
The Forgotten Queen

As Yuri and Julius were locked in their days of conflict on land, Serena Grand Admiral of the Romanus Fleet was still aboard her command ship.

The hundreds of ships who'd made the journey the Transport ships had returned to restock and return bring further supplies while contingent broke off to begin harassing Greecian shipping, the majority of the navy meanwhile had by Serena's command begun sailing their way south leaving the waters around Sparta, the south of the Greecian Penninsula housed harbours of two Greecian Nation states, The Athenians and the __________ Serena's plan was to end the superiority of both these forces here and now.

Her own power was limited and she was in essence just a figurehead leader of this strike force but it mattered little this was a request from Julius, from her King... from her beloved person.

And so qualified or not she must fufill this request.