
Imperium Aureum

In a war torn medieval world young prince August Dane Davion fights to usher in the age of a new empire. But to bring about his envisioned empire he must struggle through the corruption of nobles, the Ire of his father the emperor, and the machinations of the secretive mage's guild.

Spookyyymann · Fantasi
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14 Chs

Chapter Four: Next steps

I struggle to rise from the floor my body aches and pains as I force myself to stand. Adonis was true to his word and was training me in sword play however I underestimated just how painful it would be. He did not hold back and would hit me with his full strength every time something that I didn't mind it was rare to find someone that didn't hold back in fear of hurting a prince. I plunge my sword into the ground and use it as leverage to lean against. "Good gods Adonis you were definitely sired by giants." Adonis always the silent type just shrugged and walked away to complete his duties for the day. I start walking back to the main tent for the strategy session with the other lords Nikolas who was watching me joined by my side. 

"What to you think of Adonis Sir Nikolas?" Nikolas made for a much better conversation compared to the other man and most others for that matter. Everything he said was said with enthusiasm it was a great oratory skill perhaps when we get back to the capital I will hire a tutor for him to develop the prowess of this speech craft. 

"He may not be much of a talker but if anyone was going to fight by my side I would hope it is him. He is strong and skilled with the sword although I struggle to see the usefulness of him as a commander. On top of that It is impossible to see what binds his loyalty to you it could be anything or nothing at all." His loyalty was something I was hoping to understand too at least with Nikolas I gave him a noble title and the opportunity for an extravagant life. Adonis I had barely given him money he had no strong ties to me besides potentially getting more money and a man of his skill set wouldn't be to hurt for cash to begin with.

"I agree with him being a skilled fighter he easily beat me black and blue without a thought to my status that is something I am fond of. As far as him leading a unit I want to develop his skill as a small unit commander if he proves to be a bad one then I will simply assign him as my personal champion. I would have made him my champion already but I have the same fear as you. What would make him loyal? What are his goals?" We walk in silence content to ponder on the question.

"Only time will tell my lord I suggest we just wait and watch." Nikolas was trying to brush some dust and dirt from his clothing. I am going to have to commission a suit of armor for him a body guard that can barely afford decent chainmail would be mocked and stain my name. "I agree Nikolas. After this meeting go to quarter master Alcander and have him suit you in a full set of plate armor I will give you my seal so he doesn't try to charge you any money." Alcander was always seeking to skim money from whoever needed arms or armor from him something that was against the law since he was employed by the crown and already paid handsomely. The only reason I hadn't executed him for corruption was because he was just to useful in managing the logistics of the army. He had a way of making extra rations, arrows, or whatever else we needed appear out of thin air. 

"Thank you my lord. But I am still rather poor I would not be able to Pay you back for such an expense." How humble of him. This is why people with merit and morals deserved lordship over the corrupt and amoral nobles that made up most of the upper class. "Nikolas I do not expect you to pay me for the armor. All I expect is your complete loyalty and above all else your honesty. I need men that will speak to me as an equal and voice their real concerns not a group of Yes-Men. Can you swear that to me." 

"Yes! I swear my lord to be honest and loyal to you above all others." Nikolas would be the first in my inner circle the first to help me usher in a new age for this empire. I now have one loyal ally but many more would be needed. "Good. Now then let us politic our way to victory. Don't let the other lords intimidate you I expect to hear any possible strategies you may have. All are equal in war." Nikolas bowed deeply and we entered the tent into the crowd of snakes.

All the lords and commanders were present some twenty men only a handful of which deserved to be in attendance. They all bowed or nodded in acknowledgment of me and waited for me to take my place at the head of the table. I stayed standing instead it was better for getting a good view of the map and also helped me think better. "My lords ahead of us lay three castles we have no choice but to siege. The fort of Adenafast would have to be our first target since it would cut off our supply lines if held by the enemy. After that is we would have to choose between besieging Polis or the fort of Azure located right by the sea. The rick lies there more than anywhere. If we siege Polis instead of Azure they would be able to supply the capital from the sea indefinitely however if we siege Azure they could pincer us in an attack. Sadly we do not have enough troops to besiege both at once and no fleet to blockade either. This is where I would hear your suggestions." I made sure to point out all the important sights while talking.

The occupants of the tent began to talk amongst themselves planning possible strategies. "Perhaps we can draw out the garrison of Polis and crush them then we could go to Azure and siege it without worrying about a pincer." It was Simon Drakes a man of middle age and red hair. He was one of the more competent and likable nobles present someone that ruled efficiently. "That would be ideal however we plan on conquering the whole country so to that end we cannot anger the peasantry nor do we want to destroy to much of the infanstructure here and make the area no poor to pay taxes. So raiding the country side to draw out the garrison is out of the question." Simon Drakes was thinking again hopefully he would find a good alternative.

Another lord spoke this time "The city will run out of food eventually if we just siege it and wait them out we will win." I had already explained why that wouldn't work "Lord Elias as I mentioned earlier while they hold azure they can continually supply Polis. Even if we raid the area around azure to prevent them from gathering more food we do not know how much supply they have. They could easily have years worth of supplies and I don't suppose you plan on footing the bill for a siege that long." Elias brows furrowed at the mention of spending his own money. 

The tent went quiet as nobody else dared to speak and risk sounding incompetent. Simons plan was not bad but they would need to find something that would draw out the garrison. "We have some five thousand men in this army and food supplies to last us three months. That saves us a large amount of money for supplies later. With our success I believe the emperor will send us more troops if requested so I will send a messenger to him. If he sends enough reinforcement we might be able to siege both at once as long as we take Adenafast quick and with little casualties. Lord Felix how long until your troops return to the army?" 

"Three weeks give or take. They are mainly men at arms in heavy armor so they are a little slower." Felix spoke with his unceasing tone of arrogance.

"Good that brings us up to five thousand five hundred. Sir Alexandros about a weeks ride east from here is a mining settlement Brita. There is a sizable population of dwarves living there I will send with you an escort and a good sum of money. Hire as many as possible and return with them as soon as possible but remember Alexandros I want only those willing do not coerce them if they do not wish to come." Alexandros nodded his head he would be the best choice to carry out the task I trusted him to not do something to offend them he was honorable enough.

"Well my lords I have come up with a plan. As lord Simon suggested we will draw them out firstly we will take Adenafast then we will move on to Azura and let them pincer us." The last part raised a murmur. Simon was the first to raise his concerns "But sire August you said it yourself being pincered was unacceptable." He was right normally it would be. "Lords the plan is rather simple. After we take Ardenafast we will split into multiple small but fast groups and make our way outside to Azura. Our camps will be compact and we will light as little torches as possible to make them think we lost many at Ardenafast. Once we encamp outside of Azura the garrison will sally out to attack us while the forces in Polis attack our rear. However Lord Simon and Adonis with all of our horsemen will stall the forces of Polis allowing us to crush the garrison and then turn to the other army allowing us to crush them." While there would be more to it than that to explain the smaller details would both be unsafe and take to much time.

"My Lords tomorrow at Sunrise we will march and make siege to Ardenafast. Remember that I will have the largest say on who gets what land lords so if you feel like contributing more men and resources I will remember it." I was using their greed to my benefit although In reality my father would be giving out most of the land I did still have a good say in that process. Many would dislike me if they didn't receive land but I was planning on that anyway.

"You are all dismissed. Sir Alexandros please make your leave as soon as possible. Lord Simon I would like for you to send your fastest rider to the Capital with my request for reinforcements soon as well. I will right down my letter before sunset tonight. The Rest of you go get sleep." The lords all departed to fulfill their duties besides Nikolas.

"Nikolas do you know how to read or write?"

 "Sorry sire I only know the basics and poorly at that."

"I see. When the campaign is over I will hire you a tutor it is important for you to learn these things. But for now the basics will do." I handed him a letter with my seal on it. "Take this to the quartermaster and get fitted for armor. After he gives it to you try it on and get used to it. Practicing with Adonis would be a good Idea but that is up to you. You may take your leave now." Nikolas bows again like he always I would have to get a barber for him too his shoulder length blonde hair is rather unkempt. Mine is too after so many months campaigning so I don't judge too much.

Within a week Ardenafast will be under siege. If The siege goes well then they move onto a more perilous task if it stalls then the whole campaign might falter before they have a chance to attempt ultimate victory.