
Impossible Tower

Without warning he was transported into a endless dungeon of trials and test, known as "Tower". With only his quick wits and determination to survive, will he be able to forge his legacy and find his path through his journey up the "Tower" *** Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions. I would love to hear feedback and opinions.

Sheeper_Beeper3000 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


[HP: 2/10]

The pain was immense and his brain scrambled to make decisions. Any normal human would have instantly went into shock after feeling the abrupt hit of the boss, but the wall made it worse. His organs were churning and he felt like his lungs were filling with liquid.

He struggled to stand up, staggering twice. The floor beneath him was covered in shards of rough sandstone, not helping his wobbly balance. During his recovery the boss had yet to move from it's spot seemingly thinking it had won the battle with ease, to its surprise it turned around and say the tenacious human stand up once more, blood leaking down his face and covering on of his eyes.

James used the remaining strength he had to conjure another mana ball, but this time he used the remaining mana he had to increase the impact, the ball shrunk as he increased the mana used. Even though the ball was small it was clear that the power inside had only grown and the coyote was able to sense the power of it. The boss rushed at James realizing that if he didn't stop the last ditch effort it would die.

James felt the warm breath on his face and knew it was now or never and retracted his arm to throw the ball. He used the last amounts of his focus to aim towards the previously damaged area and threw. The world seemed to slow down for James as the watched the boss get closer and closer until it was less than 5 feet away, then the ball hit.

The dust erupted in front of him, shards of rock flew everywhere mixed with the occasional drops of blood. Before he was able to check if the coyote died, he fainted.


The clack of a wooden spear on a wooden dummy rang through his head.

'Didn't I pass out?'

He was confused as to why he was hearing noises and felt as if it was too real to be a dream.

'Did I die? Am I hallucinating?'

The pitch black he was seeing slowly lifted and a overhead view of a teenager slashing a wooden dummy with a spear, played his vision. The boy was good looking, golden hair, tall body, slim but toned, all of which would make the boy look respectable.

James felt a familiarity while watching the boy, he didn't understand why as it was clear the boy was not of the same world as him.

The slashes turned into thrusts which turned into combos. James started to memorize the attack patterns and felt as if they resonated with him, almost like the melted together with his spirit.

Eventually a pair, containing a female and male both with the look of royalty, came out of a nearby door and walked towards the boy, their faces were ridden with disdain and it was clear they weren't there for a friendly discussion. The boy looked at them for a moments glance, but went back to his training and ignored the pair.

The man was burly and strutted up towards the boy and tightly gripped his shoulder and turned him so they were facing each other.

"You can't even use Mana and now you are wasting your time training instead of attending the party you were supposed to go to." The man shouted and the woman chimed in, quickly after.

"You need to find a good wife and at least produce a heir so you aren't a total disgrace." It was clear the woman scorned the boy.

"Father, Mother, it is nice that you can to scold me for my actions, but we both know that no one would marry me because of my condition, I have better chances to at least become a soldier." The boy's face was turned away from the pair and his eyes refused to go near the two.

"You are already a waste of life and now you are going to waste a opportunity to create more, unacceptable. From now on you will not touch the spear again until you find a wife." The mother was furious and stormed off quickly, the father left a word for his son before following suit.

"She is right, don't disgrace us anymore."

The boy stood, dazed, as his parents walked away. After, the door had closed he fell to his knee and sobbed.


James awoke and hastily looked around, only to not find a boss corpse but instead a tarnished chest without a lock.

[Level Up!]

[Quest Completed!]

[Rewards are now being given.]

[Rewards: Rank F Equipment Chest , 1 AP.]

His question was quickly answered, he was now able to grasp his thoughts and quickly stood up and picked up the spear he dropped. He walked towards the chest and grazed his hand on the splintering wood. He opened the chest and all that laid inside was a breastplate.

[Poor Breastplate - F

Description - Made by a new blacksmith who had little experience in both leatherwork and smithing.

Perks - 2 Vitality]

The visions he had while unconscious were still vivid as he strapped the breastplate around his right breast.

[Please Enter 2F Resting Room!]

The portal opened where the coyote had originally been when he walked into the room. He hurried to the portal and almost jumped through it. His vision went black and after a moment was back in the same waiting room as before, except this time it had a bed in the corner and there was no portal waiting for him.

[Floor 2 will unlock in 23:59:56]

He thought back to the vision he had and replayed the the spearman ship of the boy, before the felt confident enough to practice it. He slashed once and turned 45 degrees before thrusting towards the fake image of a training dummy he was imaging. He repeated the slashes and thrusts until the images he had in his head were the same as the movements he was performing.

James continued to practice before he felt confident enough to mix in the combos. He practiced for what felt like days, but in reality had only been a few hours. Eventually when he felt like he had perfected all the moves he refocused and a screen appeared.
