought crime together.But one day, something changed in my mom.She snapped and went on a rampage, killing hundreds of civilians and several heroes," Viktor said as Eve looked at him with worry and sadness as he gripped her hands for comfort.

"When she was finally stopped, my dad took me and fled from Russia, coming here to the States," he said as he looked at a framed picture of his father, which was up on the wall.

"I was afraid I would become like my mother, so I hid my features like a coward.Dying my hair and wearing colored contacts, I hid who I was so I didn't share any resemblance to my mother.I distanced myself as far as I could from her out of fear of becoming just like her... As insane as her," Viktor told her as Eve held his cheek with her hand.

"Viktor," Eve said, turning his face to her as she looked him in the eye."None of that matters now.You aren't your mother.You're you, and that's all that matters.Your features don't define you.And I'd love you no matter who your parents were," she said, smiling up at him lovingly.

"Thank you, Eve.I love you," Viktor said as he wrapped his arms around Eve's waist and brought her up into a kiss.

The kiss was tender and loving, and when they broke the kiss, the two still smiled happily as Eve moved back and messed up Viktor's hair, and they shared a small laugh.

Viktor brought Eve close as he stood there, holding her, resting his head on hers as she rested hers on his chest, their eyes closed in contentment, happy to be with each other.


Two days later, Viktor was standing in Mark's medical room.Mark was bruised and beaten up badly.Most of his body was bandaged, his right arm was in a cast, both his legs were in casts and elevated, his right eye was still purple and bruised along with most of his face, and he had a large cut on his chin from where his jaw was busted up, and his neck was in a brace.

Viktor was standing in the room in a black hoodie, jeans, and running shoes as he stared at Mark, who was still unconscious.Debbie was also in the room and sat on a chair beside Mark's bed on his left side.

She had been surprised by Viktor's appearance, both his physical changes and the fact that he was there in real-time.Viktor had explained everything, and like the fantastic person Debbie was, she accepted him.

But right now, Viktor was staring at Mark in regret.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop Nolan," Viktor said, frustrated and angry, as Debbie looked at him."I'm sorry I couldn't prevent Mark from facing his father.And I'm sorry for what he's done to you and Mark," Viktor said, looking at her as Debbie looked sad and in pain.

"It's not your fault Viktor," Debbie said, shaking her head as she stood up and walked around Mark's bed to Viktor."And if anyone should be apologizing, it's me.I'm so sorry for what Nolan's done to you and your family," she said as Viktor's face scrunched up, and he shut his eyes, looking away in pain.

"I... How could he do this?" Viktor asked, looking at Debbie."How could he kill my father and still have the nerve to say I was like a son to him?" Viktor asked in rage as tears swelled in Debbie's eyes.

"I don't know," she whispered as the tears fell, and Viktor hugged her.


In the days after, Viktor tried to get back to some kind of normal and found himself showing off his Arc Reactor to a panel of scientists who were in awe of the technology.

While the scientists geeked out over his reactor, Viktor just sat back, watching them absentmindedly.All he could think about was Mark, Omni-Man, and the future.

Viktor was awarded another massive grant and a little bonus since his machine worked better than the panel of scientists could have predicted.For the next several days, Viktor had to deal with government officials wanting him to build more of them for different reasons.

Cecil was able to help with that as he got everyone to stop harassing Viktor.In exchange, Viktor would build a better prototype version that would be used to power the GDA.

Viktor agreed and spent the next week working on a larger reactor that produced nearly double the energy of the first and would last twice as long, powering the entire GDA for two years.


It had been two weeks since his fight with Omni-Man, and Mark finally woke up and was nearly fully healed.

Hearing that Mark was home, Viktor and Eve went to see him and met with William outside Mark's house.William knew Mark was Invincible, which Viktor did not know that he knew, but somehow Eve did.

Ringing his doorbell, Mark opened the door to see them.

"Mark!Oh, man, it's so good to see you're all right.I mean, after everything on the TV about you and Omni--" William trailed off nervously as Amber came out from around Mark."Uh, hey, Amber," William said nervously.

Mark glanced at Amber before looking back at William, "She knows about my dad," Mark said.

"Oh, okay," Eve said, putting her hand on her hip.

"They know?" Amber asked, crossing her arms.

"You guys want to, uh--Let's go out," he said before taking notice of Viktor, who he didn't recognize.

"Who are you?" Mark asked, looking at Viktor, who smirked.

"It's me, Mark," Viktor said as Mark and Amber's eyes widened in surprise.

"I know, right?" William exclaimed as he was still in shock by the change.

"I'll explain later," he told them as they all left and went to BurgerMart.

They all sat in one booth together after ordering some food.William, Eve, and Viktor sat on one bench, in that order, while Mark and Amber sat on the other, Mark and Viktor sitting across from each other on the ends.

"How's your mom taking it?" William asked as Mark leaned his elbows against the table.

"About as badly as you'd expect," he said.

"Mark, I am so sorry," Amber chimed in.

"I don't know what to say.It's like I'm hollow inside.Nothing seems real," Mark said as Viktor, understanding what that was like, leaned forward, putting one elbow on the table.

"Mark, we don't have to do this here," he said as Mark looked up at him.

"It's okay.I just needed to get out of the house.But can we talk about something else?" Mark asked.

"We can try, but it's literally all anyone is talking about in the whole world," William said as Amber, Eve, and Viktor looked at him with glares, and his eyes widened in fear as he held his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry.New topic," William said before looking at Viktor."Viktor.Why?How do you look like that?" he asked as everyone turned their attention to Viktor.

Viktor looked around and noticed that everyone's eyes were on him as he sighed.

"Do you know why we left Russia?" he asked, looking at Mark, who shrugged.

"I thought your dad came here 'cause it was closer to the Guardian's," Mark replied as Viktor shook his head.

"No.The truth is much darker," Viktor said, his eyes falling to the table."My mother was Lady Lightning," he revealed as Mark, Amber, and William looked at him with wide eyes, shocked.

"Your mother?!" William exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah.After she went... insane, my father brought me to America for a fresh start.I dyed my hair and wore colored contacts to hide any relation to my mother.I was... am... afraid I'll become just like her.Just as insane as her," Viktor finished as Eve slid her hand into his, and Viktor held her hand for support.

"Holy shit," William said as he stared at Viktor.

Mark's phone then began to ring.Everyone looked at him as he took his phone out.

"Hold on," he told them before answering and putting the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" he answered.

"I need you.Now.Hurry," Cecil said over the phone as Mark's eyes narrowed, and he brought his phone away from his ear.

"Sorry, I'll be right back," he told everyone as he got out of the booth and left out the back.

A few seconds after Mark left, the building shook, and an audible whoosh passed, telling them that Mark had taken off.

"You know about Mark and Omni-Man now, so you might as well know about me and Viktor," Eve said as Viktor leaned back and put his right arm around her."I met Mark and Viktor in costume before I realized we went to the same school.I'm, um... well, I'm Atom Eve.And Viktor is..."

"Impulse," Viktor finished for her as Amber and William looked at them wide-eyed.

"What?Oh, my god, I see it now!You can make doubles of yourself!" William said in excitement as Viktor facepalmed at this while Eve became angry.

"No!That's Dupli-Kate.I'm the pink one," she said as William and Amber looked confused and embarrassed that they got it wrong.

"Oh, right.Of course," Amber said as Eve looked dejected before looking at Viktor to see him barely containing his laughter.Smirking, Eve jabbed him in his ribs with her elbow getting him to wince in pain.

"Ow!Okay, I deserve that," he admitted as he held his ribs with his left hand.

"Now, Impulse.I can see that," William said excitedly as Viktor smirked.

"Thanks," Viktor said as Amber perked up.

"Yeah!I don't know how I didn't see it before with the hair and accent," she said in realization as Eve grumbled since they recognized Viktor but not her, and she didn't even wear a mask.

"Well, I'm changing that with my new suit," he said as William looked excited and sat up.

"You're getting a new suit?When?What's it going to look like?" he asked excitedly.

"You'll have to wait and see," Viktor smirked as William groaned in disappointment as he sat back and ate his burger.

"So, what's the plan in the meantime?" Amber asked as Viktor looked up at the ceiling, his mind traveling a million miles away.

On Mars, the Sequids, led by a possessed human astronaut, were taking over the Martians.The astronaut smiled madly at this as a wave of Sequids washed over a group of Martians.The Martians fell to the ground as they struggled to get the Sequids off their faces.

One of the Mauler Twins was put into a prison cell with arm restraints.

The Flaxans were rebuilding in their home dimension as they gathered around a table, and the leader stabbed a knife into the image of the Earth with pictures of Omni-Man and Impulse next to it.

In Russia, a group of soldiers were walking through a dark room when blue lightning sparked in front of them, illuminating a teenage girl with tan skin and blueish-white hair as she laughed maniacally and electrocuted them.

Underground, lava rock monsters bowed before Doc Seismic, who laughed maniacally.

Titan sat at his desk with his hands folded and wearing a black suit with Isotope standing behind him as the door to the room opened, revealing an old Chinese man.Titan smirked as stone covered his skin, and the old man transformed into a Chinese dragon and attacked him.

In deep space, Battle Beast fought against a bunch of aliens as he slaughtered everyone on the ship.

At the GDA, Cecil walked into a room and stood on a balcony overlooking D.A. Sinclair, who was outfitting a battalion of upgraded undead cyborgs.Sinclair looked up at Cecil, giving him a thumbs up before returning to work.Cecil smirked at the cyborgs.

In Chicago, at night, Ben, the doctor, was walking down an alley holding his head and swaying slightly when two thugs appeared in front of him laughing.Ben's head snapped up as he had a crazy look in his eyes and a mad grin.He laughed as lightning sparked off him, and he became a blur as the screams of the thugs echoed through the alley.

Maria walked into a coffee shop and was looking through her purse before seeing a waitress trip.The world slowed for Maria, and she moved, catching the waitress.When time started again, the waitress thanked her and moved on as Maria looked at her hand excitedly and did a little excited jig.

Art was down in his workshop as he added the finishing touches to Viktor's new suit and stepped back, smiling at the suit in pride.

Viktor returned to the conversation, having been lost in thought for a moment as he smiled.

"Finish college, I guess," he said, smiling as he looked at Eve, who returned the smile and leaned against his chest.

"And save the world," Eve added as William and Amber looked at each other before looking back at Eve and Viktor and smiling at the couple.

"I do wonder what's gonna happen next," Viktor commented as he brought his drink to his lips and sipped from the straw as he stared up at the ceiling.